Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 06, 1984, Image 60
COLLEGE PARK, Md. - It’s been called America’s favorite pastime, but it’s a pastime with a public relations problem worthy of Madison Avenue’s sharpest PSU offers UNIVERSITY PARK - Fall brings many antique shows, auctions, and flea markets. The most successful buyer at these events seems to be the one who is knowledgeable about antiques. To help you develop or update your skills before you begin your “fall hunt,” you may want to study a course that was developed at Penn State. The course, which surveys an tiques and collectibles, emphasizes those objects of historical and aesthetic value and interest that you can enjoy in your home. Lesson topics include: What’s It Worth?: this lesson discusses appraising, finding, and iden tifying antiques and collectibles. Silver; discusses how to recognize silver and who to interpret its Vegetables are more inviting when served creatively MEDIA Every person needs at least four servings of fruits and vegetables a day, but getting children to eat even one serving of vegetables can be tough. To help you to get your family to eat more vegetables the Penn State Extension Service has planned a demonstration on Creativity With Vegetables. The meeting, which is open to the public, will be held on Friday, Oct. 12 from 10 a.m. to noon in the Hunt Club Building, located in Rose Tree Park on Providence Road (Rt 252) just north of Media. The cost is $1 and is payable at the door. You will see and taste a variety of vegetables prepared in ffew and unusual ways. Some suggestions for making vegetables more appealing are: • Prepare all vegetables carefully. Brightly colored vegetables may be more appealing than bland-looking ones. Remember that children have more sensitive taste buds than adults and will notice off flavors more quickly. Don’t over cook vegetables or keep them hot for too long. Don’t serve vegetables that are old, wilted or of poor quality. • Use sauces to improve the flavor of well-prepared vegetables, but do not try to cover up poor quality. It just won’t work. Cheese, mustard or egg sauces, lemon butter of herbs will all add a new and exciting taste to vegetables. • Try new vegetable recipes. Give vegetables as much con sideration as you do the main dish or dessert. • Children may prefer raw vegetables. Encourage this, particularly as a healthy snack. • Let children help prepare vegetables. Even very young children enjoy foods they have prepared. • Have a garden next summer. Encourage children to help plant, care for mid harvest vegetables. • Above all, set a good example. Children will wonder why they have to eat vegetables if the adults in the family aren’t eating them. Build snack savvy with nutritious treats troubleshooters. The topic is snacking a much maligned and misunderstood habit that can actually aid weight antique and collectible course marks. Ceramic Ware: describes some ceramics that may be available and some signs of wear. Auctions and Flea Markets. Glass; discusses some kinds of glass and signs of wear. Wood: discusses clues to look for to help you determine the authenticity of a piece, such as water, patina, toolmarks, and many others. Use and Care of Antiques in Daily Living: restoration versus refinishing, care, cleaning, storage, and use of heirloom quilts, ceramic ware, glass, and textiles are just a few of the subjects discussed in this lesson. Characteristics and Care of Dave Wert, Farm Bureau Salesman, and John Kinnamon, Corn Grower at Mifflinburg, Pa. Are Taking A Hard Look At Eastland E 722 X. A Lot Of People Are Looking At E722X. With HIGHER YIELD POTENTIAL THAN E3X717 IT MERITS IT! See Dave or Your Eastland Dealer During Our Early Order Program Now In Effect. watchers, introduce young children to new foods, and add missing nutrients to a day’s diet. “Snacks are Antique Metals: defines and discusses the care of such metals as brass, copper, gold, pewter, silver, and tin. Quality and Design as Standards for Collecting: details quality in materials and workmanship, line and form; is it functional?; has beauty, color, and design appeal; and antiques of the future. The course ends with 27 pages of pictures of antiques, identified and dated (as possible) by the course author. To get this 12-lesson course, send $11.75, including handling, to ANTIQUES, Dept. 5000, University Park, PA 16802. Make check payable to PENN STATE. COR. 279, E425X, ESOOX, E6BOX E 625 X, E 855 X, E 828 X . 60.00/80.000 Kernel Unit, Flats or Rounds COR. 281, E 517 X, E 580 X, E 629 X E 3X717, E 722 X, E 730 X, E 809 X E 3X655, E 3X614, E 6883, E 8833 E 710 X, E 681 AX, E 755 X Silage Blend 100 And 115 Days SEEDWAY INC. jEmiMIISEEM SEED FARMS DIV. RD#l, 80X413A rO( ZJ( £=>( 0 /Cj-J EMMAUS. PA. 18049 215-967-4131 nightmare if you rely only on vending machines,” says University of Maryland Extension home economist Dorothy Van- Zandt. “But if you opt for between meal pick-me-ups that are rich in protein, vitamins, or minerals, you’re helping out your body.” In short, says VanZandt, good nutrition is not a matter of how frequently you eat, but of what you eat. VanZandt suggests the following snacks: Put watermelon, without seeds or rind, into a blender and whip into a pulp. Pour into popsicle molds and freeze. Blend one small or medium carrot with 1 cup unsweetened pineapple juice, for a carrot pineapple drink. Add two or three ice cubes at high speed. String fresh or dried fruit on skewers or toothpicks and serve as a fruit kabob. (Dip the cut surfaces of light-colored fresh fruits into pineapple or citrus juice to prevent a nutritional 57.00 (Rateless 3$ Less/Unit) 54.00 Volume Discounts/See Dealer 48.00 (Deduct 8% Early Pay Discount) 35.00 (To Nov. 15) darkening.) Make a parfait of cottage cheese, yogurt, or ice-milk com bined with fruit and sprinkled with chopped nuts, wheat germ, or crisp cereal. Toast raisin bread and spread with peanut butter, or spread cream cheese on a date-nut roll. Combine M> cup cooked, chopped liver; cup chopped onion; M> cup shredded pimento cheese, and 2 tablespoons mayonnaise for a cheese-liver spread. Freeze unsweetened ap plesauce in small paper cups. Combine 1 cup cottage cheese with M; cup chopped nuts, V 2 cup chopped dried fruit, and 2 teaspoons lemon juice for a party dip. Sprinkle a tomato half with bread crumbs and grated Cheddar cheese and broil. Wrap melon wedges with thinly sliced ham.