Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 06, 1984, Image 59
Lancaster Society 11 Lancaster Society 11 met on People program. Donna Miller Sept. 27 at the home of Margaret gave a humorous reading. Swarr. The next meeting will be on Oct. The Secretary and the Sunshine 25, with luncheon at the Willows committee gave reports. Con- restaurant at noon. After lunch, tributions were approved for the group will visit the Wax Meals on Wheels and the Chemical Museum. Lancaster Society 18 Lancaster Society 18 met in School. September for a trip to Hershey to Later, the group enjoyed brunch attend church services with the at the Hotel Hershey. children of the Hershey School at The Oct. 13 meeting will be Founders Hall. hosted by Ida Warfel. On Oct. 8 the Following the service, the group group will take a bus trip to the viewed a slide show telling the Ladieux Topiary Gardens and history of the renowned Hershey other points of interest. Green Valley Society 26 Green Valley Society 26 recently Firehouse, met at the home of Denise Naomi Cashner and Judy Muth Srebraski for their September were* in charge of a safety meeting. program. Ruth Traver was admitted as a Ruth Hake and Alverna Bupp new member. won the door prizes. The annual Christmas party will The October meeting will be held be held at the Strinestown at the home of Naomi Cashner. FROM THE FARM Bl Pictured Above; 50'xlOO’ Remodeled Hog Building 700 Head Growing/Finishing Capacity (Remodeled From A 3-Story Chicken House) Featuring: AAA Associates Ventilation Equipment Total Slotted Floor LEY Stainless Steel Scraper System Country Boy Galvanized Fencing THANKS And CONGRATULATIONS!! On His Newly Remodeled Growing/Finishing Facility Quality Custom Builders of Dairy, Hog, Poultry, Horse, Storage and Commercial Buildings. Womm Societies i ILDING SPECIALISTS To Paul H. Martin Triple H Construction Co. 29 S. Charles St. Ephrata, Pa. 17522 717-738-2142 The Form Building Specialists Lancaster Society 24 Lancaster Society 24 met on Tuesday, Sept. 25 at the home of Lota Mentzer, New Holland Pike. President Marion Stoltzfus reported on the county board meeting held in August. Farm Women’s Day will be held on Oct. 14 at 7:30 p.m. at the Farm and Home Center. Rod Hershey will be the speaker. Families are invited to attend. The group will hold a rummage sale on Oct. 19 at the pavilion of the Conestoga Church of the Brethren Lancaster Society 28 Lancaster Society 28 held their The president reminded September meeting at Evan’s members that dues and birthday Restaurant where everyone en- money are due at the October loved a delicious meal. meeting. Thirteen members of Berks a county hoedown will be held on Society 7 learned stenciling at their Oct. 13 at the 4-H Center in meeting at the home of Grace Leesport. Seidel, Womelsdorf. The Berks Heim Gamers Party The county convention is will be held on Nov. 1. planned for Oct. 6at the Berks The next meeting will be a County Ag Center in Leesport Halloween DressPartyonOct, 24 The group will observe Farm at the home of K isling, Women Day on Oct. 10 by going to Robesonia. the V’°w Diner. HS-55T • 5 H.P. OHV Honda Engine • Two-Stage Blower • Automatic Decompression For Easy Starting • Self-Propelled For Easy Maneuverability • Track, Model List $1,078 *O4OOO NOW w"Ww WHEEL MODEL - $ 859®® HONDA Power Equipment PRE-SEASON K ' pricing GOOD TILL OCTOBER 20th ELM, PA (717) G 65-2407 Mon., Thurs., Fri. til 9:30, Tues. & Wed. til 6.00; Sat. ti! 5 00 in Leola. The group elected new officers as follows: president, Louetta Hurst; vice president, Carolyn Groff; secretary, Ruth Shultz; treasurer, Mary Ann Griener. Loretta Lapp, Kinzers, spoke to the women about “How to be a Christian Woman in Today’s World.” The next meeting will be on Oct. 30 at the Stauffer Mansion in Lancaster with Robbie Goldston as hostess. Berks Society 7 Give Eggs o REMEMBER LAST WINTER A HONDA SNOWBLOWER 20% DOWN PAYMENT HOLDS ONE AT THESE PRE-SEASON PRICES For optimum performance and safety we recommend that you read the owner s manual before operating the unit c 1984 American Honda Motor Co Inc Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 6,1984—823 LAY-A-WAY • 3Vz H.P. Honda Engine • Single-Stage Thrower • Automatic Depression For Easy Starting • Auger Driven Self- Propelled - ‘399 s ® Airville 4-H Club The Airville 4-H Club held their September meeting in the Lower Chanceford Building. Members elected the following as their 1985 officers: president, Bob Muller; vice president, An drew Dawson; secretary (cards), Mary Muller; secretary (minutes), Mandy Mitchell; treasurer, Kandi Kilgere; news reporter, Joseph Caudill; historian, Jenny Jefferis; song leader, Lisa Malley; and game leader, Tina Hendrick. The chairperson for the cookie sale is Trudy Grove. The club will be selling cookies until Oct. 10. National 4-H Week is Oct. 7 to 13, and to spread the word, the club gave out bumper stickers to all members and leaders to display. Members will be wearing their 4-H shirts to school and talking to third and fourth graders about 4-H. On Oct. 6, members will hold a paper drive in the community to raise money. There will be a special meeting on Oct. 9 for all new members or anyone interested in joining 4-H. Call Bess Hutschenreuter for more information at 862-3365. List $460 IT'S A HONDA