Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 06, 1984, Image 43
Montgomery Co. to observe 4-H Week NORRISTOWN - 4-H members , n Montgomery County are joining the nearly five million young people nationwide in observing National 4-H Week, Oct. 7-13. Using the theme, “4-H Building on Experience,” members are challenged to use their own, as well as others’ experiences and ex Be a top performer...'order TODD “TOP PERFORMERS” MEW LOW PRICES FOR 1985! Variety M 95 M 9202 MBB MBBOO M 7300 M73A 736* M 5505 M 49 M4500* M3700* M 2535 Ml 200 * New For 1985. ** Early Pay Discount Deduct 10% Until October 15,1984. Todd Hybrids Now Available From Todd, Asgrow And O’s Gold Dealers! REDUCE YOUR SEED COST FOR 1985... Order Now From Your Nearest Dealer or Contact Our Abbottstown Office pertise in acquiring practical skills. They also are learning good health habits, developing respect for themselves and others, ex ploring career and lesiure time opportunities, sharing respon sibilities for preserving the en vironment, and developing leadership and citizenship skills. Days To Maturity (Approx.) PRICES IN EFFECT UNTIL N PERFORMERS” CONSISTENT HIGH YIELDS Dependability through research! That’s the Todd story and it’s proven in the field in test-after-test, and by farmers just like you. That’s why every year, more and more growers switch to Todd seed corn for the performance that produces big yields of high quality grain. 120 Da 120 Days 116 Days 116 Da 114 Da 112 Da 114 Da 109 Da 103 Da 100 Da 95 Da 90 Da 85 Days Extension agent Helaine Brown said that during the special week members of America’s largest out of-school youth education organization will celebrate with activities aimed at promoting individual growth and ac complishment, creativity, social responsibility, and family in- THE “ TOP for Price Per 80,000 Kernel Unit** $59.50 Per Unit $61.00 Per Unit $59.50 Per Unit $59.50 Per Unit $61.00 Per Unit $59.50 Per Unit $56.00 Per Unit $61.00 Per Unit $59.50 Per Unit $61.00 Per Unit $65.00 Per Unit $59.50 Per Unit $59.50 Per Unit V. 10.1984 ABBOTTSTOWN, PA 17301 717-259-9511 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 6,1984—87 volvement, In Montgomery County, there are almost 300 volunteer leaders working with 2,800 4-H members. These volunteers are among the more than 620,000 leaders nationwide, who each contributed about 220 hours of service last year. 4-H conducted by the cooperative extension service at Penn State University, is available to boys and girls 9 to 19 wherever they live. Programs are conducted in the 3,150 counties of the United States, plus the district of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Guam. Since its inception, about 45 million Americans have been involved in 4-H. In addition, some 82 countries around the world have youth programs similar to 4- H. 4-H thrives because of a unique partnership with the public and private sectors who contribute at the local, state, and national level. Not only does this partnership include financial support, but many business men and women volunteer their time and talents to young people, as well, Brown said. For more information on how you might be involved in 4-H, as a member or volunteer leader, contact Helaine Brown, 400 Markley Street, Norristown, PA 19401 or call 277-0574. chicken recipes (Continued Irom Page B 6) 6 ounces milk 1 teaspoon salt IV2 cups shredded cheese 2 cups diced chicken 1 cup diced celery 1 tablespoon green chopped Cook noodles. Add soup, milk, salt and cheese. Mix with noodles, then add the rest of ingredients. Bake 1 hour, slow. CBL/TLfo\ Livestock Sustems (8) ** builds performance leaders Protected against rust inside and out For barn equipment that stays looking good and working harder (or years longer than painted equipment, check out our Butler Livestock Systems line Stalls, pens, stanchions and accessories all are hot-dtp galvanized to put proven rust protection over every inch of surface, inside and out Can't chip away like paint See us for the performance systems and service. hot-dip galvanized BARN EQUIPMENT Now’s The Time For BARN RENOVATION! Equipment In Stock For Fast Installation... CALL FOR OUR PRICES We Have A Model 1830 BUTLER MIXER WAGON IN STOCK... Call Now For A Real Deal! • 3 Servicemen • 3 Service Trucks • 24Hr.Service Now Serving the counties of Northampton, Monroe & Lehigh in Pa. Also Sussex, Warren & Hunterdon Counties in NJ K.C. DAIRY SERVICE RD 2, Box 2332 Mt. Bethel, PA 18343 peppers, Mrs. L. Martin Morgantown