Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 06, 1984, Image 22
A24—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 6,1984 Indiana farm tops Eastern National Holstein Show HARRlSBURG—Spectators li ned th« show ring shoulder-to shoulder as Stookey Holsteins, Inc., Leesburg, Ind., took grand champion honors in the conclusion of the Eastern National Holstein Show last Friday at the Farm Show Complex. The champion, C Continental Scarlet-Red, also received the senior champion honors and won the aged cow class. Her sire is 1500 to gather Grange for HARRISBURG - The state’s largest annual agricultural con vention, the 112th State Grange Session, will be held Oct. 22-25 in Gettysburg. About 1500 members from throughout the state, 600 of them voting delegates, are expected to attend this year’s convention. Delegates representing each of 553 local and 55 county units will vote on policy to guide the rural farm organization’s legislation ac tivities. Major officers, including state master (president), overseer (vice president), and executive committee will be elected during the four-day meeting. Each year, the Grange’s state convention is hosted by the granges in a different county. This year, the granges of York and Adams counties, representing 535 members, have raised the funds to put on the grange session. Fund raising activities, which included plays, raffles, bazaars and sales, began four years ago. Aroung 200 resolutions originating from local granges will be considered by delegates in Gettysburg. Resolutions are written at the local community level of the grange and, if ap proved, are considered at county wide meetings. Resolutions ap proved by the county are given final approval or disapproval during the state convention. Those resolutions pertaining to national issues will be considered at the National Grange’s convention in Portland, Me., in November. * In addition to voting activities, the State Session also includes many statewide contests, such as needlework, quilting, baking, photography and art. A live talent contest, which is open to the public, will be held on October 24 at 7:30 p.m. As the Grange is a fraternal order, members attending the convention will participate m a ceremony to obtain the Sixth Degree, received only at the state session. The Grange has seven degrees, with four given by the local grange, one by the county, and the highest, the seventh, bestowed by the National Grange. All events, with the exception of the talent contest, which will be held at the Gettysburg Junior High School, will be held at the Sheraton Inn of Gettysburg. U.S. Sen. Arlen Specter and Lt. Gov. William Scranton, 111, will be featured keynote speakers at the annual convention. Romandale Count Crystan, and her dam, Wood Echo Designed for Duty. In the first half of the Holstein competition on Thursday, Stookey showed two reserve winners, the reserve junior champion female and the reserve grand champion bull. Competition was stiff with 567 entries in the two-day Holstein convention Other guest speakers during the Grange convention include U.S. Congressman William Goodling (R-19); Penrose Hallowell, State Secretary of Agriculture; and State Senator Patrick Stapleton (D-Indiana), minority chairman, Senate Agriculture Committee. SEMI-CHISEL CHAIN SAW CHAIN . 2/M9.95 -\g 2/ ’ 24 * 95 Cat 2/ *26.95 20 2/ *28.95 •We make chain to fit any chain saw V^i W l At® • Chain is American-made, not imported. r%\| 1 14" 16" 18” Barn & House Paint Clearance Silo Caps & Tarps • 4 mil • black 14x14 16x16 18x18 20x20 24x24 NELSON AUTOMATIC LIVESTOCK WATERER • Pasture or Con finement • Hogs, Sheep, Cattle, Calves Recommended for use on plastic pipes m/ W W show that capped the week’s ac tivities. The reserve grand champion and reserve senior champion, Camp bell-Hollow Ultimate Kate, was owned and exhibited by Dream street Holsteins, Inc., of Walton, N.Y. This five-year-old winner was sired by Quality Ultimate. Dreamstreet Holsteins also topped the field of 228 exhibitors in being named the premier breeder for the second year in a row. Pinehurst Farms of Sheboygan Falls, Wis., was repeat winner of the premier breeder banner. They also showed the grand champion bull, C International Genpedro, in Thursday’s competition. This Holstein show is an in ternational event, as evidenced by the premier sire, Quality Ultimate, from United Breeders of Canada. The Ontario group won the award in 1983 as well. One of the special awards at the three national Holstein shows is the Joe Eves Trophy for the cow with highest adjusted milk record Red Oil Base Red Latex White Latex White Latex (Satin) White Creosote (Oil) Size 6.39 7.99 9.69 12.29 15.99 8" high Reg. 109.95 SALE *99** HEAT BULBS •1.49. Size 5 Gal 2 Gal 2 Gal 2 Gal 2 Gal Sale 4.99 of Polyethelene 599 Covers Available 699 24', 28’, 32’ & 5*99 40'x 100' Long 10*99 Call For Prices f5Sf 24" high Reg. 139.95 SAIE * 1 29 W SALE 125 or 250 WATT (24/cs.) Reg. 1.99 ea that also places in the top ten of any class. This year’s winner was an aged cow, C Kayglen Gassy Ultimate, again a Dreamstreet Holsteins animal. The 1984 best milking female was one of the few winners from south of the Mason-Dixon Line, Round Oak Ultimate Faith, owned by Ken-Wan of Stanley, Va. The Eastern National Holstein Show concluded the week-long All- American Dairy Show, which is sponsored by the Pa. Dairy and Allied Industries Association in conjunction with the Pa. Depart ment of Agriculture and the Pa. Farm Products Show Commission. Here are the results from Friday’s Holstein competition. Jr 2 Year Old 1 Stookey Holsteins Inc Lessburg In 2 Dreamstreet Holsteins Inc Walton NV 3 Ren Bow Farm Byron Center Mi Sr 2 Year Old 1 Dreamstreet Holsteins 2 Hanover Hill Holsteins Port Perry Cn 3 Queens Manor Holsteins Jamestown 3 Year Old Cow 1 Hanover Hill Holsteins 2 Hanover Hill Holsteins 3 Stookey Holsteins SALE *34.88 *19.88 *16.88 *19.88 *lB.BB 49.95 26.95 21.95 26.95 21.95 Large Sizes ' J> cm oc Reg. $3.99 SALE $ 3.59ea 4 Year Old Cow" 1 Hanover Hill Holstems 2 Stookey Holstems 3 Dreamstreet Holstems 1 Dreamstreet Holstems 2 Dreamstreet Holstems 3 Stookey Holstems 1 Stookey Holstems 2 Dreamstreet Holstems 3 Ru Ann Holstems tnc Avon NY Senior Champion Female Stookey Holstems Reserve Sr Champion Female Dreamstreet Holstems Grand Champion Female Stookey Holstems Reserve Grand Champion Female Dreamstreet Holstems Best Milking Female 1 Ken Way Stanley Va Produce of Dam 1 Ken Ray La Orangeville NY Dam and Daughter 1 Singing Brook Farms Imler 2 Gold Bar Holstems Middletown NY 1 Hanover Hill Holstems 2 Pmehurst Farms Sheboygan Falls Wi 3 Brookvtew Farms Fremont Ohio 1 Dreamstreet Holstems 2 Stookey Holstems 3 Hanover Hill Holstems Sr Get of Sire 1 Dreamstreet Holstems 2 Hanover Hilt Holstems Stock Herd 1 New York 2 Pennsylvania 3 Ohio Pinehurst Farms Dreamstreet Farms Premier Sire United Breeders ot Canada $2.69 *2,09 $2.89 *2.29 6V2’ | $3.09 *2.49 5W SPEEDY - ■ CORNCRIBS • Easy to erect • Rods in lead of bolts wire mesh 900 Bushel 1200 Bushel 30,00^^^^ 50.000 70.000 150,000 PERMANENT ANTI FREEZE OO Sno-Flo OmW Gal. Permanent Case of 6 *3.19 GAI Anti-Freeze New Aluminum Formula LlfoL / Limit 6 Per Customer 5 Year Old Cow Aged Cow Best Three Females Dairy Herd Premier Breeder Premier Exhibitor TEE POSTS w/5 Clips SALE Reg, PORTABLE REDDY HEATER Reg. $199.95 $259.95 $299.95 1069)06 $469.95 SALE •169** •209** *2s9** •319** •399**