Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 13, 1984, Image 179
KEYSTONE OF QUALITY SHOW AND SALE SATURDAY, OCT. 20,1984 1 Featuring 65 Female Lots Pedigrees include: 12 Signal cows; Mr. Clean, Abricot, Gatout, Extra, Generation 111, Achilles Superstar, Alpine Polled Proto, Cows bred to: Jazz, Achilles Superstar, Generation 111, Eagle Signal, Proto. 40 Bred Purebred Females 14 Bred 3 A Females 20 Purebred show heifer prospects 3 Bull calves—Their dams sell 20 Select steer calves Consignors from Ohio, W Virginia, Maryland, Penn, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut. This is definitely one of the best consignment offerings I have ever seen. To receive your catalog or for more information, contact Sales Management by: P.S.A. Sale Chairman TOM WHALEN (412)894-2463 C itcwqm UVUTOCR mvieii Dave Stough Route 4, Charlotte, Michigan 48813 Phone (517) 543-6670 New Holland Sales Stables Annual Show & Sale 250-300 HOLSTEINS At the barn located 12 miles east of Lancaster, PA on Rt. 23 As in past years this sale will feature some of the better Holstein cows of the breed. Many VG and EX cows come from this sale. If' you are looking for a few top Reg. cows to build your herd, they will be in this sale. If you are looking for grades milking up to 100 lbs per day come to New Holland, PA on Oct. 31st. Cows have been selected from some of the better herds in PA, NY, the New England States and Canada. Mature Holsteins in Milk Mature Holsteins, dry 3-yr-old Holstein in Milk 3-yr-old Holsteins, dry 2-yr-old heifer, fresh 2-yr-old heifer, bred Mixed breed, fresh Mixed breed, dry (Includes Reg. Red & White Holsteins) Henry Kettering Pedigrees Greene County Fairgrounds Waynesburg, Pa. Exit 3 Interstate 79 Show—9:oo AM Sale—1:00 PM Sponsored by the Pennsylvania Simmental Assn. Several Polled Females Black Purebred Simmental Frame 8-9-10 cows and heifers Several cows weighing over 1500# All cattle pre screened and sifted 57 Wed., Oct. 31 11:00a.m New Holland, PA Classes To Be Judged Starting At 9:00 A.M. Sale Managed by New Holland Sales Stables, Inc. Abe Diffenbach Norman Kolb Bam Phone: 717-354-4341 717-397-5538 Cattle tested for Interstate Shipment 101W ’ 9I ’ 96 New Holland, PA 17557 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday. 500 P M of each week's publication FRIDAY NOVEMBER 9 124, ‘A mile north of 130 PM Public Auction of Craley, PA in lower Wind State Grade Consignor sor Twp RD 1, Feeder Pig Sale Located Wnghtsville, PA York Co at the Carlisle Livestock Mr & Mrs Ross Pickel, Market, Inc Owners Jacob A & Brian L Gilbert, Auctioneers SAT NOVEMBER 10 9 SAT NOVEMBER 10 AM Public Auction of 930 AM Publ,c Auction of Valuable Farm, Farm I he Gap Pehef Sa |e Machinery, Vehicles Located at Martins Sale Livestock & Personal Pro' sal'5 a l', n ' p L 3 i° an< ?. New perty Located along Rt Holland Rd , East of Inter- PUBLIC AUCTION COMPLETE HOLSTEIN DISPERSAL THURSDAY, OCT. 18,1984 At 12:00 Noon Located In Centre Co., 11 Miles East Of Centre Hall, Pa., Ist Farm East Of Madisonburg Off Route 192. 61 Head Top Grade Holsteins 43 milk cows, 3 springing heifers, 3 bred heifers, 2 service age bulls, 10 open heifers and started calves. 1983 Owner Sampler herd ave. 20,918 milk, 3.6, 750 fat, a Belmont w/3 records over 22,000 milk, a Starcluef heifer due Dec. out of Dam w/over 30,000 milk in 350 days, a 6 yrs. old due Nov. made over 1200 fat m 305 days w/service age son selling, other good records, several have milked 100 lbs. per day. Majority sired by A.B.S. sires. 10 cows recently fresh, 7 due Oct. and Nov., 7 due Jan. and Feb., vacc. for Lepto. and 30 days health tests. Terms-CASH OR APPROVED CHECK Sale under cover if needed SAMUEL D. BEILER Box 33-A Rebersburg, Pa. Mark Click-Auctioneer Reedsville, Pa. AU-349-L Lunch at sale Show Winners Sell at 12:00 noon All cows shown mutt be told. Come early to watch the show and plan to spend the full day as we always have some real tjood cows selling to the end of the sale In past years many good cow men have commented that they have never seen so many good cows selected for a sale Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, October 13,1984—D4S Dairy and Livestock Sales course, PA Leon D Kurtz & Others, Auctioneers SAT NOV 10 Phares S & Annie S Zartman, Real Estate, Antiques Household Goods, Car, Truck, and Horse Trailer Located in village of Durlach, Clay Twp , Lane County PA Auction Con ducted by Paul E Martin SJohnO Stauffer SAT NOV 10 7 PM Public Auction of the 1984 Piedmont Invita tional Club Calf Sale Located on the Frederick Fairgrounds, Frederick, MD Olhe Bennett, Auc tioneer SAT NOV 10 - 10 30 AM Public Auction of a 2 Acre Farmette, Household Fur mshings, Antiques, Col lectibles, Tools & Equip ment Located 1 mile east of Dornsife, 6 miles west of Trevorton, 12 miles south of Sunbury, turn south off Rt 225 at Wayside Mission Church Harry A Wiest & Helen M Wiest, Owners Mike & George Deibert Auc tioneers SAT NOV 10 10 AM Public Auction Special Fall Sale of Hardware Damaged and Excess Merchandise Located at Bombergers Store, Elm PA EM Murry Assoc Auctioneers SAT NOV 10 9 AM Public Auction Inventory Reduction Sale of new and used Electrical Equip ment Located 1 mile east of Ephrata, 852 E Mam St, Rt 322 or */« mile west of Rt 222 and Rt 322 interchange Edgar H Martin Elec Supplies, Owner T Glenn Horst & Timothy G Horst, Auc tioneers SAT NOV 10 1 30 PM Public Auction of 100 Acre Farm Located ap prox 12 miles from Williamsport, PA Take Bloommggrove Rd from Williamsport to Balls Mills then follow auction signs to Rose Valley Lake Farm ' "elghtyVour AUCtIon" j SALES, INC. ■ Eighty-Four, Pa. I Located 4 mi. E. of Washington, Pa. on ■ Rt. 136 FALL FEEDER CATTLE SALE " 412/222-8078 7 Classes Fresh Heifer - Dry Heifer Fresh Cow - Dry Cow Mixed Breed 3 yr. Dry Cow - 3 yr. Fresh Cow Cash Prizes Ribbons Judging 9:30 Dairy Sale 12:00 Show Cows Sold at 1:00 P.M. Consignments should be consigned by Ail Out of State and New Buyers Must Have Cash or Certified Check. Walter H. Risser Proprietor Business 717-733-2444 Home 717-838-4318 THURS NOV 15 11 AM Public Auction of Trac tors, Farm Machinery & Trucks Located near Queen Anne, MD Rt 404 to 309 - (Queen Anne Cordova Rd) Going towards Cordova, pass RR tracks, take the first road left, then left again, first farm on left Signs posted from Rt 404 Mr & Mrs Charles C Connol ly Owners Harry Barrett & Chester Lee Carroll Auctioneers FRIDAY NOVEMBER 16 5 30 PM Gap Auction An tiques and Household Goods sold at every auc tion Located off Rt 41, Lancaster Turkey Hill Mmit Market, cross RR bridge, Ira Stoltzfus & Son Auctioneers FRIOAY-OCT. 19,1984 Consign-9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M Sale Time-7:30 P.M. All Breeds Mgr. CLAIR KEARNS 412/222-9965 GREEN DRAGON LIVESTOCK SALE Dairy Cow Show & Sale October 19, 1984 Location: Ephrata RD 4,1 mile N. of Ephrata on N. State St. October 18,6 P.M. Health Charts Furnished Everyone Welcome is located next to Lake on Trimble Rd Leona Weikle & Kenneth Bastian, Ex ecutors Kenneth Young, Auctioneer WED NOVEMBER 14 7 30 PM Public Auction of the RoundUp Sale of Yearlings, Heavy Feeders, Calves, Stock Bulls and Stock Cows Located at the Shenandoah Valley Livestock Sales, Inc 1044 Edom Rd , Harrison burg, VA 22801 WED, NOV 14 7PM Public Auction of a Feeder Cattle Sale Located at Four States Livestock Hagerstown, MO WED NOV 14 & THURS NOV 15 9AM Public 2 Day Auction of Construction Equipment, Vehicles & Material Located in Indiantown FL at FPSL's Martin Power Plant on Rt 710 Vilsmeier Auction Co Inc , Auctioneers THURSDAY NOVEMBER 15 Monthly Cow Sale at Mel Kolb, Inc Maryland Farm Woodsboro MD V 2 mile North West of Woodsboro on Rt 550 in Frederick Co