Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 03, 1984, Image 144
DB—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 3,1984 Pork Producer insurance offered HARTFORD, Ct. - Finally, confinement-system hog producers can help protect themselves against catastrophic losses with a new, comprehensive insurance plan created by The Travelers Companies. Available nationally, the Pork Producers insurance plan has won the endorsement of the National SPF Swine Accrediting Agency, Inc., a national, organization that provides sales assistance and accreditation to hog farmers who have healthy swine. The Pork Producers plan offers broad livestock coverage, that pays farmers for the death of their hogs by fire, storms, collapsing buildings and vehicular accidents. Producers also may buy extra protection to pay them for hogs lost to theft, dog-attacks, plus ac cidental shootings and drownings. In addition to normal livestock coverage, the Pork Producers plan How to store tomatoes NEWARK, Del. - Home gar deners with fruit-laden tomato plants always dread that first fall frost. All those lovely tomatoes lost before they had a chance to ripen! But with special care, that needn’t happen, says University of Delaware extension garden specialist Dave Tatnall. Properly handled, tomatoes will ripen off the vine and keep for up to six weeks. Here’s what to do. Pick undamaged fruits just before the first frost. Wash them and let them dry before storing, separating partly ripe tomatoes SOi the ou W( Pressure-Treated Lumber Wolmanized pressure-treated wood and Outdoor wood have built-in chemical protection that provides resistance to decay and termites. This material has been pressure-impregnated with Koppers Wolman® CCA wood preservative which meets or exceeds federal, state and industry specifications for this type of wood preservative. The chemicals are fixed in the wood and, although toxic to termites and fungi, they are not present in sufficient quantity to be toxic to animals. CALL: OR | / 150 Main St.-Phone 898-2241 LANDISVILLE, PENNA. w W/ 35 1 ft, James St.-Phone 394-7277 & Sons, Inc. *] LANCASTER, PENNA. features protection for hog suf focation. This option replaces the cash-market value of each insured hog from piglets to feeder hogs in the event of suffocation. Travelers plan also offers the incentive of dividends. Depending on the plan’s loss experience, Travelers may return to par ticipating farmers a portion of their premiums in the form of a dividend. The Pork Producers plan also provides property and liability coverage for producers’ farms and homes. The plan’s property coverage offers farmers insurance protection for their buildings in case of fire, vandalism, hailstorms and a variety of natural catastrophes. Similarly, the liability portion offers them in surance protection when they are faced with lawsuits or claims that they may be legally obligated to pay. trom green ones. Pack the tomatoes one or two layers deep in shallow boxes or trays and place them in a dry basement or reasonably cool room with subdued light. Examine the stored tomatoes every five to seven days, separate fruits that show red, and use them first. Discard any that start to decay. With luck, you could still be enjoying homegrown tomatoes well into November. Tatnall says one variety known for its ability to store well is Burpee’s Long- Keeper. knaniz 8982241 5947277 (Continued from Page D 6) option. This instantly alerts the operator when the combine is performing at less than maximum capacity, allowing the operator to make adjustments for faster, more efficient operation. Optional Dial-A-Matic header height control automatically maintains low cutting height when working with flexible cutting platforms or row crop headers. This saves gram while harvesting crops growing on uneven ground. 7 S Deere combines MAXI We Don’t Claim To Build All The Generator Sets Onl POWER IvThe Best! NEW-REBUILT USED-RENTALS FAMOWINO •■STATION Wide-spaced dual wheels, an option on 7720 and 8820 Tital II models, allows wheels to be spaced so they run between 30-inch rows. While this is essential for har vesting crops planted by the in creasingly popular ndge-till method, it offers advantages in any 30-inch crop in terms of im proved tire life, greater floatation, reducted soil compaction, and a smoother ride. The Sidehill 6620 Tital II combine Farrowing Systems are designed with both the sow and farmer in mind Nursery Systems include pig rearing cages or penning equipment Gestation Systems reduce stress and the opportunity for fighting Finishing Systems are designed using top quality penning and feeders. will have the feeder house reverser as standard equipment. It will also have a heavy duty rear axle which permits installation of 4-wheel drive. “We are the only company which specifically addresses harvest on sidehills,” says Jasper, “and we continue to address this problem in the improved Tital II Sidehill 6620 combine.” John Deere Tital II combines will be available for the 1985 harvest season. FARMERS: Don’t Take A Chance On A Contaminated Well PURIFY YOUR WATER WITH SfINJTHQ&f ULTRAVIOLET WATER PURIFIERS • ECONOMICAL • SAFE • FAST • EASY • AUTOMATIC • NO CHEMICALS ADVANTAGES OF THE SANITRON METHOD EFFECTIVE All micro-organisms are susceptible to Sanitron disinfection Effluent is guaranteed to exceed United States Public Health Standards for bacterial purity EPA Approved Capacity: 1.5 gpm to 344 gpm STAINLESS STEEL CONSTRUCTION Call Or Write For Information: JOHN BOMBERGER 216 So. Church St Quarryville, PA 17566 (717) 786-4090 ‘t- r K PIIDIU