Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 17, 1984, Image 13
Livestock market and auction news Keister’s Livestock Middleburg, Pa. Tuesday, November 13 Report is supplied by Auction CATTLE 409. Choice slaughter steers 66-68.75, Good 64-66.50, Standard 59.0044, Utility 50.00-59. Choice slaughter heifers 60.00-64, Good 55.0040, Standard 50.00-55, Utility 40.00-50. Breaking Utility & Commercial slaughter cows 36.00- 40, few 41.50, Cutter & Boning Utility 32.00-36, Canner & Low Cutter 27.0032, Shells down to 23.00. Yield Grade No. 1 800-1600 lbs. slaughter bulls 40-48.50. FEEDER CATTLE. 400400 lbs. steers 53.0049.00. CALVES 172. Choice vealers 80.0088, Good 70.0040, Standard and Good 90-110 lbs. 54.0047, Utility 80-100 lbs. 35.0042.00. FARM CALVES. Holstein Bulls 90-110 lbs. 50.0042.00. HOGS 428. US No. 1-2 210-235 lbs. barrows and gilts 5142.25, few select 52.85, No. 1-3 190-250 lbs. 50.0041, No. 2-3 190-270 lbs. 48.00- 50. US No. 1-3 3450 lbs. sows 41.50- 46, few 48.50, No. 2-3 3400 lbs. 37- ON FARM FEED GRINDING AND MIXING SERVICE NOW AVAILABLE IN YOUR AREA 41.50. Boars 36.5037.50. FEEDER PIGS 318. US No. 1-3 2030 lbs. feeder pigs 18.00-22 per head, 3040 lbs. 22.0034 per head. SHEEP 19. Good 80-100 lbs. wooled slaughter lambs 60.0044, Utility 48.0044. Greencastle Livestock Greencastle, Pa. Monday, November 12,1984 CATTLE 428. Butcher Steers- Choice 66.0048.75; Butcher Steers- Medium-Good 53.0046.50; Butcher Heifers-Choice 62.0046.00; But cher Heifers-Medium-Good 45.00- 63.00; Butcher Cows-Utility-Good 34.00- few'to 40.00; Butcher Cows-Canners and Cutters 32.00- 37.50; Butcher Cows-Shells 32.00 and down; Butcher Bulls-Medium- Good 42.0044.25.; Stock Steers- Medium-Good up to 58.00; Stock Heifers-Medium-Good 47.50. CALVES 327. Medium-Good Calves-160-220 lbs. 60.0040.00; Medium-Good Calves-125-160 lbs. 55.00- Medium Good Calves -100-120 lbs. 45.0040.00; Medium- SHIPPENSBURG, PA. DAIRY MARKET FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL DON SNYDER 717-532-3323 pennfield feeds Quality - Performance - Service Good talves-60-100 lbs. 40.00-50.00; Holstein Bull Calves up to 80.00; Holstein Heifer Calves 61.00; Light and Green Calves down to 20.00. SHEEP and LAMBS 17. Medium-Good Lambs 48.00-50.00; Butchering Ewes and Bucks 14.00- 18.00. HOGS 92. Good-Choice Rutcher Hogs 190-225 lbs. 47.00-52.00; Good- Choice Butcher Hogs 225-250 lbs. 49.00-53.00; Good-Choice Butcher Sows 400 lbs., up to 45.00; Good- Choice Butcher Sows 400 lbs., up 48.50; Heavy Boars 33.50; Pigs-Per Head 10.00-25.00. Peoria Cattle Thursday, November 15 Report Supplied by USDA Slaughter steer prices 1.50 to mostly 2.00 higher with heifers fully 1.50 higher as live cattle prices kept pace with a steadily advancing dressed beef trade. Cows closed steady to weak with slight decline on Canner and Cutter. Bulls 3.50 to 4.00 lower. Supply mainly good and choice slaughter steers and heifers with Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Wovembur 17,1984-Al3 17% cows. Receipts this week about 1600 as compared to 1326 a week ago and 2056 a year ago. SLAUGHTER STEERS. Choice 2-4 1050-1200 lbs. 65.0dd6.00, couple loads 66.50; 900-1060 lbs. 63.50- 65.50. Mixed good and choice 2-3 900-1100 lbs. 60.5063.50. Couple loads good, few choice 2-3 holsteins 1150-1290 lbs. 58.00. Good 2-3 59.00- 61.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS. Choice 2-4 950-1100 lbs. 62.5064.00, couple loads 64.25-64.50; 800-950 lbs. 61.5063.00. Mixed good and choice 2-3 900-1000 lbs. 60.0062.50. Good 2-3 58.0061.00. COWS. Breaking utility and commercial 2-3 35.00-38.00. Cutter and Boning Utility 1-2 32.00-35.00. Canner and Low Cutter 28.0033.00. BULLS. VG 1-2 1150-2110 lbs. 38.00-43.50. Oklahoma Cattle Wednesday, November 14 Report supplied by USDA Estimated Receipts Same Day Last Year Compared to Tuesday: Feeder Steers and Heifers under 600# steady to 1.00 lower; over 600# Steers steady; over 600# Heifers steady to 50 cents higher. Demand good for Yearlings. Demand light to good for Calves, good Wily for those of know quality and freshness. Bulk supply Medium Frame 1 and Mixed 1-2 350-750 lb. Feeder Steers and 300-600 lb. Heifers. FEEDER STEERS: Medium and Large Frame 1 300400 lb. POURED REINFORCED CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION • Circular Ti • Retaining • Gravity F • Receiver • Slatted F • Basemen Building IXL* We are qualified to handle any poured concrete job you may need. We use a practical aluminum forming system to create concrete structures of maximum strength and durability. For a highly satisfactory job at an affordable price, get in touch with us. POURED FOR DURABILITY Crelfdele /[i concrete walls, inc.l \Bl BRICK CHURCH RD. LEOLA, PA. 17540 FOR SALES & LAYOUT CONTACT GROFFDALE POURED WALIS (717) 656-2016 JAKE KING (717)656-7566 65.00- lot 390# 73.25; 400-500# 63.00- few lots gaunt 70.00 72.30; 500600# 64.0068.50; 600700# 64.70-67.30, short-load 670# gaunt 67.20, short-load 665# full 64.70; 700 800# 63.9066.60; 800850# 62.90 64.10; lot 945# 61.90. Mixed Medium and. Small Frame 1350450 lb. 59.25-64.70; 500 700 lb. 61.0065.50, half-load 545 lb. 66.20, short-load 690 lb. 66.70. Medium and Large Frame Mixed 1-2 275-500 lb. 60.5066.00; 575-700 lb. 62.25-64.75; 725 lb. 62.00. Medium and Large Frame Mixed 2 375-500 lb. 55.2060.50; package 365 lb. 51.75. 570775 lb. 58.0062.25; 895# lot 54.90. Large Frame 2 Holsteins 450 640# thin 47.1047.40. FEEDER HEIFERS: Medium and Large Frame 1 300400# 55.00 61.10; 400500# 53.0060.50 some lots gaunt 60.5061.75; 500600# 55.25- 59.30; 600800# 57.0060.00, small lot 625# 61.50. Mixed Medium and Small Frame 1 320375# 52.7054.50; 420 500# 48.0051.00; lot 570# 54.25. Medium and Large Frame Mixed 1-2 300500 ifi. 50.0054.00, some thin lots 54.0055.25; 500600 lb. 52.0055.50; few lots 600725 lb. 55.0057.50. 7500 5443 Medium and Large Frame 2 300- 500 lb. 45.00-50.00; lot 600# 51.50. FOR THE WEEK: Feeder Steers and Heifers under 600# steady; over 600# Steers 1.00 higher; over 600# Heifers 50 cents to 1.00 higher. Slaughter Cows firm to 3.00 higher largely 1.00-2.00 higher. Bulls steady. »1T» M*