D42—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 13,1984 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 500 P M of each week s publication SAT, OCT 27 I PM Public Auction of Valuable Real Estate Located 12 miles south of Strasburg, 3Vj miles south of Nine Points '/> mile east of Rt 896 along Windy Top Rd 36081, Sadsbury Twp, Lane Co, PA John B & Lydia S Stoltzfus, Owners Diffenbach's Auctioneers SAT OCT 27 - Public Auction of 119 Awe Farm and Improvements Located in Narvon, Rt 2, Salisbury Twp , Lane Co, PA Verna E Martin, Owner Paul E Martin & John Stauffer, Auc tioneers SAT OCT 27 930 AM Public Auction of Vehicles & Trucks Located in Edison, NJ to be held at PSE&G’s Automotive Maintenance Ctr , Raritan Ctr Pkwy Vilsmeier Auc tion Co , Inc , Auc tioneers SATIICT 27 _ 12 Noon Public Auction of the Dutch Hill Farms Machinery Sale Located 4 miles northeast of Hope, NJ From Rt 46 at Bndgeville light take Rt 519 north to Hope, NJ, continue on 519 from Hope for 3'h miles to the 52 mile marker, turn left on Ackerson Rd go about ‘/2 mile to the Ist road on left to farm Col Fred R Daniel, Auctioneers, Inc SAT OCT 27 11 AM Public Bankruptcy Auc tion of Valuable 67 Acre Perry Co Dairy Farm Located along Rt 74, '/> mile south of intersection of Rt 850 and 74, near Alinda, Spring Twp , Perry Co Kerry Pae Auc tioneers SAT OCT 27 1 PM Public Auction of a Superb 66 + Acre Gentlemen’s Estate Located following Rt 282 (Creek Rd) 4 miles west from Dowmngtown, PA TUrn right on north Reeds Rd (Over Brandywine Creek) for 6 mile to pro Berty on right Upper wchlan Twp, Chester Co , PA Chnsman Dowl in Estate Dowmngtown NatT Bank, Executor Whitford Sales Co, Auc tioneers SAT OCT 27 10 AM Public Auction of Real Estate, Antiques and Household Located in R D 3, Sunbury, IVi miles east of Rt 147 along Boyles Run Rd in Lower Augusta Twp , Nor thumberland Co, PA 3 miles north of Herndon, 9 miles south of Sunbury, PA Watch for auction signs along Rt 147 Line Mountain School District Irene Mockndge & Florence Ktllion, Owners Mark J Jones Auctioneer mg Service SAT OCT 27 10 AM Public Auction of 5 Tracts of Real Estate, Farmall Cub Tractor, Tools, Anti ques & Household Goods Located midway between Blandon and Fleetwood, turn onto Hill Rd to Bartel Rd and Lee Spring Rd , Berks Co , PA Alvin & Ida Oh linger, Owner ’#• FEEDER CATTLE SALE! Wednesday Oct 17 7 00 PM Cattle recieved from 8 AM Feer States Uvestecfc Hagerstown, MO Call 901-733-8120 Dennis F Wagner, Auc tioneer SAT OCT 27 10 AM Public Auction of Real Estate Located at the Dairy Farm, about 4 miles northwest of Strasburg, Shenandoah Co, V A From 1-81 take exit 75, go 1 of a mile north on Rt 11, then west on Rt 629 past Chemstone Con tmue through Oranda on Rt 629 V* mile west of Oranda Lauck M Pangle, Estate L M Pangle, Jr, Executor R F Pangle, Jr and Mark Pangle, Auctioneers MON OCT 29 2 PM Lamar W & Eileen S Gar man 128 acre dairy farm Located 1 mi north of Blainsport along Route FEEDER PIG AND CATTLE SALE jm* FRIDAY NIGHT, OCTOBER 19“ J ft Keister’s Middleburg Auction Sale. Inc. Rt 522 3 miles east ol Middleburg, Pa. 5 miles west of Selinsgrove, Pa. For information call" 717-922-1490 or 717-837-2222 or 717-52341360 Keister's Middleburg Auction Sales, Inc. Rt. 522 RD 3 Middleburg, PA fiuinpr< DON & WALT KEISTER Ray Long and Dave Imes, Auctioneers „ . „ Terms: Cash Trucking Available Restaurant Open WILLIAM R. COLLISON COMPLETE DISPERSAL Herd housed and sale to be held at owner's brother's farm located just off Delaware Route 14 between Harrington, I Delaware and Denton, Maryland. Turn north off Delaware Rt. 14 i'at Burrsville(on Md./Del. line) and follow sale signs. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25,1984 ll:OOA.M. 106 REGISTERED HOLSTEINS 55 Cows-51 Heifers (14 Bred-37 Younger) All A.I. sired and bred The best sires available have always been used. Daughters of these popular sires sell: Valiant (11), Elevation (7), Astronaut (8), Wayne (6), Jet Stream (2), Bootmaker (2), Tradition (3), Conductor (2), Columbus (2), as well as daughters of Spirit, Glendell, Betty Chief and others. Service sires include Valiant, Columbus, Tradition, Spirit and Chairman. A Sample of Those Selling: —VG Elevation Her Bootmaker dtr. bred to Valiant sells —GP 84 Jet Stream Her Columbus calf sells —GP 83 Chief gr’dtr. —GP Ivanhoe Star Her Lime Hollow Mars dtr. sells —GP 83 Superior Her Conductor and Valiant dtrs. sell -GP 82 Wayne —VG Van —Her Milestone dtr. —VG Elevation gr’dtr Last DHI average-17,627M 614 F Now on DHIR Several generations of good records A Red and White Heifer sells fresh at sale time 7 Very Goods 17 Good Plus Will be rescored before sale and the young cows should add to these totals. A high producing group of cows from generations of sound breeding using top of the line AI sires. All ages sure to please Examined for Pregnancy Sale Manager REMSBURG SALE SERVICE P.O. Box 177 Jefferson, MD 21755 Ph. 301-473-8214 897, West Cocalico Iwp Lane County, PA Auction conducted by Paul E Mar tin & John D Stauffer MON , OCT 29 11 PM San-Bo Holstems Reg Milking & 1984 Calf Herd Dispersal selling 75 cows & 20 calves Location Farm at RD 6 Lebanon, Bethel Twp , Lebanon Co PA From US Rt 22 & 178 split east of Fredericksburg turn right 34th ANNUAL SOUTH CENTRAL PA. FEEDER CALF SALE Fairgrounds, Bedford, Pa, OCTOBER 17,1984 12:30 P.M. 200 HEAD For catalog contact; Owner WILLIAM R. COLLISON Rt 2, Box 123 Harrington, DE 19952 Ph. 302-398-4871 302-398-8047 (Farm) off Rl 22 onto Mt 7ion Rd and continue south through Hamlin to farm on right or from Rt 72 in Lebanon turn right onto Maple St at NW Elemen tary School and continue to Mt Zion Rd to farm on left past Mt Zion approx 2 miles West of Myerstown off Rt 422 turn north at McLean's Trucking onto Narrows Dr to Mt Zion Rd to farm Robert R Lentz & 343 23,597 3.7 305 20,290 4.4 305 20,790 3.6 365 23,876 3.4 354 21,419 3.5 689 686 636 Inc 674 365 19,230 3.6 299 18,310 3.7 249 16,371 3.9 329 19,525 *3.5 Tested for Interstate Daily and Livestock Sales " Family, owners Harry H Hope Creek Generating of Woodland Located Bachman Auctioneer Station & Salem along Mountain Rd, 3 Generating Station, 11 miles west of Rt 61 ami TUES OCT 30 10 AM miles south of Salem, NJ north of Hamburg Tilden Public 2 Day Auction of Vilsmeier Auction Co, Twp, Berks Co Pa Cranes. Pipes, Valves, Fit Inc , Auctioneers Wayne Schadler, Owner tr ' Etr Located in - A l, ' Horning Auc « n P s ’ n l . c . Jl 0L TUES OCT 30 SPM -•"'in Salem NJ at PSE&G s Public Auction of 3 Tracts tioneer SPRINGSIDE MILKING HERD DISPERSAL SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20,1984 Located; 3 mi. east of East Smithfield, Pa., 4 mi. west of Milan, Pa. (watch for auction signs at Milan on Rt. 220). 77 REGISTERED JERSEYS 77 Certified • Accredited - Vacc. for Shipping Fever Tested for Interstate - Preg. Checked 46 Mature, 12 Bred Hfrs., 13 1-Yr. Old, 6 Started Calves. Calving Schedule; 9 due in September, 5 due in October, 2 in November. 3 Generations of breeding to Top Quality bulls. Some of the Quality Animals Being Offered: Sprmgside Silver Soldier Flame A 2 yr old by Acacia Acres Silver Soldier (PD +sl9) with a current MCD of +1 526 M +32F Dam by Reglis Americano has 5 8 350 12,760 53% 679 DHIA MCD +1196M + 71F Due January 12 to Walebe Fava ET Brave Soldiers Spnngside Carrie 3 7 305 10,470 54% 558 DHIA MCD + 2.008 M. +72F Sired by Bnarcliffs Brave Soldier dam has records to 5 4 302 10 801 5 3% 571 DHIA Due November 14 to Walebe Fava ET Overdrives Spnngside Elhe 2yr old due November 15 to Walebe Fava ET Sired by Overdrive, dam has records to 4 0 350 11 326 5 0% 571 DHIA A Group of High-Test Mature Cows: Spnngside Shadewell Rita 4 5 305 11,711 5 7% 665 DHIA Due February 12 To Walebe Fava ET Maternal sister to 'Tami and May Spnngside Profitmaker Cameo 6 4 332 15 130 5 5% 830 DHIA MCD +2 730 M + 151 F Fresh m August and selling open 4 Unique Opportunity To Buy Good Pedigrees With High Test! MACHINERY 8000 Ford D. tractor, 2898 hrs., 2 sets rears, 2 hyds., 540 & 1000 RPM, cab, 18.4x38, dual power; Ford loader, dbl. lift, dbl. dump 78” bucket (will fit Oliver, White, Int., JD.); 5000 Fosd D. tractor, 5 f. wts., 3 sets rears, 18.4x30, 2 hyd., 8-speed; 65 MF gas tractor w/loader, dual hyd., multi power, PS; post hole digger; 3 pt. Quick Hitch; 16.9x30 dbl. ring chains; 1981 F-350 Ford truck, 400 cu. eng., 4 spd., 11,000 GVW, 12’ deck w/side racks; 1980 D-50 Dodge Sport truck w/cap, 5 spd., AC, step bumper; 2 Axle Aluminum 2-door job trailer (14’ w/2 sky lights); Int. 16 forage harvester w/sngl. row corn head; NI p.t.o. forage blower; 7” blower pipe (30’); 316’ kicker boxes w/running grs.; 787 Ford (Arps) 8’ blade; NI 106 750 lb. fert. spreader; Agri-Metal bedding chopper; HLxls” 8-ply wagon tires (new); 450 NH mowing machine; 124 Massey baler w/thrower (1 yr. old); 605 C Vermeer baler (super shape); 469 NH haybine; 40’ Kewanee elev. w/1 hp elec, mtr.; 16’ large bale trailer; 24’ round bale trailer, dual axle; MF 3 pt 6-bar rake; Peaque tedder 7’ (like new); 640 JD rake, 5-bar w/rubber teeth; 3 pt. carrier; 12’ feeder w/plastic bottom; NH 24’ dbl. chain elev.; Schoessow 20’ tandem axle feeder (for baled hay or silage); Ford (Melroe) 5x16 SAR semi-plow; 34’ of 9” pipe w/Kools 3-way deflector; 250 Gehl manure spreader w/2-cyl. hyd. endgate; Int. 354 transport drag (20’); 275 gal. tank full of LPS; 48’ portable fan; tractor tire changer; Jonsered’s 52E 16” chain saw; hyd. cylinders; HLxl6” Tri-Rib front; hand seeder; Set of 38” rear land rollers w/16” fronts; lid for 45 bu Hawk or NH tank spreader, 3 pt. h. sprayer; - Fireview model 270 woodstove. GRANGE 16’x50’ SILO w/98-A PATZ SILO UNLOADER Terms: Cash or Good Check. Lunch by Fran Martin for New Covenant Academy ALLAN & LOREN HARR&owners Milan, Pennsylvania Consigned by Elmer Stoltzfus 100-06 Deutz tractor w/2 hyds., 18.4x38. Managed & Sold By Robert M. Shaylor & Robert Garrison 717-297-3278 717-297-3873 AUOOOB33L * M. Shaylor Sales, 515 Elmira Si, Tray, Pa. • 717-M7427S Raputabla Salat Sarvica / Licanaad Bondad * atII:OOA.M Prime Ministers Sprmgside Meta 2yr old due December 28 to Walebe Fave ET Sired by Mayfield Prime Minister ET dam by Russell Pompey Champ has records to 3 5 343 12 628 5 1% 639 DHIA MCD + 2 581 M +93F Sprmgside Pompey Tami A 2yr old by Russell Pomp'ey Champ with current MCD of + 2 056 M -*-26F Due October 24 to Shadewell Fascinator Dam by Stardust Star Trek has 4 6 360 13 432 51% 696 DHIA MCD T 1 173 M +43F Sprmgside Predictor Dina 7 9 341 11,484 5 7% 655 DHIA Due April 22 to Walebe Fava ET Sprmgside Gemini Laurel 5 0 305 11 743 62% 724 DHIA Due March 2 to Walebe Fava ET w/Vinyl Pipe & Raising Kit.