Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 06, 1984, Image 157
Sait water pond helps dry grain ARGONNE, 11. A pond of water that can store enough heat during the summer to dry a far mer’s grain crop in the fall was the subject of a workshop this week at the Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory, near Chicago. Argonne has developed a system to remove heat from its ex perimental salt gradient Solar pond for use in drying grain, heating barns and houses or supplying domestic hot water. Salt water is the key to the pond’s ability to collect and store COMPARE DeLAVAL® New Century l * Series of Bulk Coolers For Performance Quality, Value AllDeLaval Coolers Feature: • 5 year warranty • All stainless steel construction • Oval enclosed for structured strength and high performance Foam-in-place insulation to keep down operating cost and maintain milk quality Dependable efficient automatic washing Wall mounted stainless steel control panel Most popular sizes available. 600 to 5,000 Gallon Capacity. The efficient cooling Bulk Tank Backed by a Century of Service to America’s dairyman. Call For A Free Estimate - DHIA APPROVED Tells You Every Cow’s Production... Every Time... ELECTRONICALLY Tno Flo-Master Meter is far more than just a milk meter that reads out weights on an LED display It s the first step toward total automation of milk yield recording feeding and herd management Now you can know how every cow ‘s doing immediately and can grow by affordable stages toward a totally computerized system without expensive obsolescence Let us show you how the De Lavat' Flo-Master Meter can help you cut teed costs and boost milk yields. PENNSYLVANIA BURCHFIELDS, INC. Railroad St., Martinsburg, PA 814-793-2194 ERB 4 HENRY EQUIP., INC. New Berlinville, PA 215-367-2169 FRANK! IN n MFW FAMI FOIIIP ® S^S IUINIM U. ntOO i Anal tlllllr . PEOPLES SALES 1 SERVICE West of Blue Ball, PA on Route 23 Orangeville, PA 815 E. Main St. 717-925-6939 717-463-2735 Annville, PA 717-867-5143 solar energy. Salt concentration increases with depth, forming layers that suppress convection circulation within the pond. Sunlight penetrates the surface, warming the lower layers. Because the lower layers are heavier than those above them, they cannot rise, and their heat remains trapped. The pond can produce useful heat day and night, all year round, even when covered with winter ice. Peak water temperatures at the bottom of the solar pond exceed 170 degrees F at the end of summer, SEE GRAHAM’S DAIRY SUPPLY RD 3, Box 382 Greensburg, PA 412-834-3162 1.6. AG SALES Silverdale, PA 215-257-5136 low winter temperatures are about 100 degrees F. » The quarter-acre pond is about 12 feet deep. It holds 700,000 gallons of water and about 700 tons of salt. The heat removal system developed by Argonne uses a heat exchanger to tap the hot water at the bottom of the pond. Air passes through the heat exchanger at 8000 cubic-feet-per-minute and is warmed by the hot water to about 40 degrees above the temperature of the surrounding air. This temperature and airflow is suf ficient for grain drying operations. YPAR POUND PERFORMANCE Super Ro-Vu Clow The DeLaval® Super Flo-Vu™ milking claw is the newest thing in milking. It features an extra large, extra tough plastic bowl that twists off for easy inspection and cleaning. And the Super Flo-Vu Claw can be used with all DeLaval and many competitive milkers. Check these other features: • Improved automatic shut-off, air valve and thread design • Larger valves, milk inlets and outlets, the air nipples to help speed milking • Manual lock feature • Heavy duty stainless steel construction Check with us for full information on the Super Flo-Vu Claw and other fine DeLaval dairying equipment. YOUR LOCAL DE LAVAL DEALER R. 0.1 Box 253. Centre Hall, PA 814-364-1419 WITHER IMPLEMENT SERVICE RD3 Shtppensburg, PA 717-532-6139 R. E. SMELTZER EQUIPMENT CO. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 6,1984—E5 No-till data available NEWARK, Del. Delware farmers interested in trying a few acres of no-till small grain this fall can get helpful production advice from the extension fact sheet, “No till Wheat and Barley in Delaware.” The fact sheet was prepared by University of Delaware extension agronomist Frank Webb. It contains in formation on planting equipment, soil fertility, seeding rate, variety selection, liming rate and weed control. DELATRON I PULSATOR Hill De Laval introduces the most advanced pulsation system in dairying i The De Laval" Delatron I Pulsator can help you do a better milking job while protecting the health of your valuable cows The Delatron I Pulsator features • Choice of alternating or simultaneous • Choice of ratios (70 30 with 60 PPM 60 40 with 60 PPM or 50 50 with 50 PPM) • Pre wired for easy low cost installation • Master controller can control up to 20 pulsators Call for details and a demonstration Setting the Pace for Performance lARYLAND CECIL DAIRY SERVICE RD 1 - Rt. 274 'A Mi. South Rising Sun. MD 301-658-6923 LEHMAN DAIRY SERVICE RD 3. Box 150, Oownsville Pk. Hagerstown, MO 301-582-1735 For the past five years the specialist has been evaluating notillage cultural practices on small grains at the university’s Georgetown substation. He says test results are promising, with no till yields about the same as those from conventionally grown wheat and barley. To obtain a copy of the no-till wheat and barley fact sheet, contact the county extension office in Newark (451-2506), Dover (736- ► 1448), or Georgetown (856-5250). ™H FEEDER ementof the iry herd. It's Second Generation ~mJ second to none. Added Capability Throughout The System. NEW FEEDING STATION FEATURES: A Processor That Is Smarter Than Ever. Rolling Memory More Knowledge About Feed Consumption Important Breeding Information At Your Fingertips. A Better Way To Monitor Herd Health. • Printed Reports Upon Command • A Simplified Transponder BENNETT MACHINE CO. 1601 South Dupont Blvd Millford, Del 302-422-4837 Rte 519 N. off Rte 46 P.O. Box 185 Belvidere, NJ 201-475-2185 VAN AKEN DAIRY SUPPLIES RD 2, Box 177, Heddymgßd Columbus, NJ 609-298-3344 DELAWARE lEW JERSEY G. HIRAM BUCHMAN, INC.