Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 06, 1984, Image 57
Ribbons and trophies were awarded to the 4-H members who did the best job of fitting and showing a rabbit during the rabbit round-up in Franklin County. From left are: Tim Seibert, Shippensburg; senior champion showmanship; Sam Welty Jr., Chambersburg, junior champion; Dennis Holcomb, judge; Cathy Seibert, Shippensburg, junior reserve champion showmanship; Rhonda Carting, Chambersburg, senior reserve champion showmanship. FARM BUILDINGS NEED PAINTED? Sell Crefe 3 th Uf u tbs Fem Fatottog Specialist" Since 1961 OUR SPECIALITIES AGRICULTURE - COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIAL - CHURCHES • Barn Painting • Milk House • Roof Coating • Water Proofing Silos • Stucco Farmhouses Paint It Now, Before The Snow Flies! The Job Must Be Done To Your Satisfaction For FREE Estimate CALL Seal Crete Inc. PAINTING & WATERPROOFING RD 2, Box 417, Ephrata, PA 17522 • 717-859-1127 Wendy Zullinger (left) of Chambersburg, received the best of show fancy breed rabbits trophy and ribbon at the Franklin County Youth Rabbit Show held recently at the Franklin County Fairgrounds. Wendy’s winning rabbit was a Netherland Dwarf. Rodney Garling (right) of Chambersburg won best of show commercial rabbit with his Californian rabbit. We Are The Fussy One's Your Life Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 6,1984—821 ouL.LJi.Uii. PARK, Md. An estimated 60.8 million Americans won’t start their day without them Health-conscious Americans are swallowing vitamins in record numbers in an attempt to ward off everything from colds to cellulite. According to nutritionist Dorothy VanZandt, however, vitamins and their functions “are misun derstood by a majority of their users.” If vitamins are a part of your morning routine, make sure you know how they can and cannot help you. As a vitamin primer, consider these myths and facts: Myth: Organic or natural vitamins are nutritionally superior to synthetic vitamins. Fact; Synthetic vitamins, manufactured in the laboratory, are identical to the natural vitamins found in foods. The body cannot tell the difference between the two kinds of vitamins; it gets the same benefits from either source. Myth: Vitamins give you “pep" and “energy.” Fact: The 13 vitamins the body needs yield no calories and do not provide energy. They are, however, needed for body main tenance. If any vitamin is regularly missing from your diet, a deficiency disease may result. Myth: The more vitamins the better. Fact: Taking vitamins in excess of the “Recommended Daily Allowance” is a complete waste, both in money and effect. In fact, excess amounts of some vitamins actually can be harmful. Excess vitamin E, for example, can cause headaches, nausea, muscle weakness, and even low blood sugar. Prolonged, excessive intake of vitamin D can cause con stipation and loss of appetite. Excess vitamin usage is advised only when suggested by a doctor. Myth: You cannot get enough vitamins from conventional foods. Fact; Anyone who eats a balanced diet should normally never need supplemental vitamins. BUYING MT-Sgi FEEDER CATTLE? \ (We Have The Preventative vSr Medication To Start Them Off Right... What Knowledgeable Livestockmen Give To Severely Stressed and Sick Animals • TRIPLE SULFA SOLUTION 'W 4 ' w ...Also Special Prices On: SUSTAIN Ilf™ TIME RELEASE SULFA 50 BOLUS 10 BOLUS HUBER'S ANIMAL HEALTH SUPPLIES SlOTulpehocken Rd. Myerstown, PA 717-866-2246 Mon., Thurs. & Fri. 7:30 AM to 8 PM Tues. & Wed. 7:30 AM to 5 PM; Sat. 7:30 to Noon • Aureomycin Crumbles • IBR Vaccine