Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 06, 1984, Image 55
UNIVERSITY PARK - Four York County 4-H’ers have received awards in the 1984 4-H National Awards Program and are eligible to attend National 4-H Congress in Chicago on Nov. 25 to 29. Carroll L. Howes, associate 4-H youth program director at Penn State University, who announced the award selection, said the 4- H’ers were judged on the basis of project work, leadership ability and participation in county and state activities. The winners were selected from among the more than 145,000 youth who annually take part in the extension service 4-H program. Hugh Spahr, of Dover, received the state Food Conservation and Safety award. The son of Richard and Darlene Spahr, he is a freshman at Dover Area High School. He has been a 4-H member for seven years. A member of the Davidsburg 4-H club, he served as secretary and song leader. He also assisted with club activities and events as a teen leader. Spahr has completed projects in yeast breads and pet care and participated in the 4-H Fair, Demonstration Days, State Days and Regional Nights. Ann Hutschenreuter, of Airville, received the state Citizenship award. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hutschenreuter, she is a senior at Red Lion Area High School. She has been a 4-H’er for eight years. A member of the Airville 4-H club, she served as secretary and historian. She also assisted with •Plumbing • Electrical • Feeder Parts • Fan Parts •Packer Parts • Egg Belt • Hart Cups and Motors Update Your Existing Cage Houses And Increase Your Bulk Density More Than 3x’s Your Present Capacity THE NEW SPACE SAVERS.... The Most Compact Systems On The Market Today 1- *5 MMcm) J * ar isos 2cn>) . NEW! Diamond 4-High System with Curtains Modal 020 24”x20" cage 9 Birds/Cage 360 Birds per 10’ Are You Having Egg Breakage and Check Problems With Your Existing Packer? CALL US. Diamond Automation’s FARM PACKERS are...EGGScelJent! let us show you the egg packer you CAN BANK ON club activities and events as a teen leader. She completed projects in citizenship and photography and participated in the county council and the 4-H fair. She also par ticipated in State Days and Leadership Congress. Thomas Beck of Seven Valleys was named Petroleum Power award winner. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Emory Beck, he is a fresh man at the Penn State York Campus. He has been a 4-H member for seven years. A member of the Loganville 4-H club, he served as president and vice president. He also assisted with club activities and events as a teen leader. Beck has completed projects in tractor, small engines and 69V« (177 i cm) 16 (40 6 cm) 6 (15 2 cm) Model 809 3 High 24 ”*2O" Cage 9 Birds/Cage 270 Birds per 10' HAVING DROPPING BOARD PROBLEMS? We Have the PVC Dropping Boards on Special! EGGSceptionai qualityl You can bank on Diamond FARM PACKERS. They're made by Diamond Automation. Four York Co. 4-H'ers win state awards 7 T (195 6 cm) (160 cm) 1 i 1 n 'IPli * JfSH Thomas Beck backpacking and participated in County Council and Achievement Days. He has also taken part in State Days and Club Congress. Christine Shive of Seven Valleys received the Gertrude L. Warren Career Scholarship. The daugher of Gordon and Dianna Shive, she is a freshman at the York College of Pennsylvania. She has been in 4-H Montgomery Co. NORRISTOWN Do you find that you are only using your microwave to reheat leftovers? Are you uncertain about which containers to use or which foods cook properly in a microwave? If so, the Penn State extension service has the course for you. A «6 (167 6cm) 71 (100 4cm) _ - - 85 (215 scm) -1 NEW! Diamond 4-High Starter Grower Cage Modal 734 30”x22" Cage 16 Birds/Cage 512 Birds per 10’ for nine years. A member of the Jefferson Community 4-H club, she served as president and secretary. She also assisted with club activities and events as a teen leader. She has completed projects in beef, photography, public speaking, and teen leaHprshin and has been in- extension announces four-week Microwave Cooking School will be held on Wednesday, October 10, 17, 24 and 31. The course is offered from 1 to 3 p m. or 7 to 9 p.m. Class fee is $2O and includes handouts, recipes and a taste of all food prepared. BERG P BARN Barg Equipment Co (Canada) Ltd RR-6 London Ontario N6A 4CI I Borg Equipment Limltod. RR-2. Brandon. Manitoba R7A 5Y2 Canada Jamesway Farm Equip Ltd RR-2 St Isidore do Prescott Ontario Canada KOC 280 | Rush details on Berg stalls and water bowls to Name ■ Address I City elephone Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, October 6,1984—819 Christine Shive State Ann Hutschenreuter volved in the Spring Fling and livestock judging contests. Shive also participted in State Days and Leadership Congress. These York 4-H’ers are among 45 Commonwealth 4-H members selected as state contest winners in various project categories. microwave class Registration is required. For more information, contact the Montgomery County Extension Service at 277-0574. Penn State Extension Service oliers programs on a rtmlnatory basts to all persons without regard to race, color, sex, creed, National origin or age. Also send □ Barn Cleaner . □ Manure Conveyor I □ Ventilation ■ □ Automated ■ Feeding