Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 03, 1984, Image 175
PUBLIC SALE Personal property of Mrs. Martin (Dorothy) Meyers from Chambersburg. WED. EVt, NOVEMBER 7,1984 5:30 P.M LOCATION: West Pennsborro Township Fire Hall Plainfield on Route 641, 5 miles west of Carlisle or 5 miles east of Newville. From 181 Plainfield Exit No. 12 Route 465 north to 641, turn left, or from Newville Exit No. 11 Route 233 north to Newville turn right on 641. ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLDS: Nice large copper apple butter kettle, (dove tailed); Ingrham 8-day mantle clock; John Hanamafer glass dome clock; copper wash boiler; old child’s cradle; wooden butter churn; deacons bench; counter scales; cherry seeder; basket; egg crate; cow bell; oval picture frame; 5 gal. glass bottle dated 1932. Secretary-type desk. Some pieces of old Carnival including, dishes, couple signed N, bud vases, 2 sets pitchers & glasses, berry set, etc. Heisey pieces; pink depression; chicken on nest; Guardian Service kettle; iron griddle & skillet; milk can; light. 3 Pc. living room suite; 2 chairs, one Colonial; 2 deacons benches; library table; breakfast set; high chair; G.E. clothes dryer; porcelain end stove; cupboards & utility cabinet; single bed; elec, flood light; crocks; canning jars, ice cream freezer; Banjo; Guitar; Mandolin; 2 adding machines; bu. crates; *2 bu. baskets; galvanized tub, etc. TOOLS Craftsman bench saw & 4 in. jointer; elec drill, saw, sander & hedge trimmers; soldering kit; C clamps; saws; horse shoe hammer & clmtcher, etc. child’s sled; wheel barrow. Much more not listed (brief list). Inspection sale day from 3:00 p.m. Terms cash or good check, ID required for buyer’s number Lunch stand MRS. MARTIN (DOROTHY) MEYERS Owner Auctioneers; Art Rife AU-000-768-L Ph- 776-3645 Keith Bartles Wickard & Son, clerks GAP COMMUNITY RELIEF SALE This sale is sponsored by Amish and Mennonite Churches to help raise money for the Mennomte Martin’s Sales Stable 2 mi. east of Intercourse, PA at Rt. 340 & New Holland Road v «Mwr Sausage & Pancake Breakfast & 6 A.M. to 9 A.M. feeder P |GS hand crafted furniture CERTIFICATES FS from G Aftnc?* rS LOCAL BUSINESSES N TOOi<t G °Oos TOOLS THERE WILL BE HOMEMADE SOUP - 8> SANDWICHES & ICE CREAM *2’ Fashioned Hymn Sing ,jg£? Friday, November 9, 1984 JuMMmy at 7:15 P.M. Featuring Local Groups & Congregational Singing from Life Song No. 2 For More Information Call JOE ENGEL 717 442-4361 hand made items QU/I y. Kr S CANNED GOODS HOUSEWARES r’wUppi.ES vjj/ Old Central Committee forld World Wide Relief Saturday, November 10, 1984 9:00 A M. DONATIONS ARE WELCOME CONTACT MR LEON KURTZ 215 593 5397 MR LEON SUMMERS 717-442-4231 MR RAYMOND KAUFFMAN 717 799-3996 MR MENNO EBV 717 799-9637 MR LEROY LAPP 717 442-4914 MR JOHN R PETERSHEiM 717 769-3374 MR JOE ENGEL 717-442 4361 POTATOES ft PUBLIC AUCTION VA 2.85 ACRE FARMETTE dh FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23,1984 Auction Time 2:00 P.M. LOCATION: Take Route 422 East from Lebanon to Myerstown. In Myerstown take Route 645 North approx. 2 miles to Little Kutztown. Property on Right, Jackson Township, Lebanon County, Pa. 2Vz STORY FRAME DWELLING Contains eat-in kitchen with built-in cabinets, washer and dryer hookup; family room, living room, bath, 3 bedrooms, concrete basement, attic area. with 16x24 ft. lean-to; 16x32 tt. poultry house; 2 car garage; small corn crib; pigeon houses to house approx. 450 pair. * Aluminum Siding * Storm Windows * Large Garden Area * Pasture Area * Macadam Drive * Mature Shade * Well With Pump * Hand Dug Well with * Grape Arbor Pump * Raspberry Plants NOTE: BUILDINGS IN EXCELLENT CONDITION. See this nice farmette at OPEN HOUSE Saturdays, November 10th and 17th from 12:00 noon to 3:00 p.m. For transportation to see property or assistance in obtaining financing, call Paul E. Martin, Auct. at 717-733- 3511, TERMS: 10% Down day of Auction, Balance at Settlement in 30 Days. Auction by: JACOO R & MARY K STOLTZFUS 649 South Ramona Road Myerstown, PA 17067 Henry Steiner, Attorney Auction conducted by: J&P Auctions Paul E. Martin, Auct. - AU-001601-L Ephrata, Pa. 717-733-3511 John D. Stauffer, Auct. - AU-001509-L Lititz, PA 717-665-5099 SALE BEGINS AT 9:00 A.M LIVESTOCK AT 11:00 A.M. QUILTS AT 12:00 NOON A ,^)t*'cVCV ' ES BARN Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5 00PM o( each week s publication Equipment. Tools, Truck, SAT NOV 10 -9 AM Butcher Tools. Located 8 Public Auction of Tools, m,les west <* York on Rt Household, Guns, Car & 30 B°' n B lust beyond the Real Estate Located at ?i rp °? * nd takin 8 B '« 122 West Mam St, Mount Rd north 1 mile Belleville, PA W T then T .he Pine Rd east Eckles, Owner Mark 2/10 mile in York Co ,PA Click, Auctioneer Charles Sidenstncker, — - Owner. Clair R Slay ba ugh, Auctioneer rf l e *** SAT NOV. 10 - Pubii Pubhc Aucbon of Farm Auction of a Complet BANKRUPTCY AUCTION FARM MACHINERY THURSDAY, NOV. 15,1984 11:00 A.M. Directions' 1 mile South of Route 40 on Rt. 896 Bear, DE. ITEMS 1-International F-986 Tractor (1493 hours), 1-Allis Chalmers 333 "No Till” planter (6 row), 1-Atlas 10 ft. chisel plow, 1-Atlas 11 ft chisel plow, 1-Tandem disk (17 ft.l, 1-John Deere 16 ft 'S" bottom plow, 1-International 510 Grain Drill, 1-15 ft. Bnllion Cultipacker, 2-5 ft. Bnllion Cultipackers, 2-tractor wheels with tires (19.4x38), Grove flat wagon, 1-Noble Harrow, 1-Big Rhino with 7 ft blade, Little Giant tunnel wagon, Favorite Tunnel wagon, 1- Two wheel wagon, Oliver flat wagon, Electric & hand pumps, 7 Hydraulic cylinders with hoses, 3 WAGON LOADS OF SMALL ITEMS TOO NUMEROUS TO ITEMIZE INSPECTION; From 9 a.m. day of sale until sale time TERMS OF SALE: Cash, certified check or guaranteed funds BANKRUPTCY CASE #B4-2021 Stephen W. Spence, Trustee IRON HILL AUCTION, INC. Auctioneers: Joe B. Baines Larry D. Baines (302) 453-9138 Sale held rain or shine ❖ INVENTORY REDUCTION % SALE ± new - ELECTRICAL - used X SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10,1984 X 9:00A.M. LOCATION: 1 mile east of Ephrata, 852 E. Main St.. Rt. 322 or l /« ’mile west of Rt. 222 and Rt. 322 interchange. 1 QUANTITY CONDULETS all sizes, LB’s etc., covers & gaskets, junc tion boxes, FS boxes, explosion proof; CONDUIT nguid, EMT, alum., (greenfield, 4 in sealtight, nipples, coupl., mfg. ells; service heads; Caddy fastners; straps, hangers; stand-offs; Mmerallac; K.O. covers; locknuts; ’bushings; beam clamps; reducing washers; threaded reducers; EMT • fittings; threadless fittings; greenfield conn.; sealtight conn.; quantity i Umstrut& others. BOXES wall, ceiling, metal, fibre, extensions, plaster rings, 4x4,411/16, junction; grommets; wirenuts; T & B crimp terminals to 350; tran sformers; C.T.’s; quantity SWITCHES; recept.; plates - plastic & metal; iCrouse Hinds 3 ph. recept.; Remcon switches; sealing compound; relays; ,pilot lights; wire - THW, USE, triplex, multi-conductor; wire sleeving - plastic, fibreglass; Therm-O-couple wire - probes; thermostats - low, line 1 voltage, electric heat. 1 WIREMOLD FITTINGS, quantity: motors; FIXTURES - Progress, iSwiviher, Virden, Prescolite, Fluorescent, mercury; ballasts - fluor., mercury, 400 wtt., wide light, Mini-Merc; Fluor, bulbs; medicine cabinets; lighted sign; panels, switches -1 ph., 3 ph., dust tight; pressure switches; starter; breaker; push button; trough thru 6 in. & fittings; meter bases ■ thru 5 gang; floor boxes - flush, surface, Hubbel; line material & related .hardware; spools; racks; Hi-voltage fuse cutouts; guy wire; refrigeration; pressure switches; rectifiers; resistors; air-handlers; condensers: heat exchangers - some large; terminal blocks; amp-volt chart recorder. GREENLEE K.O. PUNCHES thru 4 in.; fish tapes; wire pulling grips; wire measuring equipment; parts bins; shelves; warehouse carts; ex tension ladder; stackable parts drawers; Hickeys; heat stapler; power buss; plug-in switches - G.E., West., Fed., Sq. D, Zmsco, ITE; fuses; fuseholders; cut-outs; telephone equipment - relays & cable; electronic supplies; electric heaters, barrel; instrument panel; meters; fastners; Hiltigun; scaffolding; stud punch; air circuit breaker - 800 A, 1000 A. Many more items to numerous to mention. TERMS: COMPETE PAYMENT SALE DAY IN CASH OR GUARAN TEED FUNDSONLY. Terms by: EDGAR H. MARTIN ELEC. SUPPLIES T. Glenn Horst, AUOOO43BL Timothy G. Horst, AU001767L 859-1331 or 738-1245 NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS REFRESHMENTS Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 3,1984—D39 Herd Dispei al Sale. Located at J.V. Farms, Douctassville, PA., exit PA turnpike, Morgantown, north 176 to 422, east to 662, west to 562. east 2 miles to farm. Jesse E Terry, Owner. % SAT NOV 10 - 9:30 AM Located: 2 miles East of Manheim along Doe Run Rd., Lane Co., PA Public Sale of Farm Equip., & H H Goods. Sale by Paul A Verna Bruckhart Walgemuth Auct. Service C.H.-Bob-Dennis, Auc faoneers. SAT. NOV 10 - 10 30 AM Pubic Auction of Household Goods, Anb ques and Farm Equip ment Located in Franklin Co. PA, Traveling PA turnpike, take Blue Moun tain Exit, follow 997 west. '/: mile to sale. 3 miles west of Newburg, 4 miles north of Roxbury. Ralph & BerdeDa Gipe, Owners Lamar Senseng A Melvin Senserag, Auctioneers. SAT NOV 10 -~ 10 AM Public Auction of Antique Autos, Antique Furrxture & 1930's Auto Parts Located in Pottstown. PA From Pottstown, take Rt 422 West to Rt 662 Turn left to go back on Rt 422 east to south over Douglassville Bridge to east on Old Philadelphia Pike to sale site Located between north of Rt 724 or south of Rt 422 J Ruppert Miller tor C C Bicfcel Farms Ken Moyer, Auctioneer SAT NOV 10 - 9 AM Sale to be held at Klemtelter's Auction Room, 105 Chapel St. Lebanon. PA 17042 Located between 7th & Bth Sts. off Willow St (1 block N of Rt 422) Lebanon is located 28 miles East of Harrisburg, approx 28 miles west of Reading, Approx 30 miles north of Lancaster Public Auction of Anbques Col lectaon of Thelma Me Cracken and other local estates Clayton C Klemfelter & Sons Auc faoneers For descnpbve circular write above ad dress or phone 717-865 5129/272-7078