Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 06, 1984, Image 179
PUBLIC SALE VALUABLE FARM REAL ESTATE THURSDAY, OCT. 18,1984 1:30 P.M. On the premises along Mine Road. So. Leb. Twp. Leb. Co. Pa. 1 mile So. East of Avon, arid Route 422. 90-ACRE FARM-90 Consists of level, tillable, limestone soil. In high state of cultivation. Improvements thereon. 2% story 8 room, frame dwelling. Ist floor, 4 rooms, modem kitchen, laundry and bath. 2nd floor, 4 rooms, and bath with shower. Attic, cemented cellar with cold room. Oil fired hot water baseboard heat. Asbestos siding. Vertical seam tin roof. Outbuildings. 82’x46’ bank bam in like new condition. Steel girders, pen stabling having all steel swing gate construction. Tile lined mangers, metal feed bin. Metal siding and roof. 60’x20’ masonary block calf bam. 36’x42’ frame com storage and equipment shed. 12’x36’ masonary block butcher shop with walk-in cooler. 16’x6’ masonary block smoke house. 2 car frame garage, and tool shed. Well with pressure water system. Water piped to necessary buildings. This is an exceptional offering of Farm Real Estate. You inspection invited. Inspection by appointment. Call 717-2724)888. Conditions by MRS. WARREN L. LENTZ Owner Auct., Earl S. Buffenmeyer AU-000112-L Attorney, Calvin 0. Spitler PUBLIC AUCTION SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13,1984 At 10:00 A.M 1 Mile South of GOWEN CITY along Rt. 125 at Mahanoy Creek; 6 Miles South of Shamokin; 11 Miles North of Hegins. FARM EQUIPMENT Allis Chalmers 7040 Diesel Tractor, 150 H.P., 20 Speed Tran smission, Cab, Air Conditioning, Heater, Dual Fuel Tanks, only 619 hrs., excellent condition; Farmall M. Tractor, Wide Front End, P.S., Live Hydraulic, Double Hook-up Attachment Draw-Bar, this tractor was recently overhauled; A.C. Semi-mounted 16” 5-Bottom Hydraulic Re-set Plow; White 466 10-Ft. Chisel Plow; Ferguson 12” 2-Bottom 3-Pt. Plow; Ford 230 14-Ft. Transport-type Disk Harrow; White 543 4-Row No-til Com Planter w/Fertilizer & Insecticide Boxes; Ontario 13-Hoe Grain Drill; New Idea 2-Row Corn Picker/Sheller; (2) Jerr- Dan 14-Ft. Dump Wagons w/Flotation Tires; 10,800 Bu. Brock Steel Grain Tank; 350 Bu. Grain Tank; Portable G.T. 275 Bu. Grain Dryer; 16” & 18” Grain Dryer Fans; 52’x6” Grain Chief pto Auger; 21’x6” Grain Auger w/Electric Motor; 5’ H.D. Rotary Mower; Int. Burr Grinder; Myers Sprayer Pump; Spray Material; Com Cracker; Horse Plow; Potato Plow; Single Row Cultivator; Binder Tongues; Double & Single Trees; Gasoline Engine; etc. 1973 V.W. BEETLE, Low Mileage Engine 1969 B-170 Dump Track, 21,000 Gross for Farm use HOUSEHOLD GOODS * ANTIQUES COLLECTIBLES G.E. Automatic Washer & Dryer, nice condition; Love Seat, Rocker & Chair in Walnut; Victrola; Benches; Jugs; Crocks; Cast Iron Waffle Irons; Butcher Kettle; Wooden Tool Boxes; Lot Old Carpenter Tools; Sword & Sheath; Early Safety Lamp & other Miner’s Tools; Lanterns; Steamer Trunk; Slant Front Desk; Lift Top Desk; Oak Chairs & Rocker: Lot Picture Frames; Dishes some Blue Willow & Currier & Ives Pattern; Fireplace Screen, Glass Doors & Accessories; Electric Ice Cream Freezer; Eclipse Lawn Mower; Early Polaroid Camera; German Hunter’s Seat; Banjo Mandolin; Model T Parts; Model A Transmission; Maytag Wringer Washer; Rinse Tubs; Pick-up Cam per; Carpenter Power Tools; 16 & 20 Ga. Shell Loading Equipment; many other items not listed. FARM EQUIPMENT will be sold first! COME EARLY not many small farm related items. Lunch Available Owner Mike, Auctioneer DEIBERTau-001599-l George, Realtor & Auctioneer AU-000209-L (717)425-3313 R. LEE ENGLE FOR HOMES UNLIMITED INC. THURSDAY, OCT. 11,1984 9:00 A.M Located on the corner of Rt. 30 & Moscow Rd., near Rt. 10 intersection, Chester Co., Pa. 1000 ft of Metal 4x4 Floor and Wall Shelving Hardware; Electrical; Plumbing Supplies; Ortho Spray Material. EQUIPMENT TCASS 1000 Cash Register; Xerox 6601 Copier; Key Maker; 4 Drawer Metal Filing Cabinet; Metal Desk; Old Candy Show Case; Show Cases; Gas Water Heater; Water Sof tener; 4 ft. Heavy Duty Glass & Plastic Cut ters; Paint Shaker & Tinter; Electric Drills & Bits; SK, Stanley & other brand name Tools; Hand & Garden Tools. Saw Blades; Grinder Wheels; all types of Bolts; Nuts; Eye Bolts; Nails of all sizes; all sizes of Chains; Door Locks; PVC, Copper, Galvanized Pipes and Fittings; 5 gal. Cans of Roof Coating & Silver Kote Aluminum; Paint Supplies; Glass & Plastic Panes; Screening; Ceiling Tile; Plastic Pipe; Plastic Hose and many other items not mentioned. Auctioneer’s Note Equipment and shelving will be sold at 2:00 P.M. Sale will be held inside. Everything must go from wall to wall. Terms by HOMES UNLIMITED INC. Auctioneers— Robert E. & Jeffrey R. Martin, 656-7770 AU-00580-L AU-001573-L Frank Steller Lunch by White Horse Fire Co. Aux. Daniel J. Hanley, Esq Attorney at Law Towson, Md. 21204 PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AUCTION 235 AC. M/L FARMLAND PLUS 4 AC. M/L HOMESITE W/3-STORY HOUSE MORSE ROAD - FOREST HILL - HARFORD COUNTY The undersigned Guardian for Rosalie G. Berry, Owner, will offer the following Real Estate for Sale at Public Auction ON THE PREMISES located at 1751 MORSE RD. t FOREST HILL, In the Third Election District of Harford County, Md. on TUESDAY, OCT. 16,1984 at 12:00 NOON (EDST) PARCEL #1 - 4 Ac. M/l Homesite with circa 1850’s 3-story, 12 rm., 1 bath, house. On-Site Well and Septic; Dble. Gravel Driveway. Sold “as is” PARCEL #2 - 235 ac. m/1 farmland with stream; 50% wooded - balance in field cropland. Both parcels are part of the lands in Harford County Deed Liber H.D.C. 1093, Folio 651. ORDER OF SALE: The parcels will be offered individually, reserving the bid and then as an entirety. The right to accept or reject the bids is reserved. TERMS: Parcel #1: $5,000.00 - Parcel #2: $25,000.00 in CASH, CERTIFIED or CASHIER’S CHECK with the balance due within 30 days of final survey and/or recor dation of plat. Financing available to qualified buyer with prior arrangements with Auc tioneer. INSPECTION: by appointment with Auc tioneer; DIRECTIONS: From 1-83 take Md. Rte. #439 east to Md. Rte #23 east to south on MORSE RD. (between the Villages of Jarrettsville and Forest Hill) or via Md. Rte. #165 (Baldwin Mill Rd.) to Morse Rd. approx. 3 mi. south of Jarrettsville - signs posted. Owner, GUARDIAN FOR ROSALIE G. BERRY DANIEL J. HANLEY, Esq. Attorney at Law Towson, Maryland O’NEILLS AUCTION COMPANY JOHN H. O’NEILL Aimee O'Neill, Ken Travers Forest Hill, Maryland 301-838-6980 SALE Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5 00PM of each week s publication SAT OCT 13 930 AM Household Goods Public Auction of Farm Located at R D 1, Machinery, Antiques, and '• ' PUBLIC AUCTION 174 ACRE FARM, FARM EQUIPMENT, BUTCHER EQUIPMENT, TOOLS, GUNS, - HOUSEHOLD GOODS FRIDAY, OCT. 26,1984 at 10:00 A.M. Sale located off Route 895 between Summit Station and Pine Grove. Travel Vi mile South of the Rock Hotel on Mountain Road to sale site, Schuylkill Co., Pa. Real Estate consists of a 174 acre farm, more or less, with approx. 74 acres of cleared land, approx. 100 acres of good timber woodland with blacktop road frontage and a never failing stream. Erected is a 2% story 8 roomed framed home, a detached 1% story summer home, a banked bam, a 4 bay shed, a single shed w/com crib and many other out buildings located at the base of the Blue Mountains good for hunting with a very nice setting. Real Estate inspection by appointment, call (717) 345-8537. Terms are 10% down-payment the day of sale, balance on or before 90 days. Real Estate will be offered at 12:00 Noon. Sale For: FLOYD F. FOX Richard A. Adams, Atty. Auctioneers: Dennis F. Wagner AU-001427-L Phone: (215) 562-7445 Tom Maidenford AU-001914-L Ph0ne:(717)622-2915 PUBLIC AUCTION TWO DAY SALE ANTIQUES - FURNITURE - COLLECTIBLES - TOOLS 9:30 A.M. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1984 9:30 A.M. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1984 Located on Hess Farm Dr. between Jacobus & Dallastown, York Co., Pa. Direction: Off Exit 6, 1-83 at South Queen Street, south to Spanglers Super Market, go straight to Ironstone Rd., VA miles to Hess Farm Drive, turn right, first farm on right. ** TO BE SOLD BOTH PAYS ** Several sets plank bottom chairs, drop leaf table, dresser, high chest of drawers (66”), blanket chest, wooden beds, dry sink, S-roll top desk, cloths trees, rockers, chests of drawers, night stands, mantle clocks, piano stool, morticed bench, brass bucket, misc. wooden chairs, kitchen cabinet, picture frames, towel racks, cedar chest, china closet, poster bed, market baskets, graduated sleigh bells, cash register, and much more. GL TOOLS Cowden & Willcox, H-burg, blue flowered crock, jugs, lot crocks, coffee grinder, lanterns, old bottles, glassware of many descriptions (many not unpacked), old Christmas decorations, reed baskets, Planters jar, old screw locks, tin toys, scales, egg crates, Civil War books, lot books, old clothes, hats, bear trap, grain cradle, seed cleaner, food grinder, milk cans. York Safe (35” high), modem furniture in good condition, luggage, braided rugs, blankets, bedspreads, RCA color TV, chest deep freezer, Philco refrigerator, GE washer & dryer, Kelvinator refrigerator. 100’s of items not listed. FARM EQUIPMENT ■ TOOLS - LAWN/GARDEN John Deere Mtractor w/plow, cultivator, sickle bar mower, Myers snow plow for M tractor, David Bradley garden tractor, Wheel Horse tractor & mower, Yardman tiller, weed eater, reel mowers, rotary mowers, shop vacuum. Sleigh w/shafts, farm wagon gear, buggy wheels, Bob Sled parts, wooden tubs, chunk stove, ice saw, kettle hangers, wooden measures, cast iron yard gate, wooden barrels, double ladder, wheelbarrow, snow fence. AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: This is only a small listing of what we have to sell. Most of the glassware is yet to be unpacked & discovered. We will be selling Antiques, Furniture and Glassware on BOTH DAYS. FARM EQUIPMENT will be sold ONLY ON SATURDAY. TERMS: Cash or Good Check. AUCTIONEER: Blaine N. Rentzel Emigsville, Pa. 717-764-6412 Pa. Auctioneer's Lie. #761 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 6,1984—E27 Estate of Clair R. Innerst ESTATE OF CLAIR R. INKERS! R.D. #2 York, Pa. Trustees: Anita Beck Regina Brenneman Thomasville, pm , Torn Co west of Thomasville, PA offßt 30 along Locust Lane next to Hildebrand Pontiac garage Mr & Mrs Walter Shearer, Owners Charles L Wehr ly and Son, Auctioneers SAT OCT 13 & FRI OCT 19 - 10 AM Public 2 Day Auction of a Complete Holstein Dispersal Selling 400 Head Located on Sharrett Rd , 1 mile off Rt 194 and 2 miles north of Keymar, in Carroll Co, MD (4 miles south of Taneytown, MD) Harold E Thomas, Owner Remsburg Sale Service, Auctioneers SAT OCT 13 - 10 AM Public Auction of Trac tors, Riding Mowers, Green House Supplies & Household Located on Penn Green Rd , 2 miles off Rt 41, Avondale, PA Follow signs from Rt 41 and Penn Green Rd Ray Regmold & Esther Mor timer, owners Wright's Auctions, Auctioneers SAT OCT 13 - 9 AM Public Auction of Farm Equipment, Butcher Equipment, Tools, Household Goods and An tiques Located along Mt Pleasant Rd , R D 2, Mt Joy. PA Rt 283 get oft at Rheems Exit Turn north on Coverleaf Rd to Mt Pleasant Rd Walter T Becker Estate Harold (Abe) Shaffner, Auc tioneer C H Wolgemuth Auctioneers SAT OCT 13 12 Noon Public Auction of the 37th Chautauqua Co Holstein Club Sale Selling 60 Head of Registered Holstems Located at Green Banks Farm, 12 miles east of Fredoma, 6 miles west of South Dayton, NY Take Rt 83 to the village of Hamlet and turn right on the road to Cassadaga, NY William Kent, Inc, Auctioneer HOUSE