Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 13, 1984, Image 169
Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 500 P M of each s publication THURSDAY OCTOBER 18 12 Noon Public Auc tion of a Complete Disper sal of 61 Head of Top Grade Holstein Milk Cows and Heifers Located in Centre Co , 11 miles East of Centre Hall, PA First farm East of Madison burg, off Rt 192 Samuel D Beiler, Owner Mark Click, Auctioneer THURS OCT 18 - 10 AM Public Auction of Ex cavating Equipment Located at the Boyertown Sanitary Disposal proper- —TWO BIG DAYS— ANTiQUES-GLASSWARE-FURNITURE-COLLECTIBLES 9 00 A M THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18,1984 9:00 A M THURSDAY OCTOBER 25 1984 DIRECTIONS; Off Route 30 By-Pass (York, Pa.), at Susquehanna Trail (Rte. 295), go north 1.5 miles, bear left on Lewisberry Rd., (just beyond radio tower), continue 1.5 miles to farm on right. 2 Bow front china closets, 3 dovetailed blanket chests, walnut knockdown wardrobe (w/carvmgs), walnut 4 leg drop-leaf table, 2 sets decorated plank bottom chairs, deco, high chair, 2 Boston rockers, set 6 oak dining chairs, 2 oak side boards (w/top shelf & carvings), oak server (claw feet, carved heads), oak hall rack w/mirror, round oak split pedestal table w/4 legs & boards, softwood table, drop-leaf table, oak clothes tree, music cabinet, bent arm rocker, plank sewing rockers, ball/claw piano stool, plank stands, oak ball/claw stand, Columbia graphanola, gold leaf mirror, morticed bench, treadle sewing machine, bamboo comer shelf, bicket bench, oak flower stands, end tables, and more. 2 Art glass (Tiffany type) table lamps, lot unusual kero lamps, glass shades, minat. lero lamps, prism lamp shade, candle mold, iron floor lamps, brass bucket, brass keys, mantle clocks (West minister, Seth Thomas), Bugs Bunny alarm clock, horse clock, china clock, lot alarm clocks. LOT EARLY, PRESSED AND PATTERN GLASS Lily of valley, eyewinker, deer-m-pine, swirl, cardinal, moon & star, etc. Compotes, goblets, creamers, covered sugar, etc.; lot milk glass, ironstone, red and white glass, some purple slag, majelica, soft paste, depression glass and carnival. 3 Spatter bowls, cantonware blue bowls, dark carnival bowl, vaseline wine goblets, Bobby Benson tumbler, German chocolate set, crystal wedding goblets, copper lustre pitchers, Chinese china tea set, brides basket, Nippon vase, Nippon finger plate, Iman oriental berry set, 1898 red/white paper weight, milk glass axe, china bell, deco, china plates, vinegar cruets, salt bucket w/lid, egg plates, 1908-09 calendar plates, set Japan blue dinnerware, lot flowered glasses, salt dips (pewter tops), carved alabaster vases (china), wash bowl/pitcher, ink wells, butter dishes, lot chicken-on-nests, compotes, footed pieces, lot souvenir glass, and much more ANTIQUES-QUI 10 Handmade quilts (NEVER USED), doilies, old linens, comforts, china doll made in Germany (Tlorodory), paper mache chicken-on-nest, cupie doll statue, crocheted rugs, lot advertisement pieces, wooden boxes, picture frames, wooden bucket, violin w/case, stereo optic viewer, lot stereo cards, lot 78 records. H.B. Pfaltzgraff blue flowered crock, crocks, jugs, graniteware, cast boot jack, imitation toy engine, mech. toy clown, marbles, Redicut tobacco can, tinware, tin matchsafe, tin creamer, lunch bucket, lot old reed baskets, butter scales, slaw cutter, meatsaw, coffee grinder, doughtray scrapers, miniature cast tools, bone handle knives & forks. G.E. No-Frost refrig./freezer, Kelvinator refrigerator, chest deep freeze, Philco color TV, stove, & 100’s of items. * * * TO BE SOLD THURSDAY. OCT 2 Bow front china closets, 2 high oak beds, oak dressers, oak vanity, oak chest drawers (w/hat box), oak washstand, pair Sheridan deco, chairs, set 6 deco, plank bottom chairs (spindle back), misc. plank bottom chairs, oak chest (clawfeet), high wooden single bed, mahogany dresser, plank sewing rocker (arren back), dovetailed blanket chest, oak pedestal round table, gate-leg drop-leaf table, bow back chairs, basket jardiniers, oak potty chair, platform carpet rocker, cane seat chairs, deco. Boston rocker, morticed bench, treadle sewing machine. 10 Homemade quilts (some never used), tapestries, lot old linens, lot old clothing, feather ticks, kero lamps lanterns, apple peeler, lot miniature kero lamps, graniteware, cast waffle iron, quilting frame, catnelback trunk, battery short wave radio, lot old reed baskets, wood adv. boxes, picture frames, tinware, copper wash boiler. Penn Esther cookstove, 4 burner kero stove, old sled, Dexter wringer washer, cast porch bench, old marbles, knucklers, chalk box, lot jewelry, watches, buttons, cheese boxes, Oliver 880 toy tractor. 100’s of items. (Tastle & draps, beaded loop, Baltimore pear, medallion, oatmeal, diamond point, etc.), footed compote, pitchers, water glasses, creamers, covered butter dishes, goblets, sherberts, candy dishes; Staffordshire, Amperware, milkglass, blue/red/pink hobnail, ironstone. Shirley Temple pitcher & 2 mugs, lot souvenir glassware, lot cups, saucers, German soft paste plates, lot Bavarian china, blue footed salts, communion set, 1905 green carnival tumblers, Italian wines, Bavarian decanter & wine set, flowered goblets, brides basket, Nippon dresser set, yellow carnival punch bowl set, blue depression bowl w/lid, battleship dish, covered turkey, red/white basket, Halls bowl, miniature copper lustre pictures, Italian pottery pieces, porcelain, figurines, chicken-on-nests, Victorian pin boxes, Indian brass bells, lot chalk figurines, cracker jar, cookie jar, shaving mug & mirror, crocks, jugs, miniature cast stoves and more. FARM EQUIPMENT-TOOLS Farmall H tractor, Int. 28 blade disk, cultipacker, Int. T semi mtd. sickle mower, Motomower 22 Rototiller, lawn mowers. Slate tools, garden tools, post vise, kettle furnace, clover seeder, wood chisels, wood planes, shoe lathe, wooden cabinet, wooden measures, hog trough, ladders, whiskey barrels, and more. TERMS: CASH OR GOOD CHECK OUT OF STATE - CASH, BANK LETTER OF CREDIT OR TRAVELERS CHECKS HATTIE BAHN Lewisberry Rd. York. Pa. Luther Bupp, P.O.A. David Bupp, Attorney AUCTIONEER: Blaine N. Rentzel Emigsville, Pa. Ph. 717-764-6412 Pa. Auctioneer's Lie. #761 ty at 300 Merkel Rd W K Frame Site Development, Owners Vilsmeier Auc tion Co , Inc , Auc tioneers THURS OCT 18 - 6 PM Public Auction of Real Estate, Guns, Hunting Accessories, Collectibles, Household Items, Tools and Accessories Located at 304 north Second Street in Halifax, right along Rt 147 20 miles northeast of Harrisburg, PA on Rts 225 and 14/ Mrs (Albert) Alma Hoff man, Owner Edwin Shoop PUBLIC AUCTION * * * TO BE SOLD OCT. 18.1934 *** ANTIQUESFURNITURE-LAMPS-CLOCK GLASSWARE ANTIQUES - FURNITURE - COLLECTIBLES GLASSWARE :arlycarni\ LOT PRESSED & PATTERN GLASS and David Deibler, Auc tioneers THURS OCT 18 - 9 AM Public Auction of Anti ques, Collectibles, Gaudy Dutch Sterling Silver, Glass. China, Leaded Dome Flow Blue (Shapoo) Dinner Set Located at Skippack Firehouse, Rt 113 ( l /< mile south of Rt 73), Skippack, PA Elsie Smith, Owner Sanford A Alderfer, Inc , Auc tioneers THURS OCT 18 - 9 AM Public Auction of Anti- Sues, Collectibles, Gaudy utch Sterling Silver, Glass, China, Leaded Dome Flow Blue (Shapoo) Dinner Set Located at Skippack Firehouse, Rt 113 (*/< mile south of Rt 73), Skippack, PA. Elsie TIBI Smith Owner Sanford A Alderfer, Inc , Auc'ioncnr FRIDAY OCTOBER 19 6 30 PM Public Auction of Feeder Cattle and Feeder Pigs Located at Keister's Middleburg Auction Sales, Inc, Rt 522, 3 miles east of Middleburg, PA, 5 miles west of Sehnsgrove, PA Don & Walt Keister, Owners Ray Long & Dave Imes, Auctioneers FRIDAY OCTOBER 19 - 7 PM Public Auction of State Graded Feeder Cat tle Sale Located at the Penns Valley Livestock Auction, Centre Hall, PA Ron Gilligan, Auctioneer FRIDAY OCTOBER 19 5 30 PM Gap Auction An • • • tiquds and Household Goods sold at every auc tion Located oft Rt 41, Lancaster Turkey Hill Mimt Market, cross RR bndge, Ira Stoltzfus & Son, Auctioneers FRIDAY OCTOBER 19 7 30 PM Public Auction of the Annual Feeder Cattle Sale Located 4 miles east of Washington, PA on Rt 136, Exit 8 off 1-70 Eighty-Four Auction Sales, Inc , Auctioneers. FRIDAY OCTOBER 19 & SATURDAY OCTOBER 20 - 9 30 AM Public Liquida tion Auction of 216 Acres, Sawmill, Shop Equipment, Trucks, Tractors, Building Supplies & New Hartf ware Located 1 mile nor thwest of Elizabethville, Dauphin Co, PA From Rt 209 (West Mam St) turn north at Bickel Crossing Rd Wilhour Lumber Co, Owners Mike & George Delbert, Auctioneers FRI OCT 19 930 AM Dairy Cow Show & Sale LOCATION Ephrata, RD 4, 1 mile north of Ephrata on North State St Walter A Risser, Proprietor Green Dragon Livestock Sale ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★***** PUBLIC AUCTION THURSDAY EVE., OCTOBER 18,1984 AT 6:00 P.M. Located at 304 North Second Street in Halifax, right along Route 147. 20 miles Northeast of Harrisburg, PA. On Routes 225 and 147. REAL ESTATE (% ACRE LOT) 175’ by 175’ lot located west of Route 147 & 304 North Second Street in Halifax. This lot is level terrain with many possibilities. There is an alley right-of-way with city sewage, and water available. At present time, lot is used for gardening and blueberry growing. Also utility shed is erected on lot. Be sure to inspect SALE OF REAL ESTATE -10% down and other conditions the day of sale. REAL ESTATE WILL BE OFFERED AT 7 P.M. For inspection call 896- 8056. GUNS & HUNTING ACCCESSORIES Winchester 12 ga. (model 97) shotgun, Winchester (model 68 ) 22 cal. rifle, Remington 12 ga. double-barrel shotgun, Remington 12 ga. (model 10) pump shotgun, Remington 25 model 35 pump rifle, Crecent 12 ga. single-shot hammer shotgun, Stevens 22 cal. crock-shot rifle, BB air rifle, Civil War powder gun bayonet, 2 French bayonets, Gun cabinet with glass door (7 guns) with drawer at bottom, ammunition, rifle & shotgun cleaning rods, Sears 12 ft. aluminum John boat, canoe paddles, approx. 2 doz. geese decoys, numerous duck decoys, wooden duck decoys, duck calls and other calls, approx. 3 doz. muskrat traps, fishing rods, approx. 12 spinning reels, fishing lures of all kinds, approx. 1 doz. jig molds, Palmer hot pot, lead ladel, approx. 100 finished jigs, jig accessories, fish filet and hunting knives, black powder and bullets, black powder cleaning rod, musket #2854 nipple wrench, wood carving tools and saw rasp used to make duck decoys, Brownie Bmm movie camera and other accessories, approx. 12 books on the history of the Civil War, history book of the Susquehanna and Juniata Valleys (dated 1886). COLLECTIBLES & HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Fleager-type decorated plank bottom chair, 2 plank-bottom chairs, 2 school Axjfg 3 ft, glass showcase, Hay cutter completed with trough, 2 copper washboilers, wooden kegs, 2 5-gal. jugs, crocks, early baskets, 3 kerosene lamps, cast kerosene wall bracket, carbide light, carnage lamp, cast waffle and frying pans, sad irons, several dove-tail advertisement boxes, picture frames, Enterprize #OO cast coffee grinder (mint conditon), somepressed and pink depression glassware, and other items. Weil McLain A-6-S senes coal furnace with hot water tank, Hedges Ultraglass 30 gal. gas hot water heater (nice condition), 2-piece colonial-style living room suite, 3-drawer cabinet and others. David Bradley 5 HP garden tractor in good condition with equipment including harrow and cultipacker combination, plow, disc, blade, sickle tor mower, Power Jari 32” sickle bar mower with Briggs & Stratton engine, hand garden cultivator, Craftsman cordless wood wacker, garden dusters, garden tools including scythe, hoes, shoves, rakes, picks, digging iron, sledge hammer, trimming tools, etc., clam rake, grease gun, 8 bags of Super 4-2-4 fertilizer, several rolls of wire, numerous small hand tools and other items. THIS IS A SALE WITH ITEMS FOR EVERYONE. MAKE PLANS TO ATTEND. Sale will begin with small tools and collectibles. Real estate at 7:00 p.m., followed by large equipment and furniture. Guns and sporting equipment at approx. 8:00 p.m. AREA WILL BE LIGHTED: BRING LAWN CHAIRS. Cash and certified checks only; personal checks accepted if known by owner or auctioneers. MRS. (ALBERTI ALMA HOFFMAN OWNER Edwin Shoop, AUOOOA42-L David-Deibler, AU-001213-L Auctioneers, 717-896-8305 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, October 13,1984—D35 FRI , OCT 19 - 5 PM 2 Day Public Auction of Farm, Antiques, Tools, Household Goods & Col lectibles Located IVt miles east of Troxelvilleon L Rt 54029 in Adams Twp, Snyder Co, PA Harry J Romig, Owner Jay E Lauver & Steven D Wagner, Auctioneer FRI OCT 19 - 10 AM Public Auction Fall Roun dup and Draft Horse Sale Selling Draft Horse Equip ment 10 AM, Draft Horses, 12 Noon, Horse Tack, 3 PM and Saddle Horses, 7 PM Located at Chambers, Unadilla, NY 1 hour from Bmghamson on Interstate 1-88 D R Chambers & Sons, Inc , Owners FRI OCT 19 7 PM Public Auction of 25 Steers Located in Somerset Co Fairgrounds, Meyersdale, PA Sponsored by Somerset Co Beef Pro ducers SATURDAY OCTOBER 20 - 9 AM Public Auction of Real Estate, Antiques, Collectibles, Jewelry, Coins & Household Items Located at 80 King St, TOOLS & ACCESSORIES Northumberland, PA Mary G Steele Estate Dockey, Dockey & Dep pen, Auctioneers SATURDAY OCTOBER 20 ■ 6 30 PM Public Auc tion of the PA Feeder Calf Sales Located in Westmoreland, Fairgrounds, Greensburg For information contact Bill Kelly, Box 250, Greensburg, PA 15601 SAT OCT 20-1 PM Public Sale of 161 acres limestone dairy farm Located Penn Township, Cumberland, Co, PA From 1-81 take Newville Exit (No 11), follow 233 south to second crossroad, turn right onto Pine Rd, follow to sale Approx 3 miles off of I 81 Sate signs posted day of sale Owner, Arthur Enck Auctioneers, Melvin Sensenig, Lamar Sensemg SAT OCT 20 - 10 AM Elmer B & Esther B Kurtz Farm Machinery, Tools & Household Goods Located along Furnace Hill Rd approx 3 mi north of Schoeneck, W Cocahco Township Auc tion conducted by Paul E Martin & John D Stauffer