Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 20, 1984, Image 33

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    Crawford Farmers Assn, meets
Staff Correspondent
MEADVILLE The Crawford
County Farmers’ Association held
its annual meeting recently at
“The Center”, Perkins
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Speakers at Crawford County Farmers Assn, annual meeting include, from the left,
Myron Ludwick, State Director of District 14; Sue Ludwick, of State Women’s Com
mittee; and Roberta McConnell, active supporter of Young Farm Couples program.
John Elmer, Farm Bureau Salesman of Grove City, PA. Likes The Look of
Eastland 517 X! He Has Already Sold ESI7X For Next Year In The Eastland
Early Order Program Because He Knows This 95 Day Single Cross Variety Did
Exceptionally Well In Last Year’s Field Shelling Trials. Ask John Or Your 0
Eastland Dealer About Our Varieties And How To Order At Prices Below Last
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COR. 279, E 425 X, E 500 X, E6BOX _ n
E 625 X, EBSSX, EB2BX 00*00 80,000 Kernel Units, Flats Or Rounds
COR. 281, E 517 X, E 580 X, E 629 X AA
E 3X717, E 722 X, E 730 X, E 809 X 07*00 (Plateless 3$ Less Per Unit)
E 3X655, E 3X614, E 6883, E 8833 54.00 Volume Discounts/See Dealer
E 710 X, E 681 AX, E 755 X 48*00 m c
(Deduct 8% Early Pay Discount If
SILAGE BLEND 100 AND 115 DAYS 35.00 Paid Before Nov. 15)
esacHsutH seedway inc.
RD#l, 80X413A
0 EMMAUS.PA. 18049
Restaurant, Meadville.
One hundred members and
guests attended. President Jack
Post presided over the meeting
and introduced guests, including
several elected officials. A letter
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was also read from U.S.
Congressman Tom Ridge ex
pressing his interest in farmers in
Crawford County and his regrets
for being unable to attend.
The evening got off to a lively
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 20,1984—A33
start with Sherry Stanton of
Conneaut Lake and her four “ag
recruiters”. Stanton is the
chairman of the “Ag in the
Classroom” program which is
designed to acquaint school
children with agriculture. The
recruiters are searching for
persons to help by taking pictures,
speaking, and inviting children to
tour their operations.
Myron Ludwick, State Director
for District 14 which includes Erie,
Crawford and Warren counties,
thanked and congratulated
Crawford County on their strong
organization. Ludwick will not
seek reelection and in leaving his
position he urged members to
support the elected officials.
Sue Ludwick reported on the
activities of the State Women’s
Committee. “Calendars for
Safety” are being sold for $l.OO
each. Also important to PFA
members is the Young Farm
Couples Conference. Roberta
McConnell of Mercer Co. spoke on
her involvement with this. She and
her husband were the first couple
from Pennsylvania to ever be
chosen to serve on the National
Committee. Although this oc
curred four years ago she is still
active and encouraged Crawford
County to send couples to the
Crawford County Dairy Princess
Nancy Jo Mitrich was on hand to
tell of the recent State Pageant at
which she was selected first
runner-up. District 14 was well
represented at the pageant as Erie
County’s Lynette Loper was
crowned 1984 Pa. Dairy Princess.
Legislation was a topic at the
meeting. Cal Ernst of the
Legislative Committee spoke
about the ‘B5 Farm Bill. He pointed
out that farmers are being heard,
especially by Tom Ridge who
hosted an Ag Forum in April within
the county.
President Post then reviewed the
Legislative Tour held September
28. Three operations were visited
by State Senator Roy Wilt, State
Representatives Tom Swift, Jim
Merry, and Robin Robbins and all
three County Commissioners.
Diversified operations of Robert
and Jean Boozer, Calvin and
Marcia Ernst and Dave and Donna
Reusing were toured to increase
understanding of farmers’
Leon Sweatman, Tour Chair
man, then presented a gift to
Donna Reusing in appreciation of
her secretarial efforts and meal
preparation that helped to make
the tour a success.
Twenty local, state and national
policies were discussed and voted
on. Most of these were adopted.
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Owner ■ Samuel P. Stoltzfus
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