Rothrock sale (Continued from Page A 22) The “Margaret-ET” cow is one of the 21 “Excellent” cows in the Rothrock herd in addition to the 27 “Very Good” and 12 “Good Plus” animals. The herd B.A.A. stands at 109.6, and includes 31 two and three year olds. Twenty-five cows produced in excess of 25,000 pounds of milk including eight head milking over 30,000 pounds. Fifteen cows made over 1000 pounds of fat. With over 25 years of breeding championship Holsteins, Jack Miller is no stranger to this calibre of cows. He previously managed the Kildee herd and developed over 20 “Excellent” cows including 12 homebred animals and the famous “Bubbler” cow, All-American in 1981 and 1982. He also bred Kildee Elevation Edie, All-American Five Year Old in 1983. Designed For Future “I was able to assist in the design of this facility,” he states of the Rothrock complex. “It was all designed with the future in mind,” he adds. Through his association with Bruce L. Rothrock, the owner of the complex, Miller had the chance to put many of the ideas and plans garnered from his ex perience in the industry into effect. “It was all designed to alleviate stress not only on the animals but on the people working here,” Miller explains about the complex. Careful attention to detail, ad vanced technology, and a stress free environment for top quality animals were priorities. The milking herd is housed in a completely controlled en- AGRI-EQUIPMENT, INC. HOG BDAAMM • Manual • Semi-Automatic • Completely Automatic 5 Models To Choose From 2200 BTU to 14,000 BTU. STORE HOURS: Mon. Fri. 7:30-4:30 Sat. 7:30-11:30 (Parts Only) vironment. It includes an evaporation cooling system to air condition the bam with large fans in the walls and ceiling to move air with thermostatic controls. A “Cow Power” system in the center of the comfort stall area uses the cow’s own body heat to heat the adjacent offices and herdsmen apartments. Box stalls utilize a bedding pack off the concrete which consists of shavings over a gravel base and drainage system. Self-locking headgates complete the efficient handling plans and are installed in the bams and exercise yards throughout the facilities. Calves are housed in individual pens and fed whole milk. Above the pens is a sun roof with screening below to keep out birds. Three 25’ x 65’ silos are utilized in the feeding program as haylage, high moisture shelled corn, brewers grain, soybean meal, cottonseed and minerals are fed in a total mixed ration to the 200 plus Holsteins housed on the farm. A feature in the feed room are the magnets installed along the con veyors and in the mixer wagon. Milking animals receive only top quality forages and an independent nutritionist oversees the feeding rations. The milking cows are fed four times a day with producers over 130 pounds being fed five times a day. Adjoining Offices Dry cows are housed in a separate barn and are fed on a fence-line bunk and allowed on pasture. Adjacent to the dry cow barn is an older bank barn which was completely remodeled into a Is Your Complete S.B.M. Brooder Supply Center SAVE ENERGY WITH THESE EFFICIENT RADIANT HEAT BROODERS Ufa Offer Complete Installation COMPLETE SYSTEMS. EQUIPMENT, SALES, INSTALLATION. SERVICE £ FOR CATTLE, HOG, POULTRY AND ORAIN AGRI- 2754 CREEK HILL RD.. LEOLA. PA 17540 (Lancaster County) PHONE: 717-656-4151 Fed Whole Milk POULTRY BROODERS • LPGas • Natural Gas EQUIPMENT, .hc modern maternity facility. Pipeline and bulktank are included in the box stall setup for efficient handling of fresh animals. While shavings are the preferred bedding throughout the farm, straw is used in the maternity pens to reduce uterine infections. Office and reception areas oc cupy the front of the barns. Next to these are special areas for embryo transplanting, vet work, treat ment, or fitting. Miller’s office was also well planned in that it includes a view of these adjacent facilities, as well as the milking herd and calf area. A pest control mist system and a Slurrystore are also in corporated into the complex. Foundation Herd As impressive as they may be, the modern facilities do not out shine the stars of the farm - the carefully purchased foundation herd of Rothrock Golden Holsteins. The foundation began with the purchase of “Dot” and “Dash”, the highest production twins in the Holstein breed. The 2E-92, “Dash” currently has a son on the farm being collected and sampled. There is also Walkup Valiant Lou Ella with a box stall all her own. “Lou Ella” is the highest producing two year old on the farm with over 29,000 pounds of milk and a 4.2% fat test for her first record. She is currently contracted and has sparked the interest of six A.I. organizations and five foreign countries. The 1983 Eastern Pennsylvania Champion, Down Home Pete Sandy, occupies a box stall next to the 1984 Champion, Angel PB Abbie-ET. “Sandy” completed one of the highest records on the farm with 34,690 pounds of milk TURKEY BROODII& SBMi INFRARED HEATING. IHC. Lancaster Firming, Saturday, November 3,1984—A25 Jack Miller, manager of Rothrock complex, in office ad jacent to environmentally controlled cow barn. and 1,180 pounds of fat in 365 days at three years and seven months. She is currently pumping out 150 pounds per day. Not far behind her is “ Abbie-ET” who recently tallied in with 32,470 pounds of milk and 3.7% fat at three years and two months of age. The bam which also houses two own Ivanhoe daughters, looks like a “who’s who” in the Holsteion breed as stall after stall houses a champion, an “Excellent”, and, or an out standing producer. Type, index, and production, in that order incorporates the breeding philosophy at Rothrock. “We basically tried to start out here with a foundation of high producing cows,” Miller says. But, he adds, “we’re always looking for another great cow family to be represented in the Rothrock herd.” PH: 717-636-3322 p H . 717-736-2173 717-295-1729 RD3.Boi9IA 2998 West Newport Rd. Quarryvllle, PA 17566 Ronks, PA 17572 2 mile* West of I 2>/i miles East of Leota Georgetown on Furnace . Along Rt. 772 j Rd. i DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED >, “All this wouldn’t be possible without the hard work and dedication of top-notch em ployees,” Miller continues. Seven full time employees care for the royalty housed in the bam and farm the 700 acres. Additional part time help is hired as needed. The Golden Opportunities Sale was one of the long range goals of Rothrock and Miller and they hope to make it a bi-annual event of the Holstein breed. “In time...,” Miller states, “it will be an outlet for us to be selling a lot of olur ET offspring and perhaps some of our donor cows.” “We tried to get out standing families represented in the sale.” Backus Associates, Inc., N.Y., will be co-managing the sale. There will be an open house on Friday evening, Nov. 9, for breeders to view the consignments and the next day, 70 of the Holstein breed’s finest progeny will be offered to breeders across the nation. “We are committed to breeding an exceptional herd of cattle and to enhancing the entire breed,” state Rothrock and Miller. “We look forward to helping you design your “golden opportunities”. AIR-COOLED PH2 Water Cooled Version Available • Hand Cranked Standard • 24 Air A Water Cooled Model* Available-1 Vi-40 H.P. Dlosals Our Speciality CalLFor Uead Dloaale Let Us Kaow Your Service Problems 24 Hoor®brvice Check Our Prices AUTHORIZED PETTER DISTRIBUTOI HOOVER DIESEL SERVICE NEW PH. NO S One of Goals FETTER DIESELS
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