Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 06, 1984, Image 7
Livestock market, and auction news Central U.S. Carlot Pork Report Wednesday, October 3 Report supplied by USDA Compared to Tuesday’s 4:00 p m report: Fresh Pork Loins 14- 17 lbs. generally steady to firm, other weights indicated firm on light test. Picnics steady, in stances firm on 4-8 lbs. Skinned Hams and Fresh Sdls Bellies steady on light test. Trade slow except moderate on loins. Demand light to moderate for moderate offerings. US No. 1&2 165 lb. Pork Carcass cut-out value advanced $ 13 per cwt. Sales reported on 25 loads of Fresh Pork Cuts & 6 loads of Trimmings and Boneless Processing Pork. Fresh Pork Cuts LOINS (Regular): 14-17 lbs. 90.00-93.50, bulk 92.00, generally steady; 22&uplbs. 71.50, firm. LOINS (Retail Trim); 14-17 lbs. 105.00 short cut, firm. PICNICS: 4-8 lbs. 45.00, load 47.00, steady to firm; B&up lbs. 42.00, steady. BOSTON BUTTS;, 4-8 lbs 68.00, no comparison. SPARERIBS: 3 s&down lbs. 97.00, frozen. HAMS (Skinned)- 20-26 lbs 72 00, steady. BELLIES - (Sdls - Skin On) • 12- 14 lbs 57.00, steady Pork Trimmings Boneless Processing Pork (Chemical Lean) 72% Ixan Trimmings Fresh 65 00,2.00 lower. 72% Boneless Picnics Fresh 6,1 00,1.00-4.00 lower. Jowls, Fresh 29.00, no com parison. . Jowls, Frozen 30.00 (Ship UfMKkM New Wilmington Livestock Auction N. Wilm.,PA. Monday, Oct. 1 Report Supplied by PDA i ATTLE 280. Compared with last Mondays’ market, slaughter lows about steady. Few Choice daughter steers 61.00-62.50, few Good 56.00-58, Standard 46.00-53. RICHARD SECHLER BUYERS & SELLERS OF LIVE & DRESSED Leghorn, Medium, Heavy Fowl, Turkeys, Broilers & Roosters Utility 40.0fM5.75. Couple Choice slaughter heifers 57.75 & 58.75, Good 50.00-55.50, Standard 42.50- 48.50. Breaking Utility & Com mercial slaughter cows 37.50-42, few 42.75-44.25, Cutter & Boning Utility 35.00-39.25, Canner & Low Cutter 28.00-35.50, Shells down to 23.00. Few Standard slaughter bullocks 45.0047.25, few Utility 38.0040.50 Yield Grade No. 11160- 2070 lbs. slaughter bulls 43.2546.75. FEEDER CATTLE; Few Medium & Large Frame #1 330465 lbs. steers 54.00-64; Medium and Large Frame #1305-535 lbs. heifers 39.0045.50, 550-790 lbs. 35.0041.50; Holstein 325-750 lbs. 30.00-35; Medium Frame #2 380-650 lbs. bulls 30.00-38.50. CALVES 223. Vealers fully steady. Few Choice vealers 69.00- 80, Standard & Good 90-150 lbs. 57.50-61, 65-85 lbs. 53.00-59, one lot Utility 59 lbs. at 43.00. FARM CALVES: Holstein Bulls were $l2-$l5 lower; 95-135 lbs. 67.00-76.00; Holstein Heifers 100- 120 lbs. 63.00-65.00. HOGS 504. Barrows and gilts $l - lower. US No. 1-2 215-245 lbs. barrows and gilts 44.50-45.35, few No. 1-3 210-260 lbs. 44.0044.50, one lot No. 2-3 300 lbs. at 39.50, No. 1-3 180-200 lbs. 38.50-42.75. Sows steady. US No 1-3 290-680 lbs. sows 34.0042. Boars 23.00-37.00. FEEDER PIGS 119. US No. 1-3 20-35 lbs. feeder pigs 13.00-21 per head, No. 1-3 35.50 lbs. 20.00-30 per head. SHEEP 189. High Choice & Prime 65-110 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 55.00-64.50, one small lot at 68.00, Choice 70-85 42.00-50, Good 45-80 lbs. 35.0042 00 Slaughter ewes 8.00-16.00. ' Morrison Cove Auction Martinsburg, Pa. Monday, October 1 Report supplied by PDA CATTLE 287. This report is supplied by the auction Compared with last Monday's market, High Choice & Prime slaughter steers 61 00-63.25, Choice 58.25-60 75, Good 53.25-56.00, Standard 49.75-52.00, Utility 43.75-47 00. Choice slaughter heifers 56.00-60.25, Good For Quotations of Next Week’s Prices Cali Collect 215-488-7617 PA WATTS NUMBER 800-342-2249 's*** ' **** im. SECHLER'S POULTRY, INC. Box G, Strausstown, PA 19559 51.00- 54.25, Standard 46.0049.50, Utility 39.2545.00. Breaking Utility & Commercial slaughter cows 44.25-47.00, Commercial 41.00- 43.25, Cutter & Boning Utility 36.25- 40.25, Canner & Low Cutter 29.50- 35.50, Shells down to 22.00. Choice slaughter bullocks 53.00-56.50, Good 49.50-52.00, Standard 45.00- 48.00, Utility 38 2544.25. FEEDER CATTLE. Steers Choice 300-600 lbs. 52.00-56.00, Good 300-600 lbs. 46.00-50.00, Medium 300-600 lbs. 38.0044.00; Heifers Good 350-600 lbs. 46.00-53.00, Medium 350-600 lbs. 37.0045.00; Bulls good 300-700 lbs. 48.00-54.00, Medium 300-700 lbs. 40.0046.00. CALVES 425. Prime Vealers 72.00- Choice 64.00-68.00, Good 58.00- Standard & Gooid 110- 130 lbs. 54.00-58.00,90-110 lbs. 51.00- 53.00, 70-90 lbs. 45.0048.00, Utility 40-60 lbs. 38.0043.00. FARM CALVES: Holstein bulls 90-130 lbs. 61.00-90.00, Holstein heifers 95-120 lbs. 59.0068.00. HOGS 180. US No. 1-2 210-240 lbs. barrows & gilts 45.5046.50, No. 1-3 200-260 lbs. 43.0044.75, No. 2-3 175- 195 lbs. 38.0042.50, No. 2-3 280-330 lbs. 42.7544.00. Sows; US No. 1-3 350600 lbs. sows 45.0046.25, No. 2-3 350-600 lbs. 38.2544.50. Boars: 26.00-29.25, Light weights 19 00-14 9S FEEDER PIGS 54. US No. 1-3 20- 25 lbs. feeder pigs 12.00-16.00 per head, No. 1-3 30-35 lbs. 18.00-22.00, No. 1 3 4045 lbs. 24.00-30.00 per head. SHEEP 3. Choice 95-100 lbs, spring slaughter lambs 50.00-58.00 Slaughter ewes one at 26.00 GOATS 19:14.00-41.00 per head Oklahoma Cattle Auction Oklahoma City Wednesday, Oct. 3 Report Supplied by USDA Estimated Receipts 5400. Actual Auction Sales 3952 Same Day last week 4463 Feeder steers under 500# 1 00 lower; over 500# firm to 50 cents higher Feeder heifers under 500# 1.00-2 00 lower; over 500# steady to $lOO higher Demand light for calves; good for yearlings Supply largely 250-750# feeder steers and WE USE OUR OWN LIVE HAUL RIGS, COVERING EASTERN US AND CANADA heifers with 300-600# weights the most prevalent. Calf percentage of total run increased sharply over past few weeks with a corresponding decline in yearling numbers. Feeder Steers: Medium and large frame 1 225-500# 64.00-67,50, lot 340# 70.75; 500-600# 62.9066.50; 600-700# 62.5064.70 ; 700-800# 62.00- 63.70; 800675 lb. 61.3063.00; 910 lb. very fleshy 58.75. Small frame 1 500600 lb. 57.5062.75; 760# 62.00. Medium and large frame mixed 1-2 225-500 lb. 60.0064.50; 500600 lb. 60.7065.00, lots thin 64.0065.00; 600-700 lb. 59.0062.80; 700600 lb. 59.2561.30; 885 lb. 55.90. Medium and large frame 2 few 295400# 53.60-58.80 ; 500600# 56.7561.00; few 600600# 56.00-59.80. Large frame 2 holsteins string slightly thin 285-360 lb. 50.00-51.00, mates 425-565 lb. 48.6048.80. Feeder Heifers: Medium and large frame 1 250400# 51.50-56.50; 400-500# 51.00-56.25 ; 500600# 54.00- 59.00 ; 600600# 56.50-59.00, three lots between 625-700# 59.4060.90; lot very fleshy 790# 56.90. Medium and large frame mixed 1-2 300-500 lb. 49.00-53.00, part load 410 lb. 53.95; 500600# 51.50-54.00; 600-700# 53.75-56.50, half-load 635# 58.00 in late trading. Medium and large frame 2 300-500 lb. 45.2549.50, lot thin 440 lb. 52.00 500-725 lb. 50.00- 53.00. For the week- Feeder Steers and heifers under 550# steady; over 550# 1 00-2.00 higher. Slaughter cows to 50 cents higher Bulls 50 cents to 1.00 lower. Eighty-Four Livestock Eighty-Four, Pa. Monday, October 1 Report supplied by PDA CATTLE 535 Compared with last Monday’s market, slaughter cows steady to weak Few Good slaughter steers 54 00-59.50, Standard 48 00-53.00, few Utility 43 50-45 50. Few Good slaughter heifers 50 00-53 50, Standard 42 50- 48 00, Utility 38 00-43 00 Breaking UtiliU & Commercial slaughter cows’ 38 00-42 75, few to 44 00, Cutter & Boning Utility 34 50-38 50, Canner & Low Cuttei 28 50-35 00. Shells down to 17 00 Yield Grade No 1 1200-2000 lbs. slaughter bulls NELSON LEGGE 39.00-47.00, #2 950-1550 lbs. 34.00 39.50. FEEDER CATTLE: Medium Frame #1 350-600 lbs. steers 47.00 60.00, #2 300-500 lbs. 34.0045 00. Medium Frame #1 300-550 lbs. heifers 40.0046.00, Large #1 500-700 lbs. 44.00-50.00, #2 400600 lbs. 30.00 38.00. Medium Frame #1 300-600 lbs. bulls 45.0055.00, few §2 400600 lbs. 40.0044.50 CALVES 310- Vealers grading Good and Choice steady, Standard and Good 3.005.00 higher. Few Choice vealers 71.00-80.00, Good 60.0070.00, Standard & Good 90120 lbs 46.00-54.00, 60-85 lbs. 35.00 46.00, few Utility 55-90 lbs. 28,00 36.00, FARM CALVES: Holstein Bulls 90120 lbs. 56.0092.00. HOGS 97; Barrows and gilts 1.00 lower. US No. 1-2 205-225 lbs. barrows and gilts 45.0045.50, No. 1- 3 210240 lbs. 40.2542.25, No. 1-3180- 195 lbs. 40.0042.50. US No. 1-3 350 670 lbs. sows 40.0042.50, No. 2-3 350 600 lbs. 35.0039.50. Boars 28.50- 34.00. FEEDER PIGS 23; US No. 1-3 4045 lbs. feeder pigs 20.0025.00 per head, few 5060 lbs. 33.0035.00 per head. SHEEP 142: Spring slaughter lambs steady. High Choice & Prime 75-105 lbs. spring lambs 60.25-65.00, Choice 70-100 lbs. 56.75- 61.00, few Good 55-70 lbs. 50.00- 55.00. Slaughter sheep 11.00-18 50 GOATS 18. 6.50-39.00 per head Jersey Shore Livestock Thursday, September 27,1984 Good Veal: 55.00 toBl.oo. Common Veal 45.00 to 55.00 Good Steers 56.00 to 62.50. Common Steers; 43.00 to 52.00. Commercial Cows - 40.00 to 45.00 Canners-Cutters: 30.00 to 38.50. Heifers: 42.00 t 062.00. Feeder Cattle. 30.00 to 55 00 Bulls 42.00 to 49 00 Good Hogs. 46.50 Sows 41 00 Eggs 29 00 to 67 00 DeLaval Dee DeLaval Do DeLaval does the best job of all l Call Cecil Dairy Service 301-638-6923 For the best deal of all See Section C Page 43 tfk Feels ' P So «\Good! 1177 Time (or the comfortably snug heel fit you get with Red Wings Time for easy pull ons easywalkmg easy working Choose from a selection of the fittmesl Red Wing Pecos for work or whatever' SIZES 5-16 AA-EEE Not ill s s m ill widths Red Wings BOOKS SHOE SERVICE 107 E STATE ST QUARRYVILLE. PA 17566 717-786-2795