Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 13, 1984, Image 15
Livestock market and auction news St. Louis Cattle Thursday, October 11,1984 Report Supplied by USDA Receipts This Week 3,400 Week Ago 3,000 Year Ago 3,900 Compared to the previous week’s dose, slaughter steers and heifers 1,50-2.00 higher, with most advance on slaughter heifers. Cows closed the week steady to 1.00 lower with most decline on cutter and canner grades. Bulls steady in light test through the week. Supply mainly choice steers and heifers, around 10% cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Mixed choice and prime 2-4 1050-1300 lbs. 6i 50-to mostly 62.00. Choice 2-4 1000-1300 lbs. 60.50-61.50; 900-1000 lbs. 59.0060.50; 800-900 lbs. 58,00 59.00. Mixed good and choice 2-3 9001200 lbs. 59.0061.00. Good 26 9001200 lbs. 57.0059.00. Scattered lots mostly good 2-3 10001250 lb. Holsteins 51.0064.00, few lots early in the week up to 57.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Mixed choice and prime 2-4 9001100 lbs. 60.0060.50, one load early 61.00. Choice 26 9001100 lbs. 58.0060.00; 800900 lbs. 56.00-58.00. Mixed good and choice 2-3 8001000 lbs. 56.00 58.50. Good 2-3 750-950 lbs. 53.00 56.00. COWS: Breaking Utility and commercial 2-4 37.00-40.00, few 40.00- Cutter and boning utility 1-2 37.00-39.00, few 39.00- 40.00. Canner and low dressing cutter 1-2 32.00-36.00. Shelly canner 1-226.00-31.00. BULLS: YG 1-2 1200-1900 lbs. 43.00- Wednesday Weekly Sheep Receipts around 450 head. Compared to last week, wooled and shorn slaughter lambs 2.00-3.00 lower. Feeder lambs 2.00 lower. slow to moderate. Supply slaughter lambs. SLAUGHTER LAMBS: Choice and prime wooled and shorn with ''No. 1-2 pelts 90-100 lbs. 57.00-62.50; -100-130 lbs. 60.00-63.50, one lot shorn 65.00. SLAUGHTER EWES: Few utility to good 10.00-15.00. ® NORTHERN \ 10 « U^T / FARNAM ZIMECTRIN™ dpA GOOSEDOWN JACKET \BUCKET *l. HORSE WORMER MX ReB ' slol - 90 Supply ' / $8.95 SALE $50.00 ÜBM QUARTZ HEATER 1350 Watt Supply Limited $25.00 THRIFTY 100 So. Railroad Ave. FEEDER LAMBS: Few choice and fancy 6060 lbs. 53.00-55.50. FEEDERS; (including around 1,300 at the regular Thursday auction.) Feeder steers under 700 lbs. firm, over 700 lbs. weak in a light test. Feeder Heifers 1.00 lower. Trading moderate to active. Demand and attendance Good with rain haulting fall field work. Supply mostly Steers under 800 lbs. and 400-700 lb. Heifers. FEEDER STEERS: Medium and Large Frame 1: 300600 lbs. 64.0069.00; 500-700 lbs. 62.0065.50. A few 700600 lbs. 58.0062.50. Medium and Large Frame 1-2; few 300625 lbs. 60.0064.00. Large Frame 2 Holsteins; 300-900 lbs. 43.00-44.25. FEEDER BULLS: Medium and Large Frame 1-2: few 400625 lbs. 50.0062.00. FEEDER HEIFERS: Medium and Large Frame 1; One lot 318 lbs. 56.25; 400-700 lbs. 52.00-54.50. Medium and Large Frame 1-2; 300 600 lbs. 45.0060.00. Morrison Cove Auction Martlnsburg, Pa. Monday, October 8 Report supplied by PDA CATTLE 275. This report is supplied by the auction. Compared with last week’s market High Choice & Prime Slaughter Steers 64.00- Choice 61.00-63.25, Good 56.00- Standard 51.00-55.25, Utility 42.50-49.25. Choice Slaughter Heifers 60.5063.25, Good 50.00- Standard 48.00-52.25, Utility 41.00-46.25. Breaking Utility & Commercial Slaughter Cows 45.0047.25, Commercial 41.00- 44.25, Cutter & Boning Utility 36.00- 40.25, Canner & Cow Cutter 31.00- 35.25, Shells down to 20.00. Choice Slaughter Bullocks 52.50-56.00, Good 48.00-50.25, Standard 43.00- 46.50, Utility 37.00-42.00. FEEDER CATTLE: Steers- Choice 300-600 lbs. 56.00-61.00, Good 300-600 lbs. 48.00- 54.00, Medium 300-700 lbs. 44.00-47.00. Heifers - Good 300-600 lbs. 48.00-56.00, Medium 300-600 lbs. 41.00-46.00, The THRIFTY DUTCHMAN Says, "Pall In line With Our LOW PRICES And nil Your Pockets With The Savings" Our Prices On Zimmerman Running Gears And Elevators Check Offers Good Thru Oct. 20th DUTCHMAN SUPPLY (717) 354-2266 Bulls- Good 300600 lbs. 51.0d56.00, Medium 300600 lbs. 42.0049.00. CALVES 428. Prime Vealers 75.0064.00. Choice 67.00-73.00, Good 59.0064.00, Standard & Good HO 130 lbs. 54.0060.00,90110 lbs. 49.50 53.50, 70-90 lbs. 44.0048.50, Utility 4060 lbs. 35.0043.00. FARM CALVES: Holstein Bulls 90130 lbs. 68.0093.00, Holstein Heifers 90120 lbs. 54.0068.00. HOGS 131. Barrows & gilts - US No. 1-2 210240 lbs. barrows & gilts 47.2048.00, No. 16 200260 lbs. 45.00-46.75, No. 2-3 170190 lbs. 41.2044.25. Sows - US No. 16 350 600 lbs. sows 43.0045.00, No. 2-3 350 600 lbs. 38.0042.00. Boars 27.00 30.00, Light weights 31.0035.00. FEEDER PIGS 39. US No. 16 20 35 lbs. feeder pigs 16.0019.00 per head, No. 16 3040 lbs. 21.0025.00, No. 1-35060 lbs. 29.0034.00. SHEEP 7. Choice 95-115 lbs. 56.0064.00. Slaughter ewes one at 14.00. GOATS 8.11.0034.00 per head, Greencastle Livestock Greencastle, Pa. Monday, October 8,1984 Report Supplied by USDA CATTLE 378. Butcher Steers- Choice 63.00-67.25; Butcher Steers- Medium-Good 52.00-64.00; Butcher Heifers-Choiceupto64.oo; Butcher Heifers-Medium-Good 45.00-61.00; Butcher Cows-Utility-Good 38.00- 43.00; Butcher Cows-Canners and Cutters 35.00-41.00; Butcher Cows- Shells 35.00 and down; Butcher Bulls-Medium-Good 44.00-50.00; Stock Steers-Medium-Good up to 65.00; Stock Heifers-Medium-Good 51.50. CALVES 321. Medium-Good Caives-160-220 lbs. 60.00-75.00; Medium-Good Calves-125-160 lbs. 60.00-65.00; Medium-Good Calves 100-120 lbs. 55.00-62.00; Medium- Good Calves 80-100 lbs. 50.0fr60.00; Holstein Bull Calves up to 89.00; Holstein Heifer Calves 61.00; Light and Green Calves down to 45.00. SHEEP and LAMBS 44. Medium-Good Lambs 60.00-61.00; Light and Cull Lambs 44.00-50.00; Butchering Ewes and Bucks 14.00 20.00. HOGS 102. Good-Choice Butcher Hogs 190225 lbs. 43.0045.00; Good- Choice Butcher Hogs 225-250 lbs. 44.5045.00; Good-Choice Butcher Sows 400 lbs., up to 46.00; Good- Choice Butcher Sows 400 lbs., up 47.50; Heavy Boars 31.00; Pigs-Per Head 10.0026.50. Joliet Cattle Thursday, October 11,1984 Report Supplied by USDA CATTLE: Friday through Wednesday’s salable receipts 1300; 5 days last week 1349; Same period a year ago 2584. Trading moderately active Monday; slow Wednesday. Slaughter steers ended the week mostly steady. Slaughter heifers ended the week steady, instances 50 higher. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice, few prime, 3-4 1400# load 64.50 Wednesday. Choice 2-4 12001350# 63.0064.75 Monday; 61.5064.50 Wednesday; 10501200# 60.0061.50 Wednesday. Mixed good and choice 2-3 10001150# 60.0063.00 Monday; 58.5060.00 Wednesday; load choice 261600# holsteins 58.00 Monday. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 2-4 950-1100# 60.5fr62.00 Monday; 59.50-61.50, package 62.00 Wednesday. Mixed good and choice 2-3 850-1000# 58.0fr60.50 Monday; 57.00-59.50 Wednesday. Omaha Weekly Thursday, October 11 Report supplied by USDA Fed Cattle prices closed this trading period .50-1.00 lower than last week. Demand for Slaughter Steers and Heifers held fairly good, but with the large estimated Slaughter figures and lower dressed beef, buyers turned bearish. Slaughter Cows steady to 1.00 lower. Slaughter Bulls steady to 1.00 higher. Estimated 5 day receipts this week 9,000; actuals last week 10,047 and 13,192 last year. Steers comprised 35 pet. of the week’s \ 6800 BTU ' \ COMFORT GLOW \ KEROSENE \ HEATER Supply Limited New Shipment \569.00 Just Arrived \ ieck Our Low Tire Prices - New Holland, PA Lancaster Fannins, Saturday, October 13,1984—A15 IMPAXE LOG SPUTTER receipts, Heifers 36 pet., Cows 10 pet, Feeders 18 pet. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Closing sales few packages and loads Choice 2-4 1050-1250 lbs. 60.0041.50. Few Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 1050-1150 lbs. 59.00-60.50. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Couple lots Choice 2-4 975-1075 lbs. 58.25 and 59.50. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 900-1025 lbs. 57.0048.00. Average of LS 214 quotations for Choice 900-1100 lb. 60.45, 1100-1300 lbs. 61.69. Average cost Steers this week 61.14, average weight 1155 lbs. as compared to 60.12 last week .and 1166 lbs. average cost Heifers this week 60.15, average weight 1006 as compared to 58.61 and 1039 lbs. last week. SLAUGHTER COWS: Few breaking Utility 2-3 38.0041.25. Cutter and Boning Utility 1-2 36.50- 40.25. Canner and Low Cutter 32.00- 37.00, few “Shells” to 30.50. SLAUGHTER BULLS; 1-2 1155- 1855 lbs. 46.00-50.25. Penns Valley Livestock Centre Hall, Pa. Tuesday, October 9 Report supplied by auction Beef Cows: Utility and Com mercial 41.10-43.80; Cutters 37.75- 40.75; Canners 35.10-36.85; Shells 27.75. Heifers: Good 57.50-60.85; Standard 48.25-52.10; Commercial 42 50 47 75 Bulls: Good 48.25-50.10; Stan dard 41.00-46.50. Feeder Cattle: 300-500 lbs. large frame 48.00-55.00; 300-500 lbs. small frame 44.00-50.00; 500-700 lbs. large frame 46.00-51.00; 500-700 lbs. small frame 40.00-46.00. Veal Calves: Choice 78.00-85.00; Good 62.00-77.00; Standard 54.00- 63.00; Utility 46.00-53.00. Farm Calves: Bulls 74.00-84.00. Hogs: 46.1047.25. Sows; 40.7543.00. Boars: 28.50-29.50. Goats per head 12.00-28.00. $1995.00 Mon.,Tues., Wed.: 8 AM-5:30 PM Thurs.,Fri.: 8 AM-9 PM Sat.: BAM-4PM