AlB—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Octobar 20,1984 BY BARBARA RADER Staff Correspondent BUTLER—Bidding on 39 head of quality Holstems at the Western Pennsylvania Sale of Stars brought a $l7OO sale average on Wed nesday, Oct. 10, at the Butlc' Farm Show Grounds. The sale average was only down $5O from last year, said sale chairman Leroy Hogg. “Maplesrow 80-ET,” the sixth animal to enter the ring, topped the sale at $2BOO. The just-fresh 2- year-old, a Formatt ET daughter, was consigned by Robert and Barbara Freyermuth, Meadville. "Bo” will join the Mercer County herd of Laszlo Mozes, Greenv;lie. A close second to “Bo” was a consignment of Mark Campbell, Ford City, which sold for $2650. This Molly Chief 3-year-old scored Record harvest, including tobacco, seen in Md. ANNAPOLIS, Md. - What a difference a year can make when it comes to weather and Maryland agriculture. Consider the tale of two years 1983 saw the state hit with the worst drought in 50 years which greatly reduced production of com, soybeans, hay, tobacco, and most other crops in the state. Reduced yields meant higher prices received for some, but also meant producers of livestock and dairy products were forced to pay much higher prices for feedstuffs. 1984 saw the state blessed with ample rains and good growing conditions, thereby allowing farmers to produce bumper crops of corn, hay, tobacco, fruit and vegetables and many other items. As we enter the fall of 1984, the 350th Maryland harvest may, indeed, be a “Harvest of History’’ when it comes to the record books. And the records appear to be big ones. Maryland’s leading agricultural industry, poultry, may set twin records for 1984. Production rates of broiler chickens for the first eight months of the year have been at all tune highs indicating that before the year is out Md. may have produced 275 million chickens (that translates into about 825 million pounds of ready-to-eat meat on the table.) Egg production in the state, which has almost trebled since 1979, may pass the 900 million mark for the year. When it comes to crops, another all time record appears to have been set in 1984 in the average yield of corn per acre which is now estimated to be 112 bushels per acre! By way of contrast, in 1983 because of the drought, the Maryland com average was 68 bushels per acre. The state’s oldest and most traditional crop, tobacco, may have posted an excellent year also. Production is estimated to be 33.1 million pounds, way up from the 29.7 million pounds of 1983 but, more importantly, growers say the quality of tobacco produced in Maryland this year may be ex ceptionally high in terms of quality. The 1983 crop was not of high quality and, therefore, foreign buyers did not purchase much of it. Export of tobacco, the first “cash crop” of the new Maryland colony 350 years ago, to this day is an important factor in Maryland agriculture. Other crops which have been seen good production rates in 1984 are hay, wheat, barley, rye, apples and vegetables. The big crops of corn and soybeans this year mean that producers of livestock over the winter and into next year, will have ample feed supplies and at moderate costs. ‘ Western Pa. Sale of Stars averages $l7OO at 85 points went to Jo-Be-Hi Farms, Fombell. Jo-Be-Hi also picked up two other very good consignments at the sale. Alan and Betty Hart, Cochranton, purchased the third high seller at $2600. The VG-88 Apollo Topper daughter was consigned by Art Baxter, Stoneboro. Harts purchased two other consignments, while their son Donald bought one. Two other animals that brought over $2OOO were purchased by W Rex Smith, Avella and George Dean, Chicora. These were con signed by Millervale Farm, Mc- Donald, and John N. Reno, Valencia. Volume buyer of the sale was David Zattiero, Mars, purchasing six head. Hamilton Bank Supports AGRI-Business Longacre Electrical Service, Inc. Hamilton Bank, believes that agriculture is the backbone of America We recogm/e the significant role Agri-Business pla\ s in contributing to a \ uible econonn That is win Hamilton Bank is so interested m supporting Agri-Business 'iour friend from Hamilton Bank knows that with the calue of Agri-Business production rising e\er\ \ear the need tor capital goes up w ith it I herefore the need lor sound financial planning rises too He w ill work w ith \ou on the lull range of Imam mg credit, trust and estate scmces designed to help \our Agri-Business His business is to tailor a program to fit \ our needs comfortable Lonqacre Electrical Service Inc Mam Street Bally Berks County Pictured (I to R) are Jeffrey K Longacre Vice President of Administration Larry A Rush Hamilton Bank Vice President & Area Manager Larry Eshleman Manager Ag Division James C Gierlich Hamilton Bank Loan Officer and Stephen S Longacre Vice President n 1 Operations tbsenl This is a third generation family oriented business with 62 years of service From solely electrical work the company h is expanded into inclusive residential agricultural and commercial remodeling and building i Sponsored by the Butler County Holstein Club, the sale is an annual event that was headed up this year Pictured with the top seller at the Western Pa. Sale of Stars are, left to right; Lero; Hogg, sale chairman; Sherman Allen, auctioneer; Roy Simpson, pedigrees; Wadt Cooper, selector; and Laszlo Mozes, purchaser. ■UnSf by Leroy Hogg. Other organizers were Wade Cooper, selections, Hoy Simpson, pedigrees; and If \ou beliece that agriculture is still the backbone of America, talk to \our friend at Hamilton bank "Noil'll find he feels the same \va\ I «r Sherman Allen, auctionet Nicols and Allen Auctiom Services, Conneaut Lake. * ti ‘ * Hamilton Bank A Core States Bank >« i. «•» Member FDIC