BY JOYCE BUPP Staff Correspondent HARRISBURG - “That’s the smallest pumpkin I’ve ever seen,” quipped a grinning Gov. Dick Thornburgh as he fished the perfectly-shaped, though diminutive, orange vegetable from a basket of commodities over flowing onto his polished reception room desk. The mini-pumpkin was part of a colorful array of Pennsylvania commodities presented to the governor by the Pennsylvania Society of Farm Women last week. Leaders of the more than 4,000 members of the group were on hand as the Governor signed a proclamation designating Sunday, Oct. 14, as Farm Women’s Day in the Commonwealth. In his proclamation, the Governor recognized the Society, founded in 1914, for playing an “integral roll in perpetuating and preserving our agricultural traditions.” His proclamation further lauds these women who “foster a deeper appreciation for the farm and rural life today and seek to uphold the dignity and purpose of far ming, while teaching respon sibility in working the soil. ” According to Marie Baughman, state society president, members of the 190 local groups in several counties plan to celebrate their day in a variety of ways. “Most are combining food and fellowship, with lunches, brunches and dinners together as part of their observance,” says the Franklin County farm women leader. In her home county, farm women members plan brunch with a program focusing on Franklin County’s 200th bicentennial an- ov. Thornburgh declares Oct. 14 Farm Women 0 niversary being celebrated this year. Lebanon County’s societies are taking a slightly different ap proach, as each local group is contributing to a special fund that has been established for a county family faced with mounting medical bills due to their child’s serious illness. In addition to the state proclamation, Lancaster County societies will be honored with a similar recognition from their county commissioners, and in York, members from over 30 societies will gather for an open house fellowship. Farm Women are now finalizing plans for their state convention on Jan. 14 and 15 at the state Farm Show with an emphasis on youth. “Doing a good deed for someone” is the theme, with children and grandchildren of members invited to submit a photo or drawing of how they’ve helped someone else. Each entrant will receive recognition with a special memento. QA/S. CaCen Saturday, October 13 Pa . Foods program by Ida Lancaster Society 7 will meet for a Risser. birthday dinner. Lancaster Society 25 meets for a Lancaster Society 2 meets for trip to Arlene Eshleman’s election of officers. cabin Lancaster Society 1 meets for a Pennsylvania Society of Farm Women presented Gov. Dick Thornburgh with a basket of the state's farm commodities after his signing of the Farm Women's Day proclamation. Joining the governor for the ceremony were state president Marie Baughman, right, first vice president Naomi Bupp and Secretary of Agriculture Penrose Haltowell Sunday, October 14 State Farm Women’s Day Lancaster Society 5 takes a bus trip to Ray’s Town Lake. Monday, October 15 Lancaster Society 30 meets for a shopping tour bus trip. Lancaster Society 34 meets for an election and game night. Tuesday, October 16 Lancaster Society 27 meets to work on a project. Thursday, October 18 Lancaster Society 15 meets for a program by Ann Diller on Alaskan Slides. Election of officers will take place. Saturday, October 20 Lancaster Society 3 meets for a program with Mike Pfautz. Three-day trip to Newport, R.I. Lancaster Society 18 meets for a program to be announced. Lancaster Society 29 meets for a “Halloween Happening” family event. Lancaster Society 12 meets at The Country Table, Mount Joy, at noon.