Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 13, 1984, Image 167
Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 500 P M ol each week's publication PUBLIC SALE OF 3 TRACTS OF WOODLAND TUESDAY, OCT. 30,1984 @ 5:00 P.M. Located along Mountain Rd., 3 miles west of Rt. 61 and north of Hamburg. Tilden Township, Berks County, Penn sylvania. PARCEL #1 • Contains 16 acres, mostly gentle slope. Rectangular shape. More fully described in Deed book Vol. 1375, page 27. PARCEL #2 - Contains 7 acres. More fully described in Deed book 1746, page 60. PARCEL #3 - Contains 6 acres, adjacent to Parcel #l. More fully described in Deed book Vol. 1375, page 255. Acres to all three parcels off Mountain Road. INSPECTION: Thursday, October 18, 1984 from4:3o - 5:30P.M., or by appointment. TERMS: 10% down day of sale; settlement by November 30,1984. TERMS BY: WAYNE SCHADLER Atty: John Hoffert Alvin Horning, Auctioneer #AU-000433-L HORNING FARM AGENCY, INC. Main St., Morgantown, Pa. 19543 286-5183 PUBLIC AUCTION VALUABLE FARM EQUIPMENT, HOUSEHOLD AND ANTIQUE ITEMS SATURDAY, OCT. 20,1984 10:00 A.M. Located along Anchor Road, Manor Jwp., Lane. Co. Pa. Coming from Millersville by Rt. 999 at Central Manor Church of God go left on Blue Rock Rd., first left on Camber Road, follow Camber Road to Anchor Road turn right ‘/z mile to farm on left “Note" auction will begin with farm machinery immediately. No small items at beginning of auction. Farm Equipment is in excellent condition and in cludes the following Allis Chalmers items Model Dl7 tractor, Dl2 tractor, Mdl. G tractor, 2 row com planter; Portable 26 disc harrow Mdl. 2300,7’ grass mower lawn sweeper, chisel plow AC 95 16” chain saw, 2 Bottom plow, snap couple 9’ scraper blade. Also 3 section spring harrow, potatoe plow, 10’ Brillion cultipacker, spike harrow. Also the following household furnishings early straight front bureau, high governor Writhrop type secretary desk, oak extension table large oak oval china closet, blanket chest signed Lizzie G. Stauffer hand grained, round leaf ext. table, 2 rope rush seat chairs, Bedside commode, German and English china veg. dishes, candle wick pattern glassware by Imperial. Fostoria stems, clocks, 7 pc. wash bowl and pitcher set “Nice”, fur nished steel bed with brass rings, Candle box, knee hole desk, living room furniture, single bed, dresser, G.E. 16,000 BTU air conditioner, Post card albums, chiffarobe, lamps, large flexible flour shed, uncle wigley books, shaving mirror; pin trap, glass baskets, ruby glass, ribbon dishes, Slat top desk, Nippon blown egg, cranberry with com shots 2 pcs., Various hand tools including slate tools, block planes, Baily #7 plane, pipe wrenches, Elec, drill, Stanley wooden level, socket set, platform scale. 3 section extension ladder 16’ section 2 H.P. air compressor, bench table saw, skil saw, grass seeder for tractor, also numerous items not mentioned. Auction for KENDIG H. DEITRICH 287 Lime Rock Road Litttz. PA 17543 Elmer Murry 626 5244 626 2636 Richard Murry 626-8175 949 2280 Ken Miller 665 2073 Professional Auctioneers Appraisers and Advisors Since 1953 AU-648L Food on premises Farm Women #23 SAT OCT 13 ■ 930 AM Public Auction of Buggy, Farm Equipment, Tools Antiques Located at R D 1, Hummelstown, Dauphin Co From Rt 322 in Hershey, turn south at Don's Pier, then right on to Sand Hill Rd , left onto Clark Rd to stop sign then turn right to proper ty on left at top of hill George A Kluck, Owner Harry H Bachman, Auc tioneer TUESDAY OCTOBER 16 BPM Public Auction of a State Graded Calf PUBLIC AUCTION VALUABLE REAL ESTATE MONDAY EVE., OCT. 22,1984 5:30 P.M To be held on the premises located at 466 Laudermilch Road, E. Hanover Twp., Dauphin County, Pa. From Hershey take Route 743 north to last farm on right before Route 22. Real Estate to be offered in 2 tracts and as a complete parcel. TRACT 1: Lot size of 193’ frontage, 267’ depth and 346’ rear width with improvements being a 2V2 story Tex-Brick sided house with Ist floor containing kitchen, dining and living rooms and parlor. 2nd floor has 3 bedrooms and full bath. Other particulars include enclosed rear porch, new plumbing, large front porch, well water, on lot septic system, partial storm windows and home is heated by oil heatrola and coal stove. Other improvements mclude a small chicken house and 30’x30’ shop and garage. TRACT 2: Lot size of 130’ frontage, 500’ depth, 500’ rear and 230’ side depth which contains 2.83 acres with improvements of a 2 bay-2 mow bank barn with enclosed forebay. Small fenced exercise lot in front of barn. Seperate water system. This tract is zoned boht commercial and R-A. Inspection by calling 717-46941626 or 717-939- 4053. Terms to be 10% deposit auction day with the balance due within 30 days at settlement. For country living, yet close to major cities and highways and located in the Lower Dauphin School District, don’t miss this opportunity. Conditions by PAUL WERT Harry B. Bachman Auctioneer 717-867-1809 AU-000033-L Shearer, Matte, Woodside Attorneys BANKRUPTCY AUCTION VALUABLE 67 ACRE PERRY COUNTY DAIRY FARM SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27,1984 At ll:OOA.M. Farm is located along Route 74, Vi mile south of intersection of Route 850 & 74, near Alinda, Spring Township, Perry County. Acreage is mostly open pasture & tillable, with farm house & buildings set back l k mile from hard road. 2'k story farm house w/four bedrooms, new roof, new siding, original oak & chestnut woodwork inside. * 40’x64’ 36 stanchion bank barn * 20’xl4’ block milk house * 20’xl0’ hog pen * 22’xl2’ poultry house * 44’x26’ new metal quonset barn * 20’xl2’ springhouse plus other out buildings Milking System 3 unit pipeline alternating pulsating system, 2 inch receiving line, Kenvade Model 3000 washer & 82 gal. hotwater heater. To be sold separately after real estate. Complete payment day of auction on this item. TERMS on Real Estate: Deposit of |7,500.00 required at time of auction by cash, certified or cashiers check payable to Kerry Pae Auc tioneers. Balance due in 30 days at settlement. Auction subject to approval of court. FOR INFORMATION/INSPECTION CONTACT AUCTION CO. Ordered by U.S. Middle District Sale Located at Terra Alta Livestock Markp* Inc, Terra Alta, West Virginia Russell W Stover, Jr , Mgr 304-789-2788 TUES, OCT 16 4 PM Farmersville Auction in Farmersville, 3 mi East of Brownstown, Lancaster County, Pa TUES OCT 16 10 AM Public Auction of Real Estate, Inventory & Equipment Located at the Building Supply Center, Anchor Building Supply, Inc , 1832 Mac Ar thur Rd , Whitehall, PA V* mile north of the intersec Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 13,1984-033 tion ot Kt 22andKt 145 Rt 145 is located 5 miles east of the intersection of Rt 22 and Exit 33 of the PA turnpike Wm F Comly & Son, Inc Auc tioneers TUES OCT 16 10 30 AM Public Auction of the Cashel I Farm Complete Dispersal of 140 Registered Holsteins Located at Chambersburg in Franklin Co , PA From 1-81 take Exit 5 to stop sign, turn right on Wayne Ave (Rt 316) into Chambersburg Go 3 PUBLIC SALE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20,1984 TIME: 10:30 A.M. Location: 4 miles west of Blain on Rt. 274 in New Germantown, Pa., Perry County. Sign posted. TRACTORS—MACHINERY—IMPLEMENTS—B-GUNS Case 770 diesel tractor, OK, 1977 model; M.H. diesel tractor with mtd. 2 row com picker, 1933 model; Oliver crawler with scoop and blade, gas model; New Idea manure spreader with PTO; J.D. 2 row com planter, 3 pt.; N.H. flail chopper; Ontario grain drill, disc type; J.D. 16” 3 bottom trip plows, F 125 model; J.D. 14” trip bottom plows; J.D. 8’ disc; J.D. model 640 side delivery rake; MacKissick 2 bin grain wagon with PTO; gravity bin wagon; N.H. #6B baler with new engine and thrower; elevator; field sprayer; industrial Oliver 70 tractor with loader; 2 wood flat wagons; cultipacker; 2 harrows; 28 disc, 3 pt. potato scorer; gram auger; J.D. combine for scrap; mower, com planter, other older pieces for scrap; antique one-horse sleigh; 1 hole com shelter; electric. PROPERTY 12:00 P.M. Approx. 60 acres all-clear open farm, level ground with 2 never failing streams; also drilled well with road frontage on both sides of Rt. 274; large frame bam with metal roof and other outbuildings. Terms: 10% down on property, balance due March 15,1985. Seller reserves right to reject any and all bids. Other terms day of sale. To inspect property, call 536-3130. Ideal property m western Perry County for hunting; snowmobiling close by. Owner, DAVEBRINER Phone: 536-3130 Auctioneer, Chuck Bricker AU-000094-L Phone: 766-5785 DUTCH HILL FARMS MACHINERY AUCTION 1981 Fonl 7700 DL-4 Chuck Wagons SAT. OCTOBER 27,1984 at 12 Noon Sharp! 4 mi. N.E. of Hope, NJ. From Rt. 46 at Bridgeville light take Rt. 519 North to Hope, N.J., continue on 519 from Hope for 3 I A mi. to the 52 mile marker, turn left on Ackerson Rd. go about Vz mi. to Ist RD. on left to farm. Clean, Ford H.D twin cly front end loader, IHC 826 DL W.F fair, Oliver 880 gas, Farmall M w/W F and hyd. 4 CHUCK WAGONS - Oliver 880 gas, Farmall M w/W.F. and hyd 4 CHUCK WAGONS - N.H. #8 tandem w/roof 11/?I 1 /? yr. old A-l. Gehl #630 clean, Lamco fair, N.H. crop carrier, NEW HOLLAND EQUIP. - 467 haybme, super 69 baler w/thrower, 66 baler, #717 chopper w/1 row corn & haylage hds, #36 flail chopper as is. J.D. EQUIP - 4 btm 16" oil reset semi mtd plow, #34 chopper w/1 row corn & haylage hds, 4 row corn planter. IHC EQUIP.-#4OO cyclo 4 row corn planter w/momtor, 10 ft. hyd disc. Gehl hi throw #B7 silage blower, Patz 190 bu. manure spreader, 3 PTH spinner spreader, 200 gal. field sprayer, 30 ft. elevator, 10 ft. cultipacker, 1 kicker hay and 1 flat wagon, 1971 chev 10 pickup. PLAN TO ATTEND! TRACTORS SELL 12 NOON SHARP! INSPECTION only by appointment calling 201-362-8653 from 9 A.M to 5 P.M. NOT SUNDAYS PLEASE' TERMS-Cash or Good Check w/proper I.D. Full payment Sale Day! OUT OF STATE BUYERS-Cash or Certified funds or other checks accompanied with a irrevocable Bank Letter of Credit addressed to Dutch Hill Farm Sale Oct. 27,1984. SALE CONDUCTED BY: COL FRED R. DANIEL AUCTIONEERS INC. NESHANIC STA. N.J. 201-369-4784 blocks, turn left on Der by shire St to dead end turn left on Rt 11 south Go 200 and turn right on Industrial Drive to dead end, to left on Hollywell Ave to Ist farm on left George Cashell & Family, Owners Remsburg Sale Service, Auctioneers TUES OCT 16“ - 12 Noon Public Auction of Real Estate Located on Morse Rd , Forest Hill, Harford Co At 1751 Morse Rd , in the 3rd Election District ot Har Arrows Posted! NO SMALL ITEMS! 12 NOON SHARP! ford Co, MD Guardian for Rosalie G Berry, Owner Daniel J Hanley Esq O’Neills Auction Co John H O'Neill, Auc tioneer TUES OCT 16 10 AM Public Auction of Farm Equipment Located 13 miles southwest of Ken ton, Ohio, on State Rd 67 to State Rd 235, then 3 1 /? miles north to County Rd 130, then ‘/j mile east to the auction Joe D Rose. Jr , Owner Schrader Real Estate and Auction Co, Auctioneers