Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 13, 1984, Image 30

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    A3o—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 13,1984
Milk dealers
appeal for
PMMB okay
HARRISBURG - The future of
Pennsylvania’s 50-year old Milk
Marketing Law and the economic
stability it provides for farmers
and dairy employees depends on
speedy action by the state’s House
of Representatives which will only
be in session a few days before
adjournment, according to the Pa.
Assn, of Milk Dealers.
Under the new Sunset Law
passed by the General Assembly a
few years ago, the Milk Marketing
Board and the law which regulates
it are up for review. Unless
legislation is passed the Board will
go out of existence no later than
next June.
The job of analyzing the Board’s
activity was first given to the
Pennsylvania Senate’s Committee
on Agriculture and Rural Affairs
early this year. It suggested a few
minor amendments to update the
law. This was contained in Senate
Bill 1527 which then cleared the
Senate by a 49 to 0 vote.
The bill then went to the House of
Representatives where it was sent
to the Appropriations Committee
and it remained there as the
legislature adjourned for an
election recess. It will not return
until Monday, Nov. 19.
Since this is Thanksgiving week
there only will be a few days to
work before it again recesses until
Monday, Nov. 26. And this is the
last day of the 1983-84 session since
the Constitution mandates final
adjournment Nov. 30. This also is
the opening week of deer season
which could have an effect on
If Senate Bill 1527 or some other
legislation does not pass this could
be disastrous to farmers and
dealers alike and ultimately to
consumers, according to Earl
Fink, executive vice president of
the Milk Dealers Association,
Without Milk Marketing there
would not be any bonding or
Grange urges
bill signing
sylvania State Grange is urging
the Governor to sign a bill in
creasing fines for timber theft to
deter the practice in rural areas.
H.B. 1980, on the Governor’s
desk, increases fines for convicted
timber thieves to twice the
determined value of the stolen
timber. This new law was sought
by the State Grange because of the
high incidence of timber theft in
the northern tier counties of the
state. Timber thieves found that
they could make out financially by
stealing timber and paying the
fine, which did not come close to
the price of the timber. The
legislation was introduced earlier
this year by Rep. Roger Madigan
Other Grange supported bills
passed by the Legislature right
before the election recess include:
* S.B. 11, requiring school buses
to stop at all railroad crossings;
* S.B. 1153, appropriating $35,000
to provide fencing materials to
farmers to prevent wildlife crop
* S.B. 1154, allowing farmers to
hunt without license don owned or
rented farmlands which do not
adjoin the home farm within 10 air
miles of the base farm;
• H.B. 163, exempting com cribs
and grin bins from real estate tax
Security Fund protection, he said,
and this is vitally necessary.
“Milk dealers went on a finan
cial limb to help pass newer and
stronger bonding and Security
Fund legislation,” Fink added.
“This will cost the Pennsylvania
dealers hundreds of thousands of
dollars, but they wanted to offer
protection for their producers to
guarantee an adequate supply of
top-quality milk.”
“If the legislation does not pass
it also could be the finish for a
number of small dealers as big
operators, store chains and others
start price wars. Temporarily,
consumers might get a short
break, but experience in other
states indicates that when the
small dealers are sent to the wall
the prices go even higher than
before. In addition, many jobs
would be lost and markets for
farmers would disappear. ’ ’
Roshel Ayrshire dispersal
Staff Correspondent
ALBION Eighteen-year-old
Lisa Coleman from Saltsburg,
succeeded in placing the top bid of
$1,925 at the Roshel Ayrshire herd
dispersal, held last week in Albion.
Represented by her parents,
H.D. and Pauline Coleman, Lisa
purchased the high seller of the
dispersal, Roshel Pride Winnie, a
Mar-Ral Commander’s Pride
Contending bidders for the 5-
year-old Winnie were Eddie and
Pauline McConnell of Wellington,
Just fresh with a Royal Welcome
bull calf, which was also pur
chased by Coleman, Winnie has
two previous milk records well
over 13,000 lbs. milk and 450 lbs.
Six other herd mates of Winnie
will also be joining Lisa’s dozen
other Ayrshires at the Coleman
farm. Lisa is a 9-year veteran of 4-
H and FFA, and is a senior at
Apollo Ridge High School in In
diana County.
The Erie County Roshel farm of
Robert and Elizabeth Dorchester
provided quality Ayrshires, in
cluding some sired by Royal
Welcome, Meredith liberator,
Royal Command, Mar-Ral
Fickle’s Boy, and Donholm
Commander’s Victory. A majority
of the herd had traces of
Wauwatosa’s Commander’s
Laddie in their pedigrees.
Twenty-one head brought well
over $l,OOO, with 24 cows averaging
$1,190. The total sale average for
55 head was $BOO.
The second high seller was grand
if tlu.‘ '-••’s Crawford
Pictured with the top-seller of the Roshel Ayrshire
dispersal, Roshel Pride Winnie, are, left to right, Earl and
Dave Nicols, auctioneers: Bob Dorchester, seller, Eddie and
Pauline McConnell, contenders: H.D. and Pauline Coleman,
buyers for their daughter Lisa; and Gary Miller, leadsman, at
County Fair, Roshel Victory
Eileen, sired by Donholm Com
mander’s Victory. The six-year
old cow was purchased by John
Hartman, Farmdale, Ohio, for
The volume buyer was Uhl
Ayrshire Dairy, St. Mary’s, taking
13 head with over $lO,OOO value.
The Ayrshire sale was managed
by Bob Dix, DeGraff, Ohio, and he
commented, “The sale was better
than any other sale?- td.”