Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 06, 1984, Image 175
PUBLIC SALE ANTIQUES SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27,1984 LOCATED: Off Rt. 30 at Hallam Exit, go south to Rt. 462, con tinue straight on Freysville Rd„ go through underpass, Ist farm on right in lane. ANTIQUES 3 Spinning wheels -1 large & 2 regular, hanging Tiffany light w/ prisms, blanket chest, basket cradle w/rockers, rope bed, camel back trunk, quilting frame, reed baby buggy, baby carriage, spool cabinet, kerosene heater & stove, large laundry stove, oak beds, miniature sink bench, meat bench, bench table, old sewing machine, match safe, bookcase, butter bowls, butter prints, butter churn, butter cooler, butter scales, coffee grinder, dough tray, sausage stuffer (old), meat grinder, large slaw cutter, crocks, old tinware, old cans, jugs, Blue flowered crocks, old pottery bottles, jars, old pitchers, old china candy jars, granite ware, blue granite coffee pot, tin coffee pots, sugar baskets, baskets with lids, lot of baskets, apple peeler, old locks, toys, cradle, sewing baskets, metal clock, miniature cook stove, wood bucket, bottles, egg crates, picture frames, carbide light. Stands, quilts, old stool on stand, fish horn, heatalator, high chair, tlax wheel, cast tea kettle, childs rocker, childs dry sink, old small doll cradles, clevers, chaffing dish, cherry seeder, candle molds, brooms, pie peels, 2 gal. milk bottle, organ stool, old tin ladle, hanging light, large crocks, copper kettle, wooden tubs, stillard scales, drying board, apple butter stirrer, benches, chandelier parts, ice cream freezer, lanterns, gypsy pot, iron kettle, pie safe, incubator, dumb waiter, old radio, old hats, old toys, childs china dishes, costume cloth, saddles, side saddle, & saddle bags. AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: 100’s of items not mentioned. This is only a small amount listed of what we have to sell. Mostly everything is handed down from 4 generations. TERMS: CASH OR GOOD CHECK Estate of RUTH STONER BRINKMAN Executor; NANCY DIETZ Attorney: HUGH MANIFOLD AUCTIONEER; Blaine & Nevin Rentzel Emigsville, Pa. Phone 717-764-6412 Pa. Auctioneer's Lie. #’s 761 & 1442 SPRING WATER FARM PUBLIC AUCTION FARM REAL ESTATE FARM EQUIPMENT ANTIQUES HOUSEHOLD GOODS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20,1984 10:00 A.M. To be held on the premises located at RD 2 Annville, Indiantown Gap Road, E. Hanover Twp., Lebanon County, Pa. Turn east off route 934 north of 181 at Chicken Licken Restaurant to farm across 181 bridge or turn north off rt. 22 east of Harpers onto Indiantown Gap Road to farm on left. Real estate being a 56+ acre farm thereon located the following im provements. 2‘z story vinyl sided house with the Ist floor containing a modern kitchen, living and family rooms, bedroom and large full bath. 2nd floor has 6 rooms and needs remodeling. Concrete basement with outside entrance. Home is heated by coal hot water baseboard. Water from shallow dug well and spring house. New 28’ x 40’ 2 bay concrete block garage with concrete floor and overhead doors with closers. Large bank barn with 10’ x 50’ silo and a machinery storage shed. Other particulars include large stocked pond, mature trees, lovely yard and many other features which can be seen by calling 717-865-4572 for a private inspection. Terms to be 10% down with the balance due within 30 days at settlement. Real estate to be offered at 1:00 P.M. SPECIAL MENTION: Owner financing available to a qualified buyer. IH 350 gas utility tractor; fast hitch 3 bottom plow; fast hitch rear blade; fast hitch 3 pt. adaptor; 3 pt. cultivator; 3 pt. dirt scoop; 3 pt. cord wood saw; 3 pt. Woods 5’ rotary mower (like new); manure loader with snowplow; cement mixer w/ 1 2 hp motor; 2 wheel trailer; pony saddles; 40’ wooden ladder; seasoned walnut and cherry lumber; 3 hp tiller; asst, tools and hardware; gates; fencing supplies and chargers; barb wire; doors; windows etc. and other farm related items. Wooden wagon wheels; wooden stenciled childs US Mail wagon; trunk; oak sideboard; dresser; blanket chest; childs pedal tractor; Hershey milk cans; floor radio; salesman sample #6 ironing board; Enterprise #32 meat grinder with motor; 3 Wallace Nutting prints; comforters and other an tiques. GUNS: Hammerless LC Smith double barrel 12 ga.; J. Higgins model 20 single shot 12 ga.; Stevens model 94 20 ga.; Springfield 12 ga. single barrel hammer; Stevens 410 model 59A shot gun; Little Scout 22 long rifle w/14V’ barrel; Remington model 6 22 rifle with 20” barrel; 30-30 Savage; 30-30 Revalation and Crossman 22 gas powered revolver. 2-5 pc. formica top breakfast sets; gold sofa (real nice); Hotpoint apt. elect, stove: 2 pc. sectional sofa with chair; buffet; pie crust table; tea cart; chairs; 2 maple night stands; double beds; cedar lined wardrobe; metal dresser; wardrobe; childs folding chairs; lamps; carpets; pictures; blankets; asst, dishes; 49 pc. Boontonware serv. for 12; H&E serv. for 12 flatware; canning jars and other unlisted items. TERMS: CASH or checks by approval Harry H. Bachman - Auctioneer 717-867-1809 AU-000033-L Phil Feather - Attorney 867-1200 Auction starting with farm related items Lunch Stand by Farm Women 21 9:00 A.M Conditions by EARL L.& SHIRLEY A. CLICK 717-865-4572 Public Auction Register Closmg Date Monday 500 P M of each week s publication WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 10 • 12 Noon Public Auc tion of the Western PA Sale of Stars Located in Butler, PA THURSDAY OCTOBER 11 - 1 PM Public Auction of a 54 Acre Farm Located 1 mile west of Blue Ball off Rt 322 John A & Anna W Zimmerman, Owners Nevm Martin & Lewis Groff, Auctioneers -TWO BIG DAYS ANTIQUES-GLASSWARE-FURNITURE-COLLECTIBLES 9 00 a m THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18,1984 900 a m THURSDAY OCTOBER 25 1984 DIRECTIONS: Off Route 30 By-Pass (York, Pa.), at Susquehanna Trail (Rte. 295), go north 1.5 miles, bear left on Lewisberry Rd., (just beyond radio tower), continue 1.5 miles to farm on right. 2 Bow front china closets, 3 dovetailed blanket chests, walnut knockdown wardrobe (w/carvings), walnut 4 leg drop-leaf table, 2 sets decorated plank bottom chairs, deco, high chair, 2 Boston rockers, set 6 oak dining chairs, 2 oak side boards (w/top shelf & carvings), oak server (claw feet, carved heads), oak hall rack w/mirror, round oak split pedestal table w/4 legs & boards, softwood table, drop-leaf table, oak clothes tree, music cabinet, bent arm rocker, plank sewing rockers, ball/claw piano stool, plank stands, oak ball/claw stand, Columbia graphanola, gold leaf mirror, morticed bench, treadle sewing machine, bamboo comer shelf, bicket bench, oak flower stands, end tables, and more. 2 Art glass (Tiffany type) table lamps, lot unusual kero lamps, glass shades, minat. lero lamps, prism lamp shade, candle mold, iron floor lamps, brass bucket, brass keys, mantle clocks (West minister, Seth Thomas), Bugs Bunny alarm clock, horse clock, china clock, lot alarm clocks. LOT EARLY, PRESSED AND PATTERN GLASS Lily of valley, eyewinker, deer-in-pine, swirl, cardinal, moon & star, etc. Compotes, goblets, creamers, covered sugar, etc.; lot milk glass, ironstone, red and white glass, some purple slag, majelica, soft paste, depression glass and carnival. 3 Spatter bowls, cantonware blue bowls, dark carnival bowl, vaseline wine goblets, Bobby Benson tumbler, German chocolate set, crystal wedding goblets, copper lustre pitchers, Chinese china tea set, brides basket, Nippon vase, Nippon finger plate, Imari oriental berry set, 1898 red/white paper weight, milk glass axe, china bell, deco, china plates, vinegar cruets, salt bucket w/lid, egg plates, 1908-09 calendar plates, set Japan blue dinnerware, lot flowered glasses, salt dips (pewter tops), carved alabaster vases (china), wash bowl/pitcher, ink wells, butter dishes, lot chicken-on-nests, compotes, footed pieces, lot souvenir glass, and much more. ANTIQUES-QUILTS-COLLI 10 Handmade quilts (NEVER USED), doilies, old linens, comforts, china doll made in Germany (Tlorodory), paper mache chicken-on-nest, cupie doll statue, crocheted rugs, lot advertisement pieces, wooden boxes, picture frames, wooden bucket, violin w/case, stereo optic viewer, lot stereo cards, lot 78 records. H.B. Pfaltzgraff blue flowered crock, crocks, jugs, gramteware, cast boot jack, imitation toy engine, mech. toy clown, marbles, Redicut tobacco can, tinware, tin matchsafe, tin creamer, lunch bucket, lot old reed baskets, butter scales, slaw cutter, meatsaw, coffee grinder, doughtray scrapers, mimature cast tools, bone handle knives & forks. G.E. No-Frost refrig./freezer, Kelvinator refrigerator, chest deep freeze, Philco color TV, stove, & 100’s of items. **• K 2 Bow front china closets, 2 high oak beds, oak dressers, oak vanity, oak chest drawers (w/hat box), oak washstand, pair Sheridan deco, chairs, set 6 deco, plank bottom chairs (spindle back), misc. plank bottom chairs, oak chest (clawfeet), high wooden single bed, mahogany dresser, plank sewing rocker (arren back), dovetailed blanket chest, oak pedestal round table, gate-leg drop-leaf table, bow back chairs, basket jardiniers, oak potty chair, platform carpet rocker, cane seat chairs, deco. Boston rocker, morticed bench, treadle sewing machine. 10 Homemade quilts (some never used), tapestries, lot old linens, lot old clothing, feather ticks, kero lamps lanterns, apple peeler, lot mimature kero lamps, graniteware, cast waffle iron, quilting frame, camelback trunk, battery short wave radio, lot old reed baskets, wood adv. boxes, picture frames, tinware, copper wash boiler. Penn Esther cookstove, 4 burner kero stove, old sled, Dexter wringer washer, cast porch bench, old marbles, knucklers, chalk, box, lot jewelry, watches, buttons, cheese boxes, Oliver 880 toy tractor. 100’s of items. (Tastle & draps, beaded loop, Baltimore pear, medallion, oatmeal, diamond point, etc.), footed compote, pitchers, water glasses, creamers, covered butter dishes, goblets, sherberts, candy dishes; Staffordshire, Ampenvare, milkglass, blue/red/pink hobnail, ironstone. Shirley Temple pitcher & 2 mugs, lot souvenir glassware, lot cups, saucers, German soft paste plates, lot Bavarian china, blue footed salts, communion set, 1905 green carnival tumblers, Italian wines, Bavarian decanter & wine set, flowered goblets, brides basket, Nippon dresser set, yellow carnival punch bowl set, blue depression bowl w/lid, battleship dish, covered turkey, red/wlute basket, Halls bowl, miniature copper lustre pictures, Italian pottery pieces, porcelain, figurines, chicken-on-nests, Victorian pin boxes, indian brass bells, lot chalk figurines, cracker jar, cookie jar, shaving mug & mirror, crocks, jugs, miniature cast stoves and more FARM EQUIPM Farmall H tractor, Int. 28 blade disk, cultipacker, Int. T semi mtd. sickle mower, Motomower 22 Rototiller, lawn mowers. Slate tools, garden tools, post vise, kettle furnace, clover seeder, wood chisels, wood planes, shoe lathe, wooden cabinet, wooden measures, hog trough, ladders, whiskey barrels, and more. TERMS: CASH OR GOOD CHECK OUT OF STATE - CASH, BANK LETTER OF CREDIT OR TRAVELERS CHECKS AUCTIONEER: Blaine N. Rentzel Emigsville, Pa. Ph. 717-764-6412 Pa. Auctioneer’s Lie. #761 THURS OCT 11 - 1 PM Public Sale of valuable 54 acre steer and hog farm LOCATED one mue west of Blue Ball, oft Rt 322, East Earl Twp , Lane Co , PA Watch for yellow sale sign Sale for John A & Anna W Zimmerman NevmZ Martini Lewisß Groff, Auctioneers THURS, OCT 11-9 AM Public Auction of 1000 ft of Metal 4x4 Floor and PUBLIC AUCTION >OLD OCT. 18.1984 IRNITURE-LAMPS-CLOCK * * * TO Bl ANTIQUES-! GLASSWARE ANTIQUES - FURNITURE - COLLECTIBLES RLY CARNIVAL GLASS LOO PRESSED & PATTERN GLASS Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 6,1984—E23 Wall Shelving plus equip ment Located on the cor ner of Rt 30 and Moscow Rd , near Rt, 10 intersec tion, Chester Co, PA Homes Unlimited, Inc, Owners Robert E & Jef frey Martin and Frank Steller, Auctioneers THURS OCT 11-12 30 AM Public Auction of Dairy Cattle, Milking Equip , & Machinery Located 3 miles west of Beaver Springs Sale signs along Rt 522 in Beaver Springs David L & Sycynthia Renmnger, Owners Long's Auction Service, Auctioneers THURS OCT 11 830 AM Public Auction of a TIBLI iY. OCT. 21 ITU Large Farm Equipment Sale Located 6 miles south of Chambersburg, PA 1 mile East of Marion, lust East off Rt 81 at Marion Exit No 4 along Rt 914 Ralph W Horst, Manager Rentzel, Wolgemuth, Upperman, Bohrer, Speicher, Harry, Gossert, Auctioneers FRIDAY OCTOBER 12 - 7 PM Public Auction of a Graded Feeder Sale Located at Keister's Mid dleburg Auction Sales, Inc , Rt 522, 3 miles East of Middleburg, PA, 5 miles west of Selmsgrove, PA Don & Walt Keister, Owners Ray Long & Dave Imes, Auctioneers 4k ♦ 4k , HATTIE BAHN Lewisberry Rd. York, Pa. Luther Bupp, P.O.A. David Bupp, Attorney