D26—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 3,1984 580 at poultry meeting GEORGETOWN, Del. - The 19th National Meeting on Poultry Health and Condemnations, hjeld in Ocean City, Md. on Oct. 16 and 17, set a new all-time record participation. Five hundred eighty people from 31 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and four foreign countries were registered for the meeting. This annual event, considered one of the outstanding poultry health meetings in the United States, covered subjects m which 37 speakers presented the latest information on a wide area of topics related to grow-out and processing situations. The subjects covered included vaccines and their use, a full review of the 1983- 'B4 avian influenza outbreak, mycotoxins, infectious bursal disease and sanitation and diagnostic procedures, as well as processing problems and their solutions. The event is sponsored by Delmarva Poultry Industry, Inc. (DPI), the regional trade association, in cooperation with the Universities of Maryland and Delaware. G. Thomas Holder, Perdue Farms, Inc., general chairman of the meeting, also serves as chairman of the DPI Poultry Health Committee. This committee is responsible for the planning and operation of the seminar. Proceedings of the conference will be released in December and will be sent to all registrants. Non registrants may obtain copies at $B.OO each postage-paid to U.S. and Canada and $14.00 postage-paid to other destinations. They may be obtained by writing to: Delmarva Poultry Industry, Inc., R.D.2, Box 47, Georgetown, DE 19947 with a check (U.S.Funds only) made payable to “Delmarva Poultry Industry, Inc.” SOMETHING TO CROW ABOUT— LOW CLASSIFIED RATES WITH EXCELLENT RESULTS! MAILBOX MARKET For Sale - Tailgate for Nl 206 manure spreader. David M. King, South of 340 on New Holland Rd Lane. Co. Notice - Will board heifers over winter - Northern York Co Quality silage Interested 717-266-4147 after 8 p.m Notice - For Rent 100 acres farm for deer season. Plenty of deer & stands Montour Co. $3OO 215-437-2431. ,o» £ % Poultry Buildings Barns - Disinfecting Fly Spraying Dairy Whitewashing 6 & 6 HIGH PRESSURE (AGRICULTURAL HIGH PRESSURE WASHING) Barry Garber 367-3649 eg Specializing in Dairy Systems: • Tie Stall & Free Stall Complexes • Heifer & Veal Barns • Machinery Sheds • Republic Steel Buildings For Commercial Use NEED RENOVATIONS... OR A NEW BUILDING? DON’T DELAY - CALL TODAY FARM & COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS RD4 EPHRATA, PA 17522 For Sale - 50 lb. plain brown 4 ply clean paper bags $l5 00 per 100 bags Elk Co. 814-834- 4960. For Sale - Reg Beligan stallion 11 yr old $BOO.OO. Amos S Zook, RDI, Box 249, Meyer sdale , Pa 15552 Somerset Co For Sale - Registered Appaloosa exc. color producing broodmare Foaled 1968 15.2 H grandaughter to Joker B $6OO. Cumb Co. 717- 776-3342. For Sale - Golden Comet pullets starting to lay 717- 354-7294, Lane. Co. For Sale - 3 yr old male, Keeshound & German Shephard dog Friendly, but good watchdog. $25.00. Lehigh Co 215- 776-0963. For Sale - Appleton automatic-feed corn husker nice cond, $5OO 00 or-best offer, Rosenthal steel 40,703-943-1321 For Sale - Farmall H, power steering . pulley; fair cond, $BOO, offer, Leo Co. 717-964-3418 reliable thorough largest equipment no road charge PHONE 717-354-4271 For Sale ■ AC-HDS Crawler loader (as is) $1200.00. 1976 F 350 Ford crewcab PU $lBOO.OO Dauphin Co 717-692-3665 For Sale - Portable vacuum pump, pressure gauge, electric motor, mounted on wheels, with/without milking unit Montg. Co. 215-646-2231. For Sale - 350 metal shelves 4' long 10-12-17 in. wide like new 25 cents each. York Co 717-235- 2032 For Sale - 4 nice hand raised Holstein steers, twelve weeks old, dehorned and well started on gram. York Co 717- 432-4822. For Sale - Sweet pototoes $4 00 - 1/2 bushel. Lane Co Leroy G. Stoltzfus, School Lane Rd.. Gap. Pa. 17527 For Sale - Ashley wood coal combination stove Exc. cond. John K Stoltzfus. School Lane Rd, ROl, Gap Box 768, 17527 For Sale - 4 row JD 444 Corn Head, York Co 717- 456-7372 before 8:00 a.m ► CLIFF E LLINGEI, A -\SS CI.'.TES \ V A r.' “SINCE 1967 BETTER BUILDINGS BY BOLLINGER” COMMERCIAL* INDUSTRIAL DESIGN • ERECT METAL BUILDINGS POLE BUILDINGS BARNS-GARAGES FARM BUILDINGS WAREHOUSES 1/ »U hOINC »vST|MS NC 11 • Progressive Ideas in Pre-Engineered Structures RD 2, DENVER 215-267-6046 LOCATED IN FARMERSVILLE Notice - Trade - young billy goat for nanny goat - will pick up & del York Co 717-252-1249 For Sale - 1 Patz silo unloader for 14 or 16 ft silo. Berks Co 215-285- 6525 For Sale - Nl 323 one-row cornpicker Picked less than 60 acres. In exc cond. $4700.00. Lane Co 717-285-3280. For Sale - Two Herdex and Data filing systems for pigs. One includes space for ISO sows Lane Co 717-653-5244 For Sale - 2 HP motor like new, WD, AC, Farmall H, 10 cans cooler SS Wash Tub. Lane Co. 717-548- 2251. Wanted - Tobacco bale box in good cond Lane Co Daniel S. King, RD2, Box 201, Peach Bottom, Pa 17563 For Sale - Woods L -59 A belly mower; Ford 515 sickle mower. Both like new. Moving and must sell. Lane Co 717-872- 5852 For Sale ■ Top buggy, w/hyd. brakes on steel, food cond. $1075 00 17-354-4768, Lane Co ■ K ¥ A T
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