New HI-YIELD #528 is a specially formulated ENERGY v dairy concentrate. .W' Since energy is nutrient that most often keeps cows from reaching their maximum productive and reproductive potential, Pennfield has developed a line of high energy feeds. Te»tl 2 3 TOTAL f/Unit Total $ INCOME OVER FORAGE & FEED COST $1,740.83 Your Pennfield Dairy Specialist is just a phone call away. He is a courteous, well trained person who can help you lay out a herd management program which will maximize both herd performance and profitability. 20.000 lbs. Of Milk - 305 D Ik# _MUk_ 90 m 62 74 ‘ 66 63 66 63 46 38 30,130 lbs. $13.01 Cwt $2,619 Do you need to improve your herd profitability? Fat 3,660 lbs. 3.8% $lOO/fon $183.00 Hi-Yield feeds contain REFINED ANIMAL FAT which was recently shown by university research to be a better energy source for ruminants than vegetable oil. In addition to the added energy from fat, Hi- Yield feeds are formulated with BUFFERS, BY-PASS PROTEIN, METHIONINE - an amino acid which has been shown to in crease milk and butterfat production, and ZINPRO " - a zinc supplement that has been shown to decrease somatic cell count in milk and decrease the incidence of foot rot. Lbs. Of -Hay 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Lbs. 01 Cm,line 40 40 46 40 40 40 46 00 06 §6 13,113 lbs. $25/Ton $163.91 v Lactation Lbs. of Ear Cora 17.6 17.3 16.7 15.6 14.4 13.6 13.2 0.1 7.8 m 4,008 lbs. 2,852 lbs. 8100/Ton $232.00/Ton 8200.40 $330.83 Lb*, of 15J 14.5 m 1U 9.9 8J 7J 6.2 4J 2.5