Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 20, 1984, Image 12

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    Al2—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 20,1984
Weather helps fall harvest
ending Oct. 14 was an excellent
week for Pennsylvania farmers,
with six days rated suitable for
fieldwork. State farmers continued
harvest of potatoes, apples,
grapes, cabbage and cauliflower,
along with field crops such as
green chop, ensilage, high
moisture ground ear and shelled
com, corn for grain and soybeans.
Other farm activities included fall
plowing, seeding of small grains
and making hay.
The average statewide tem
perature during the week was
seven degrees above normal and
precipitation was only one-tenth of
an inch, more than one-half inch
below normal.
Pennsylvania apple harvest is
now 60 percent complete, and
grape harvest is reported at about
90 percent complete. Cabbage and
cauliflower harvesting remained
active with northern region far
mers indicating cabbage harvest
at about 75 percent complete.
The potato harvest reached 86
percent statewide compared to 87
percent harvested last year.
Northern reporters indicate 83
percent of their crop is harvested.
Harvest is nearly complete in the
central and southern regions. The
crop is sizing well with average or
better than average yields.
Across the state, the com for
grain was 64 percent mature and
nine percent harvested, compared
to last year’s level of 87 percent
mature and 16 percent harvested
and the five-year average of 80
percent mature and 18 percent
harvested. In the central region 78
percent was mature and four
percent harvested. Com in the
southern region was 73 percent
mature and nine percent har
The harvest of corn silage
statewide was at 68 percent
compared with 87 percent har
vested at this time last year. The
northern, central and southern
regions report the percentage of
silage harvested as 62, 69 and 79
percent respectively.
The harvest of soybeans is 14
percent statewide, trailing last
year’s 25 percent harvested at this
time. The northern region reported
12 percent of the soybeans har-
The THRIFTY DUTCHMAN Soys, "By Golly, We Mean
Business - The More You Shop Here, The More You SAVE!"
MML $4.30
,00ML $4.85
100 So. Railroad Ave., New Holland, PA
Full Hu Of Linstock, Horse, Hardware, Lawn & Garden Equipment, Pat Supplies, Etc,
vested, while central and southern
regions report harvest completion
rates of 10 and 23 percent
Fall plowing in the state was
reported as 81 percent complete.
This compares with last year’s
level of 86 percent and the five
year average of 86 percent com
pleted. Statewide, planting of
barley was 88 percent complete
compared with 92 percent planted
last year. Wheat planting
statewide was at 78 percent
complete compared with 73 per
cent last year.
The harvest of third crop alfalfa
was 94 percent complete, & vir
tually complete last year at this
time. Fourth crop alfalfa was 61
percent harvested compared with
66 percent last year. The quality of
hay made during the past week
W~ ..1
5 Now is
I the Time i
6 (Continued from Paee AID) -J
likely to set up housekeeping there
until colder weather drives them
into your house.
Mice can crawl through holes or
cracks as small as a dime. They
can enter where pipes go through
the wall. And some are so bold,
they’ll run through an open door
while you’re entering the house.
If you find signs of mice activity,
there are two good ways to get rid
of them. If there are just a few
mice, a trap is a good remedy. Bait
the trap with bacon, peanut butter
or cheese and set it near a wall so
that the trigger is pointed towards
the wall. If a large number of mice
are present, then baits are more
effective. The bait should be put in
bait stations so children or pets
cannot get to it.
To Eradicate
Livestock Parasites
Both interal and external
parasites reduce animal health
and efficiency. During times when
livestock feeding profits are slim,
feed efficiency becomes very
important. All feeder calves should
be treated for stomach worms soon
Look Like This, . Model 300
A.SlSffi «« H
ANimLHEALTH Model4oo
products $385.00 3^
cubic feet
granular fertilizer (lbs )
lime (lbs )
• t.
Wormer $8.95
was rated fair by 52 percent and
good by 48 percent of our repor
ters. The amount of feed being
obtained from pastures ■* as rated
below average by 33 percent,
average by 59 percent and above
average by eight percent of our
Topsoil moisture supplies for the
Commonwealth were rated short
by 47 percent, adequate by 50
percent and surplus by three
percent of our reporters The
northern region reporters rated
soil moisture as 18 percent short,
73 percent adequate and nine
percent surplus. Central region
reporters rated soil moisture as 75
percent short and 25 percent
adequate Southern region
reporters rated moisture supplies
as 44 percent short and 55 percent
after arrival on the farm. The
same thing is true for dairy heifers
in this part of the state. Heavy
populations of livestock makes the
parasite problem more severe.
Fecal samples of animals taken to
the local veterinarian is the best
method of determining the exact
Body lice are very common and
before the hair coat gets much
heavier, animals should be clip
ped, sprayed or dusted. Parasites
are hard on animals and hard on
the pocketbook.
The Extension Service Is an affirmative
action equal opportunity educational In
(Continued from Page A 1)
-A new permanent building is
expected to be erected just for the
vegetable auction.
-Neighborhood grower meetings
will be held next Spring to educate
farmers in what buyers are looking
for and how they can get their best
prices by doing such things as
grading and washing the produce
and presenting it the way buyers
prefer it.
-Auction activities may be
expanded to handle an expected
increase in participation not only
by new growers, but by possible
expansion in acreage by growers
who participated this year.
“We know that a number of
growers have been observing how
our first season went,” Good ex
“There could be a significant
expansion of participation next
One of the determining factors of
next year’s participation likely will
be how well the buying of this
year’s tobacco crop proceeds. A
quality tobacco crop is now
hanging in Lancaster County
sheds, but a similarly good crop is
also reported out of places like
If tobacco prices drop this year
or a significant part of the crop
Gaily colored gourds are just part of large volumes of
seasonal produce passing through Good's Wholesale
Vegetable Auction at Leola twice a week.
hopper opening
overall height
(includes driveline)
(717) 354-2266
Vege auction
goes unsold, you’ll likely see an
even greater swing to vegetables
in 1985.
“If a neighborhood of growers
express an interest for next year
we’ll schedule a small meeting nj
the Spring to show them what the
buyers want,” Good said.
“We think it’s better to hold
these smaller meetings, if growers
want them, than one, big
Meanwhile, the auction will
continue on Tuesdays and Thur
sdays until about Thanksgiving
During the peak of the season, it
was also held on Mondays and
Current major produce includes
cauliflower, broccoli, pumpkins,
potatoes, Indian corn, gourds,
apples, grapes, celery (just
starting) and soon sweet potatoes.
During season peaks some 33,000
cantaloupes went across the
auction block one Monday and last
week 6,000 head of broccoli were
being auctioned off during one day
A couple of memorable prices
come to mind during the past
season, too.
One pumpkin weighing 186 lbs
and trucked all the way from
Breezewood brought $50.00
And, a 79-lb. watermelon
brought $23.00.
I or II
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Mon.,Tues., Wed.:
8 AM-5:30 PM
Sat.: 8 AM-4PM