Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 06, 1984, Image 26
A2B—Lancaster Firming, Saturday, October 6,1984 Forest Conference (Continued from Page Al 9) removal, the DER’s Gordon Hiller cautioned landowners that the Clean Steams Law was amended in 1972 to include soil erosion and sedimentation. “Sediment is the greatest pollutant, by volume, in the U.S. today,” Hiller said, adding that waterborne soil particles also carry fertilizers and pesticides, and promote flooding by reducing a stream’s water carrying capacity. Important factors to consider prior to timber removal include soil type (of which Pa. has about 200, Hiller said), slope, stream locations, seeps and spongy areas and road locations. Roads should have drainage ditches, and water PAUL B. MOOD GALVANIZED "T" LOOP STALLS With EASY LIFT TRAINING BAR Which Prevents Trapped Cow Problems Stall tubing 2-3/8 inches outside diameter, 12 ga. (.109) wall thickness, high yield steel. - ALSO AVAILABLE • Standard Free Stalls • Fencing • Gates (38” • 48" - 54” • Automatic Head Gates high) • Automatic Gate Latches B. ZIMMERMAN, INC. PAUL Hardware • Farm Supplies B° x 128 R.D. #4, Lititz, PA 17543 Custom Manufacturing , .’•cod Corner Rd. Crane Service 1 M,le West of Ephrata Phone:7l7-738-1121 bars and culverts where necessary, Hiller pointed out. He also recommended that they be open to sunlight to promote drying. The afternoon session was devoted to enumerating the ser vices, both public and private, available for managing and marketing timber. Leading off was the Bureau of Forestry’s William Corlett who pointed out that the Bureau has some 40 foresters statewide who are available to all forest landowners for timber management counseling. Each landowner is entitled to four days of the Bureau forester’s time each year, Corlett said, although the Bureau will not become in volved in the actual marketing Mils phase. To handle commercial transactions, Corlett advised landowners to seek the services of a consulting Forestry consultant Donald Heverling, of Lebanon Valley Timberlands in Lebanon, was on hand to outline the services provided by private consulting firms. Heverling pointed out that the largest part of his workload involves timber sale ad ministration. “This service easily pays for itself”, he noted, adding that the consulting forester will not only be aware of what the product is worth, but also where to find potential buyers. In addition to direct marketing, the duties of the consulting forester, as delineated by Heverling, include timber stand improvement, the drafting of forest management plans, forest MODERN AG FEEDERS All Heavy Stainless Steel Welded Construction (No Bolts Necessary) COULD BE THE LAST HOG FEEDER YOU’LL EVER BUY PROVEN Dry Feeders NEW CONCEPT - Deeper Feed Trough With A Feed Saver Lip Advantages of Modern Ag Systems Stainless Steel Feed Equipment All Stainless is Grade 304 which means Top Grade • Stainless steel offers easier cleaning and no rust or corrosion for an extended life span. • Top adjustable slides allow precise feed flow and very minimal feed loss. • Wide tops are standard on all wet feeders and also available in dry feeders for maximum feed capacity. • Floor mounts are standard on all double-sided feeders. • Wall mounts are standard on all single-sided feeders. • Fence mounts are available on feeders • Modern Ag Systems Feeders consist of pre cision parts and all-welded construction for maximum strength. FARMER BOY AG. 410 EAST LINCOLN AVE. MYERSTOWN, PA 17067 PH: 717-866-7565 BEST IN DESIGN PRICE AND EXPERIENCE i?e V e e n antin/ appnUSalS ’ and would be sold to the company Outlin"ng the services available er ? p,oJ : in ? the consultan t. from Fores?y lng As C s o Sffi S n-! he sawmills was Charles Brown of the oienderski, that the Glatfelter Pulpwood Company of n nn nmtit , , 6 Sprmg Grove. Brown pointed out , 870 ' ls de>ole( | to the \ ™"' JJ Bureau and independent con- than 3 non a X r ~P re f entmg mo re sultants pxppnt that no fp P n wpfp th 3,000 acres of forestland, suiiants, except that no fees were attended the conference normally '"Haded since the timber Swine Systems Specialists GIGANTIC SELECTION Lancaster Farming's CLASSIFIEDS PROVEN Wet Feeders No Electricity Required! 10-15% Better Feed Conversion With Liquid Feed! FASTER GAINS ON LESS FEED • Rugged 14-gauge type .304 stainless steel throughout entire feeder makes the Modem Ag Feeder as tough as they come. • Hogs lick the platter clean when water and feed are combined in trough. This contributes to a 10% to 15% improvement in feed efficiency. Hogs go to market 10 days to two weeks faster on wet feed compared to dry feed. • You get reduced feed wastage. Hogs get their water and feed at the same place. No need to carry feed on snout or mouth to waterer, where it is sloughed off into holding pit. Hogs feed faster, too, making it possible to supply more pigs with fewer feed holes. Pen square footage per pig can also be reduced. • Get little pigs off to fast start. Young pigs will drink before they eat. When you combine feed and water at the same source you give those little pigs fast, healthy starts. Producers have claimed.... • pigs are more content • less water wastage, therefore less manure storage required • feed is easier to digest • less feed wastage • days to market reduced by 6 to 8 days • Sows are better milkers, therefore bigger, more even litters Also Available: • Farrowing Crate Feeders « Pre-Nursery & Nursery Feeders INC