Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 03, 1984, Image 177
PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE FARM FARM MACHINERY-VEHICLES LIVESTOCK & PERSONAL PROPERTY On Saturday, November 10, 1984 at 9 A.M. at R.DJI, Wrightsville, Penna. York County, located along Route 124, V* mile north of Craley, Pa. in Lower Windsor Twp. The undersigned will offer at public sale the following - REAL ESTATE 36 ACRE FARM Farm consisting of 36 acres, more or less im proved with a frame house with aluminum siding size 28' x 40' with living room with fireplace, new kitchen & dining area 3 bedrooms, has new bath, partial wall to wall carpet, full basement with a cold cellar has chimney for a wood burning stove, house is heated by oil hot water heat other features include storm doors & windows, yard area with trees & shrubbery macadam driveway, other buildings consist of a 30’ x 50’ frame bank barn with 30’ built on implement shed and 15' corn crib also 25’ x 40’ bldg deal for storage & workshop has 2 floors new 36' x 40' pole barn with partial concrete floor, also a 2 car block garage, most bldgs have electric and barn has running water Farm has approx 26 acres of very good fertile farm land, balance in pasture & land around the bldgs, good road frontage along State & Twp highway Farm has 2 good wells of water and all bldgs are in good to very good condition If on the market for a farm be sure to inspect this one and attend the public sale Real estate will be open for your in sped ion on Sat Oct 27 HAM to 2 P M or by special appt with the owner, 244 2985 or auc tioneer 252 3591 Terms 10% down, balance in 45 days Other conditions will be given at time of sale Will be offered at 1 P M on day of sale NOTE All drapes curtains & TV aerial go with the real estate FARM MACHINERY Super A Farmall tractor with workers, two way plows, sickle bar mower & snow plow, Farmall Super C tractor with workers completely rebuilt, Farmall 656 gas tractor, 320 Watonna Mustang tractor with 2 buckets hydrostatic used approx 325 hours and in very good condition, J Deere T -24 baler with kicker, Flesston 110 self propelled haybme, McCormick 125 SPV self propelled combine 14 ft cut, New Holland hay crimper, BMB 6 ft bushhog, Dunham cultipacker, Int 36 tran sport disc, J Deere 3 bottom plow on rubber, Athens 5 tooth chisel plow, New Idea No 7 corn picker, J Deere 290 Double row corn planter, Oliver double row corn planter, Ontario 16 hoe disc drill, Farm Bilt 14’ rubber tire wagon, 7 ton gravity gram wagon on case running gear, New Idea #l2 manure spreader, also a #l2 spreader for parts, New Idea 7' mower, J Deere 10’ spreader on rubber, 36' conveyor, 2 New Idea side delivery rakes, Bnllion stalk cutter with blower, 18' corn elevator, 1 H 76 combine PTO bin, J D No 7 corn shelter, drag approx 30’, shaver post driver, wood saw, wood splitter, farm items consisting of Lincoln 180 AMP-AC arc welder, */« H P air compressor, power saw, two wheel cart, two wheel farm trailer, 275 gal gas tank with Bennett electric pump in VG condition, 2 18 Ft and 1-40 Ft wooden ext lad ders platform scales, horse plow, rubber tire wheelbarrow, one hole J D corn shelter with motor, old 1 hole corn shelter, 8-10 Ft cherry planks, 20 pcs of 2’x6', other used lumber, 2 piles of stove wood, scrap pile, 3 water troughs, Sears garden tractor, 5 H P yard vacuum, leaf mulcher & pickup, Sears elec table saw, log chains, steel drums, elec fence chargers, hand oil & gas pumps, usual small items off the wagons, also approx 15 ton of barn foundation stone LIVESTOCK 1 Purebred Simmental cow, 1 purebred Simmental bull, both 3Vi yrs old, 2 Angus & Keena cows, 2 Keena cows Note some cows are with calf All cattle will be blood & TB tested & mnoculated within 30 days of sate VEHICLES 1931 Model A Roadster Deluxe with rumble seat, 2 spares, trunk rack and m very good condition, also some model A parts, model A frame, 3 Model A blocks, 1930 Model A running gear, 1961 Int truckwith 14 ft body with gram hoist, 1951 F 600 Ford dump truck Note Vehicles will be sold ap prox 12 noon, Personal property consisting of breakfast set, double bedroom suite with spring & mattress, refrigerator, chest freezer, mirror, oak chairs, some small items, cooking utensils, dishes & glassware and many other articles to numerous to mention Note; Majority of farm machinery is in good condition Not responsible for accidents on day of sale. SALE ORDER; Wagon items, farm machinery, vehicles, real estate, livestock, personal property. TERMS; Cash or approved check. Owners MR. & MRS. ROSSPICKEL Jacob A. Gilbert Brian L. Gilbert, Auctioneers Pa. License #336 Phone 252-3591 Refreshments Rights Reserved for New Bridgeville Fire Co. Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday, 500 P M ol each week s publication THURS. NOV. 15 -2 PM KU* 0 V ft Rml fS i^t^ ab l!s sulation Contractor’s R.D 1 Gten RcS* PA fn '"""{"y. Shrewsbury Twp, John W. I°° ls ' ott,ce Furniture, Thompson, Jr .Trustee in Auto, Truck and Trailers. Bankruptcy Sale. Jacob A Located at Kmzey En- Gilbert, Auctioneer terprizes, Inc., T/A Kmzey Insulation at 216 D Street, Wilmington, DE. Michael B. Joseph, Trustee. Rudnick Assoc., Auctioneers. THURSDAY NOVEMBER 15 - Monthly Cow Sale at Mel Kolb, Inc , Maryland Farm, Woodsboro, MD. Vi mile North West ol THURS NOV i>> n on Rt 550 in AM p ubllc PUBLIC SALE OF 45 ACRE HORSE AND HOG FARM, 3V 2 ACRE FARMETTE; FARM EQUIPMENT, HORSES, HAY, ETC. on the farm located about 10 miles northwest of Carlisle, 5 miles north of Newville, Cumberland Co., Pa., turn north off Rte. 641 on Bloserville rd., cross creek, take first road to left, go Vi mile, turn right on Brick Church Rd. to the farm. Follow signs from Rte. 641 at Bloserville Rd. on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24,1984 Sale at 11:00 A.M. - Misc. Items First Real Estate Offered at 12:00 Noon TRACT NO. 1 Approx. 45 acre horse and hog farm. A very desirable farm with following improvements: good frame house with siding includes modern kitchen with built-in stove, cupboards, 2 other rooms downstairs, carpets, custom made drapes, setting for wood stove, oil hot water furnace, 4 bedrooms and bath up stairs, basement. Good bank type bam with 50x70 concrete block addition to main bam, 9 box stalls in main bam, 3 box stalls in another building. 2 hog houses inc. I°o sow gestation house with 11 - 10x20 pens plus 5 - 4x20 boar pens, open front Nebraska bldg, with pit below; another bldg, with 18 farrow crates and wire, 8 double deck nurse pens; 30 by 7% ft. outside manure pit. One well for house and horse barn, one well for hog houses, other out buildings. Also has setting and well for trailer hookup. All wells drilled within 6 years. About 40 acres good tillable shale soil, 3 acre woodlot, balance pasture. TRACT No. 2 Nice farmette containing approx. Vh. acres, improved with wood frame house, kitchen and two rooms downstairs, plus summer kitchen, 3 rooms and bath upstairs, oil furnace, also fixed for wood stove. Small bam, fixed for horses, other outbuildings, well for house and barn. Properties are adjoining. Phone Margaret M. Shetron at (717 ) 776-6104 evenings for inspection of properties. TERMS 10% down; balance upon possession or within 90 days. Taylor Andrews and Frances H. DelDuca, Attorneys FARM EQUIP. - AUTO - OTHER ITEMS - HAY - at 11:00 A.M. David Brown 990 Diesel with Kelly loader, chains to fit; Farmall M, wts. and pulley; M. H. 444 with wide front; M.F. 3-16 in. plow; N.H. 273 baler with thrower, good cond.; 6 bales twine; Int. 990 windrower; N.H. 256 rake; N.H. elevator; 2 Bale King rack wagons, 8 ton gears; wagon and bed; 1500 gal. Feed Easy vacuum tandem axle tank spreader; Starline spreader for parts; J.D. disc; J.D. mower; 6 ft. 3 pt. blade; 3 pt. cults; post digger; 3 and 5 ton Stoltzfus feed bins; Lincoln 225 welder; feed cart; Arkfeld 500 lb. portable scales; hog feeders; water medicator; alum, and wooden double ladders; lumber, siding, concrete blocks, anvil, oil drum, Kawasaki cycle, Cadet 75 riding mower, pickup cab, portable gas water heater, wheelbarrow, band type meat saw, 220 meat grinder, meat wrapper, misc. items; lot of Brome grass hay by ton; 1981 Chev. Caprice Classic, 6 cyl., air, etc. 3 REGISTERED QUARTER HORSES - 8 yr. old mare, sired by Skip Brick 2, due to foal in April or May to Echo Sporting Lad; 1 yearling stud colt and 1 weanling stud colt; some tack sells. Terms Cash or Good Check. Lunch at sale; Identification required for Bidder’s Numbers. JAMES H. SHETRON & MARGARET M. SHETRON R.D. 4, Newville, Pa. 17241 Ralph W. Horst, Marion, Pa. 17235, Auctioneer Lie. No. AU-000437-L Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 3,1984—041 tors, Farm Machinery & Trucks. Located near Queen Anne, MO. Rt. 404 to 309 - (Queen Anne - Cordova Rd.) Going towards Cordova, pass RR tracks, take the first road left, then left again, first farm on left. Signs posted from Rt. 404. Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Connol ly, Owners. Harry Barrett & Chester Lee Carroll, Auctioneers. THURS. NOV. 15 - 6 PM Public Liquidation Auc- PUBLIC AUCTION CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT CARS, TRUCKS, LOADERS, ETC. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15,1985 11A.M. FELTON. DELAWARE Attention Contractors & Equipment Dealers Consignments are now being taken Consign Now Call or write us for consignment forms. Chester Lee Carroll Harry Barrett, Jr. Sis. Mgr. P.O. Box 307, Felton, Delaware 19943 302/284-4911 302/284-4541 gar rolls ales co. V O BOX 307, E) S HI II TELTON, DELAWARE 19943 302/284-4911 302/284-4541 PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY and REAL ESTATE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24,1984 DIRECTIONS: Off Route 30 at Hellam Exit, go south, cross Market St. (Rte. 462) continue on Freysville Road 1.7 miles turn left, 2nd place on left. REAL Two and Vz story, 6 room frame house; aluminum siding exterior, full bath on Ist floor, cemented basement. Home heated with oil fired hot air. Approx. 1 acre lot also includes two story summer house and two story frame barn/garage. Home affords beautiful view of Hellam Township. TERMS: 10% Down Day of Sale, Balance in 45 Days. Inspection by Appointment: 757-5948 or 266-3732. ANTIQUES - FURNITURE - GLASSWARE Dovetailed cradle w/heart hole, round oak pedestal table w/boards, 2 oak washstand, oak dressers (painted), cedar chest, rope bed, dry sink w/drawer? on side, dresser w/glass knobs, Victor Victrola, oak rocker, morticed bench, wood box, oak clothes tree, 4 oak dining chairs, doughtray, pressed back & plank bottom chairs, high chairs, iron beds, Dietz lantern, ccckoo clock, Columbia cookstove, coal oil stove, sideboard, copper wash baler, lot 78 records, slaw cutter, meat saw, flat irons, tin comb box, maitle clock, blue glass coffee table, food chopper, spring scales, copper ea kettle, food grinder, coffee grinder, wall table, floor lamps, watches, Gabriel alarm clock, doilies, pretzel canes, rugs, milk cans, oak office chairs, reed baskets, picture frames, cast skillets, Wearever pots/pans, bedspreads, dresser scarves, lot kerosene lamps. Neumans ice cream plate, Noritake plates, flowered glasses, England china cups/saucers, Bear bank, Halls teapot, graniteware, bell/flowered goblets, sherberts, wines. Planters peanut jar, Ironstone shaving mug, oatmeal dishes, lot depression glass, fluted carnival, white/green glass, hand painted pitcher/glasses, crocks, crock bowl, jugs, cement rabbit, lot Pfaltzgraff dishes, wash bowl, lot decorative glassware & more. Kelvinator elec, range, Hot Point refrigerator, Standard sewing machine, Lady Kenmore ringer washer, Philco refrigerator, Speed Queen ringer washer, Westinghouse elec, range, Sylvania TV, Silvertone radio/record player, broiler oven, telephone bench, end tables, roll-away bed, hospital bed, geriatric chair, table lamps, sofa, kitchen cabinet & more. GUNS - FARM EQUIPMENT - TOOLS Baker 12g. hammer, dbl. barrel shotgun, Remington .32 cal. pump rifle, Winchester 16 ga. single shot gun, JC Richards 10 ga. single shot gun, U.S. Revolver Co. 32C hand gun, Defender 89 hand-gun (Empire State), Focal 7X35 binoculars. Farmall cub tractor w/plow, cultivators & snow plow, 1951 jeep, David Bradley garden tractor, John Deere 56 riding mower, John Deere 110 lawn tractor w/mower & snow blade, Kaiser Fraser roto-tiller, Craftsman rotary mower, truck ladder rack, 36’ alum, ladder, 25’ wooden ladder, roof jacks, step ladders, ton chains, bicycle, shovels, jacks, elec, grass trim mers, scythe, buck saw, axe, shoe lathe, harness, traps, lot tools. TERMS: CASH OR GOOD CHECK WILLIAM F. FREY R.D.24 York, Pa. Mrs. Hellen Minnich, P.O.A. William H. Neff, Jr. Attorney Blaine N. Rentzel Emigsville, Pa. 717-764-5115 AUCTIONEER tion of Country Store In ventory & Real Estate. Located along Rt. 25 in the village of Sacramento, Schuylkill Co., PA. Ruth Stehr, Owner Mike & George Deibert, Auc tioneei s. THURS. NOV. 15 - 9:30 AM Public Auction of Anti ques, Personal Property and Real Estate. Located at 800 Madison Ave., York. PA. Harold L. Mathews Estate. Evelyn W Mathews, Owner. iTATE 1:00 P.M. Blaine N. Rentzel, Auc tioneer. THURS. NOV. 15 - 11 AM Public Auction of Farm Machinery Bankruptcy Sale. Located 1 mile south of Rt. 40 on Rt. 896. Bear. DE. Stephen W. Spence, Trustee Iron Hill Auction. Inc., Joe B. & Larry D Baines, Auctioneers. FRIDAY NOVEMBER 16 - 6:30 PM Public Auction of Feeder Cattle and Feeder Pigs. Located at Keister's Middleburg Auction Sales, Inc., Rt. 522, 3 miles east of Middleburg, PA., 5 miles west of Selinsgrove, PA. Don & Walt Keister, Owners. Ray Long & Dave Imes, Auctioneers. FRIDAY NOVEMBER 16 - 5:30 PM Gap Auction. An tiques and Household Goods sold at every auc tion. Located off Rt. 41, Lancaster Turkey Hill Mi nit Market, cross RR bridge, Ira Stoltzfus & Son, Auctioneers. FRIDAY NOVEMBER 16 - 10 AM Public Auction o< Farm Machinery. 1 PM Sale of Valuable 105 Acre Dairy Farm Real Estate. Located in East Drumore Twp. approx. 18 miles south of Lancaster on Rt. 272 East to Tangle wood Golf Course, East on Scotland Rd. to Center Rd. Turn right on Conow ingo Rd. First lane on right. Or from Lancaster Rt. 222 south of Quar ryville. West on Scotland Rd. left on Conowingo Rd. 1 '/j miles to farm on right. Pine Valley Farms, Glenn & Dave Hess. Owners. Kreider & Kline, Auc tioneers. .’1 I* Y- :