Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 03, 1984, Image 36
A36—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 3,1984 Edward Ensor family was honored at Dairymen Division meeting for 50 years of continuous membership. Accepting recognition are Edna Ensor, left, and Mamie Garrett. Quality production is honored BY JOYCE BUPP Staff Correspondent HUNT VALLEY, Md. - Seven cooperative memberships were honored by the Middle Atlantic division of Dairymen, Inc., for outstanding excellence in quality of milk production throught 1983. The award is a sort of “magna cum laude” of the dairy industry, and only a small percentage of producers annually qualify, due to the strict requirements set for this recognition Winners of the Quality Ex cellence Award are J.P. Wilcox and C.M.Heaps, Fawn Meadows Holsteins, Harold W. and Joyce A. Raubenstine, Robert H. and Mary Ellen Smith, Gilbert A. and Mildred M. Stine, Roy W. and Esther Speak, Carl 0. and Joyce M. Stuff, and Wilmer A. and Elizabeth A. Yoder. All honorees must first meet all Honor Roll, Silver and gold Quality requirements, a quality program begun in 1964 by Maryland Cooperative Milk Producers, predecessor of the current Middle Atlantic division of Dairymen. In addition, Quality Excellence winners must make the Honor Roll every month, with inspection scores of 99 or 100 points. Honor roll requirements are a monthly standard plate count of less than 5,000, and monthly somatic cell count of less than 500,000. In addition, all production must be free of antibiotics, and no suspensions of shipping for any reason. Sediment must reach the Excellent or Good levels, with a freezing point of .530 or better, and member must ship the entire month. Silver winners additionally must make the Honor Roll 11 out of 12" months, and on that exception month maintain a standard plate county of 50,000 or less. Inspection scores must be 92 points or higher. Gold Quality winners are required to make the Honor Roll all 12 months, with inspection scored of 92 points or higher. Also honored at the cooperative’s luncheon awards program was one 50-year con tinuous membership. Edward and Edna Ensor, Falls Road, Parkton, began shipping milk from about 25 cows in 1934, marketing their production through the Maryland Cooperative Milk Producers. Today, herd size is at 90 head of milkers. This is the second 50-year award for the Ensor family. A dairy operation run by Ensor and his father earned their first 50-year plaque from MCMP in 1974. Quality production awards include GOLD CERTIFICATES 1983 David L Beiler or Amanda F Beiler Paul F Brower or Treva M Anders Edwin t Calhoun or Carolyn L Calhoun James D Dougherty and/or Lorraine W Dougherty Vernon R Foster William C Galbreath or Jean F Galbreath Hawhs Hill Farm Inc William D Hesson Ml or Mary E Hesson Alpha A Kauftman or Frannie L Kauffman Levi H ** u kh Kinsinger and/or Lydia A Kinsinger Joseph H Koepper Jr or J H Sr or Joseph Koepper Robert W Mays Robert L McCuller or Nancy J McCuller Robert E Measell or Sandra K Measell Available on New Holland Equipment • Manure Spreaders • Grinder Mixers • Forage & Hay Equipment Nb ' rs k ***V, Quality Excellence award winners honored by Dairymen, Inc. include, from the left, Mildred and Gilbert Stine. John Wilcox and Martin Heaps, partners in Fawn Meadows farms; and Joyce and Harold Raubenstine. Russell N Miller or Rodney G Lee William A Myers or Donna L Myers Kenneth E Oliver or Fay M Oliver Rocksvu Farm Thomas P orCA Ensor Glenville L Shade and/or Curtis Shade Harold E Stahl or Janice M Stahl Norman M Stauffer or Mary B Stauffer George Tubies and/or Luzie H Tubies Unicorn Associates Inc W Kenneth Vansant Jr or Darlene T Vansant William P Webster and/or Jayme A Webster Daniel I Wilhide or Patricia A Wilhide W Kenneth Smith SILVER CERTIFICATES 1983 Aene Farm, MF or RW Chamelm Evelyn L Amoss or Hamilton Amoss Jr Robert E Baker or Charlotte E Baker H Howard Barkdoll and/or E You'll like M 12* AHI V HtTimtfr* yvil/li v * aSw jfJUnltui iLWtV SSiMj • BONUS FOR BUYING • EXTENDED TERMS If You've Been Waiting For a Good Beal Geneva Barkdoll Dale L Barshmger Daniel H Bmgaman Jr or Betty L Bmgaman Gary R Brauning Beniamin A Byers or Myra M Byers Wilbur L Danner William J Dickinson or LavaughnP Dickinson Edward H Ensor Ralph F Garber or Marvin L Garber Ray M or Roger A Garber J H Garsl Thomas Hanna Aaron Hert zler High Point Acres c/o Donald L Beard or Linda E Beard Michael A Hockman and/or Nancy C Hockman Malcolm D Hoft or Arlene 8 Hoff Arthur L Kilbourne or Delores H Kilbourne Amos B lanlz or Katie D Lantz Fm 2 Maple Dell Farm #2 William C Mearns Jr or Raiana M Mearns John W Moser or Eva M Moser Richard E Moser or Betty J Moser CarlW Nash and/or SUPER SPECIAL EALS STRIKE AGAIN! T C.E. We Have #, Sandra M Nash Frank B Ober Jr Joseph w Oberholtzer Clayton W Pott or Dolly L Pott David M Reifsmder or Vesta E Reitsmder Ralph L Robertson Jr or Deborah S Robertson Ernest Slabaugh and/or Miriam Slabaugh Douglas H Smith or Rose T Smith Joseph S Stoltzfus Stephen U Stoltzfus Jr Strawberry Hill Farm J E L J J L Schennmg B F Strother and Sons Kenneth H Swartz or Virginia D Swartz Ray M Thomas or Linda K Thomas R Brian Tntapoe or Dean R Tntapoe U Dale Vaughan and/or Donald L Vaughan William H Warns or Mary L Warns Katherine E Wilson or Talmadge D Wilson Jr Wm Douglas Worthington or Linda B Worthington WILEY&SON M Here If Is! 'A 4' 4.; 1