Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 03, 1984, Image 13
Livestock market and auction news St. Louis Cattle Thursday, Nov. 1 Report supplied by USDA Receipts This Week 4,100 Week Ago 3,700 Year Ago 3,800 As compared to the previous week’s close, Slaughter Steers .50- 1.00 higher. Slaughter Heifers 1.50- 2.00 higher. Cows weak to 1.00 lower. Few Bulls steady. Slaughter supply mainly Choice Steers and Heifers, around 15% Cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Mixed Choice and Prime 2-4 1050-1225 lbs. 62.00. Choice 2-41000-1250 lbs. 61.00- 62.00. load mostly 2’s, few 3’s 62.50; 900-1000 lbs. 60.00-61.00. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 900-1200 lbs. 60.00- Good 2-3 900-1175 lbs. 58.00- Mostly Good 2-3 1050- 1350 lb. Holsteins 51.00-56.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Mixed Choice and Prime 2-4 900-1100 lbs. 61.00. Choice 2-4 900-1050 lbs. 59.50- 61.00; 800-900 lbs. 57.0(W9.60. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 800-1000 lbs. 57.00-59.50. Good 2-3 750-975 lbs. 54.50-57.00. COWS: (Closing week sales) breaking Utility and Commercial 24 35.00-37.00. Cutter and Boning Utility 1-2 34.00-37.00. High- Yielding Utility 1-2 37.00-38.00. Canner and Low Cutter 1-2 31.00- 34.00. Shelly Canner 1-2 27.00-31.00. BULLS: YG 1-2 1050-2100 lbs, 43.0047.00. Wednesday’s Weekly Sheep Auction. Receipts around 450 head. Compared with last week, Wooled GARDEN CARTS With Dump Fronts^ '^g lII’ UNASSEMBLED... *lO.OO LESS! Than Sato Prlcas Shown SALE PRICE * bmall Oart • ■ aa Regularly $159.00 ■ 2" • Large Cart » a Regularly $179.00 W BOWMAN'S STOVE SHOP RD3, Ephrata. PA 17522 Rt. 322,1 Mi. East of Ephrata 17 17) 733-4973 Tues., Wed. 10-6: Thurs., Fri. 10-8: Sat. 10-4 and Shorn Slaughter Lambs 3.00- 5.00 higher, most advance on lambs over 100 lbs. No recent price comparison on Feeder Lambs. Trading moderate to active, especially on shorn lambs. Supply modera t 6. SLAUGHTER LAMBS: Mixed Choice and Prime wooled 80-100 lbs. 52.00-56.00; 100-110 lbs. 60.00- 62.00, one lot 120 lbs. 68.00. Same grades shorn with No. 1-2 pelts 99- 120 lbs. 66.00-70.00, mostly 68.00- 70.00. SLAUGHTER EWES: A few Utility to Good 10.00-13.00. FEEDER LAMBS: Mixed Choice and Fancy 60-90 lbs. 50.00- 56.00. GOATS; Few 18.00-20.00 per head. FEEDERS: (including around 1,600 at the regular Thursday auction.) Feeder Steers under 500 lbs. 2.00-3.00 lower; 500-600 lbs. steady to 1.00 higher, over 700 lbs. steady. Feeder Heifers firm. Demand light for calves, moderate on yearlings. FEEDER STEERS: Medium and Large Frame 1; 300-500 lbs. 56.00-60.00; 500-600 lbs. 62.50-64.00, one lot 66.00 ; 600-700 lbs. two lots 60.25 ; 700-900 lbs. 59.5082.00, one lot 737 lbs. 64.00. Medium and Large Frame Mixed 1 and 2; a few 400-500 lbs. 49.0056.00. Urge That’s what you need today. Hybrids you can count on for high earnings year after year. And that’s why so many farmers build their corn programs around Funk’s G-Hybrids. They know they can count on consistent performance, under a variety of stresses, through good years and bad. Frame No. 2 Holsteins: couple lots 350-950 lbs. 40.00-46.00. FEEDER BULLS: Medium and Large Frame 1; couple lots 375-600 lbs. 50.00. FEEDER HEIFERS: Medium and Large Frame 1: few 300-400 lbs. 44.00-46.50, one lot 52.25; 400- 800 lbs. 50.00-54.00. Medium and Large Frame 1-2; few 400-600 lbs. 45.00-51.00. Omaha Weekly Thursday, Nov. 1 Report supplied by USD A „ Slaughter Steer and Heifer prices were .50 to mostly 1.00 higher, instances 1.50 higher than last week. Prices advanced on Monday in the face of somewhat higher dressed beef prices and good packer demand. This coming about even though Cattle Slaughter increased from last week’s levels. Slaughter Cows 1.00-1.50 lower, Instances 2.00 lower. Slaughter Bulls 1.00-1.50 lower. Estimated 5 day receipts this week 9,400; actual receipts last week 7,595 and 10,687 last year. Steers comprised 26 pet of the week’s receipts, Heifers 33 pet, Cows 6 pet and Feeders 34 pet. SLAUGHTER STEERS ; Closing sales small package Choice, few Prime 2-41290 lbs. 64.50. Choice 2-4 1050-1300 lbs. 62.50-64.00. Mixed Good and Choice 28 1050-1150 lbs. Consistent performance that gives you a bigger cut of the earnings. 61.00-62.50. Good 58.00-61.00. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 Holsteins near 1200 lbs. 53.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Load Choice and Prime 2-4 near 1150 lbs. 62.75. Choice 2-4 950-1125 lbs. 60.50- 62.00. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 900-1050 lbs. 59.00-61.00. Good 56.00- 59.00. Average of LS 214 Quotations for Choice 900-1100 lb. Steers This week 61.75, 1100-1300 lbs. 63.25. Average cost Steers this week 62.51, average weight 1168 lbs. as compared to 60.77 and 1155 lbs. last week. Average cost Heifers this week 60.42, average weight 1047 lbs. as compared to 59.79 and 1042 lbs. last week. SLAUGHTER COWS; Closing sales few breaking Utility 2-3 39.00- 39.50. Cutter and Boning Utility 1-2 34.50-38.00. Canner and low Cutter 30.00-34.50. SLAUGHTER BULLS; 1-2 1300- 1700 lbs. 44.25-47.25. East Coast Carlot Wednesday, October 31 Report supplied by USDA Compared to Tuesday’s close: Prime Special Fed Veal steady to 1.00 lower. Good and Choice Boning Veal steady to 2.00 higher. Inshipped steady with last Mon day. Lamb steady in light test. Boneless Beef Trimmings 2.00 lower compared to last week. Today, this consistent performance means more to you than ever. It means reliable production to keep your oper ation running efficiently on home-grown feeds... to put a bigger cut of the earn ings in your pocket. So don’t cut yourself short. See your Hoffman Seed man or Funk’s G-Dealer for your order now. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 3,1984-Al3 , Hoffman Seeds, Inc PA 17538 Perform; mceyouca VEAL CARCASS Hide On Prime (Special Fed) Hide on 230 Head 220-280 lbs. 150.00-152.00, steady -1.00 lower. Good & Choice Boning Type Hide On Northeastern Suppliers: 65-75# 83.g0-85.00, steady-2.00 higher; 55- 64# 81.00-83.00; 45-54# 79.0081.00; 35-44# 77.00-79.00; 34# down 75.00- 77.00. Inshipped; 71-80 lbs. 84.00, steady; 61-70 lbs. 82.00; 51-60 lbs. 80.00 ; 41-50 lbs. 78.00 ; 3040 lbs. 76.00. Lamb Carcass Choice and Prime 3-4 9Vi Loads 55 lbs. down LTD 135.00, steady; 55-65 lbs. LTD 135.00 ; 65-75 lbs. LTD 135.00. Boneless Beef (US and Canadian Origin) 3 Loads Compared to last week: 75% Chem Lean, Fresh 78.00, no comparison. Beef Trimmings 5 Loads 65% Chem Lean, Fresh 66.00, no comparison. 50% Chem Lean, Fresh 49.00, 2.00 lower. Funk s G Hybrid and design is a registered trademark ot CIBA GEIGY Corporation The limitation of warranty and remedy on the lag attached to each hag of Funk s G Hybrids sold is part of the terms ot sate thereof Funk s is a brand name Numbers identify varieties 1 m bank on.