BY DICK ANGLESTEIN NEW HOLLAND - Con signments of H. D. Matz, Ephrata, and Mel Kolb, Lancaster, topped the Annual Dairy Show and Sale at the New Holland Sales Stables on Wednesday. Matz, along with Albert Albright, showed the grand champion selected by Judge Francis Meehan, of Rexville, N.Y. - a Quality Ultimate daughter out of Harrisburg Gay Ideal. Kolb’s reserve champion is a Puget-Sound Sheik daughter out of Harcliff King Janet. Both 100-pound-plus milkers as three-year-olds went onto the auction block first and set the stage for a lively and fast-moving sale. I m t, Reserve champion of Mel Kolb at New Holland Sales Stables Show and Sale is held by Sandy Frey-Thomas. WATER THAT WONT QUIT Ritchie Fountains deliver. Even in the dead of winter they are out there working. You're not. Weatherproof. You bet they are. Heating systems and efficient insulation keep water ice-free... just set the Watt Watcher™ ther mostat for minimal energy use. Big-throated, non-stick plastic valves keep water gushing in. Each of your cows get all the water they need to promote peak production. Ritchie Fountains are tough, too. Quality-built with rugged heavy galvanized steel and CD-50 expoxy finish to stand up to weather and barnlot abuse. ( . WT® mu/m M i .isw-.-t ‘ 4 Matz, Kolb top New Holland Show The grand champion sold for $7,500 to Ralph Albright and the reserve commanded a $19,600 price from David and Donald Alexander, of Indiana. Judge Meehan, past president of the New York Holstein Association and member of the N.Y. Milk Promotion Board, said he picked the Matz entry over Kolb because of her greater maturity. Meehan is also vice president of the Nor theast Dairy Co-op Fedeeration. Both top animals have lots of milk in the family tree. Dam of the Matz’ entry has records over 24,000 lbs. as a four-year-old. Dam of the Kolb entry has a record over 25,000 lbs. as a six-year-old. Top three placings in the various classes of the show include; Why take chances on anything less than a red and yellow Ritchie Fountain? Call your Ritchie dealer for water that won’t quit. Mixed Breed Dry - 1. Kelly and Kevin Bowser, Worthington; 2. Mel Kolb; 3. Bowser. Mixed Breed Fresh - 1. Matz, 2. and 3. Kolb. Two-year-old Bred Heifers - 1. Kolb, 2. Bowser, 3. Bright Meadows Farm, Lancaster. Two-year-old Fresh -1. Kramer and Bowser, 2. Hicks and Springier, Weedsport, N.Y4 3. Stonehurst Farm, Strasburg. Three-year-old Bred Heifers - 1 Stonehurst Farm, 2. Bowser, 3 Bright Meadow Farm. Three-year-old Fresh - 1. Kolb, 2. Stonehurst Farm, 3. Kolb. Mature Dry Cows - 1. 2. and 3. Kolb. Mature Fresh Cows -1. Matz, 2. Kolb, 3. Bright Meadows Farm. the one that keeps rolling when others quit! EH BL Ml Automatic pioneered the development of the unique crusher unit which shells corn and shreds the cob ahead of the rollers which crack the kernels and reduce the cob further. No troublesome screens to change or slow down the capacity. It comes with 8-foot hydraulic intake auger and 54-mch blower. Also available with an 11-inch tilting discharge auger with 10-foot reach in place of the blower. • UNIQUE CRUSHER ROLLS shell the corn, crush the cob ahead of the rolls, no screens to plug. • FATIGUE-PROOF DRIVE SHAFTS, ground and polished • CARBON STEEL ROLLS, hardened to a 56 Rockwell "C", out perform other rolls in capacity and durability. •20-SPLINE, P/t-inch PTO shaft with shear pin protection 539 Falling Spring Road P.O. Box 219 Chambersburg, PA 17201-0219 | Phone 717-263-9111 Ryder supply Grand champion of New Holland Sales Stables Annual Show and Sale is shown with, from the left, Albert Albright, Abe Diffenbach, Judge Francis Meehan, H.O. Matz, and Danny Albright, at halter. Doty Remsburg, well-known member of the dairy industry, died Friday, October 26, at Johns Hopkins, Baltimore. He was 60 years old. Remsburg, of Jefferson, Md., was bom December 10,1923, at the family farm where he lived his entire life. In addition to farming, he founded and operated the Remsburg Sale Service. His leadership in the dairy in dustry included terms as president of the Frederick County Holstein Association and also as president and secretary of the Maryland Holstein Association. in 1072. Remsburg was in- Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 3,1984—A29 Doty Remsburg dies strumental in establishing the “Southeastern Holstein News.” He was a delegate to the National Holstein Convention numerous tunes, and he also managed the National Holstein Sale when it was held in Maryland in 1964 and 1981. A member of the Maryland Dairy Shrine, Remsburg served as a 4-H dairy leader for many years. His agricultural activities also included service on the Maryland State Fair Board. Remsburg is survived by his wife Helen, son Dennis, and daughter Lois Skeen, and two grand children.
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