E4—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 6,1984 WASHINGTON, D.C. - One of the rewards of fanning, the story goes, is a robust, healthy life out in the sun. Trouble is, that’s not always how things are. Farming is dangerous. Statistics show it can hike your odds of going deaf or getting cancer or heart disease, and farmers stand a greater chance of being hurt on the job than workers in most occupations. Although the risks are high, farmers, their families, and hired workers are less likely than other workers to be covered by health insurance, according to economist Helen Jensen, formerly with USDA’s Economic Research Service. Jensen notes that 90 percent of the American population is covered by some type of health insurance, either privately through group or individual policies or publicly through federal, state, or local programs. For farmers and farm managers, the rate of overall coverage is about 82 percent. For the entire farm population, it’s 86 percent. While the differences may not seem significant at first glance, Jensen says they indicate the difficulties farm people can have in obtaining adequate protection. She explains that only the largest farms meet the criteria to par ticipate in private group in- Pride corn keeps your profits growing SAVE money, as well as MAKE money with Pride corn. Proven yield performance. Fast dry-down. Standability. Disease resistance. Ear retention. And more. Find out about all the new ideas growing at Pride. Contact your local Pride dealer: Lancaster Co. KENNETH E. ZUDIN 717-898-8736 Lancaster Co. RICHARDS. KAUFMAN 717-653-5273 iwtofia,. RICHARD I JEFF SHULTZ 215-794-7259 Bradford Co. LONGENECKERS A6ROHOMY CENTER 717-297-4290 ||fjf New ideas \ growing at Call 1-800-828-7122 1-814-383-4656 Farmers have less surance, which generally offers the lowest rates and the widest coverage. In addition, many public insurance plans provided by in dividual states exempt agricultural workers. Even farmers who buy in- HARRISBURG - The kick-off of the 1984-85 hunting season in the commonwealth signals increased activity by hunters and their dogs in the state’s fields and meadows. As part of preparations for en tering the field, hunters are urged to license their dogs, according to Dog Law Director Donald Moul. “Obtaining a license is the best possible way to protect the in vestment made in a fine hunting dog,” said Moul. “If a dog strays and is licensed, hunters have an inexpensive, reliable tool to help them recover the animal,” he said, noting that the Department of Agriculture’s Bureau of Dog Law Enforcement receives, increased numbers of lost animal reports during hunting season. Under state law, all dogs six months or older must be licenses. Failure to comply could result in fines up to $3OO plus costs. Hunters who find a stray dog in the field should approach the animal with caution, and attempt to determine if it has a license. The Bradford Co. EDWARD FELTER 717-363-2406 Montour Co. HENRY ZEAGER 717-437-2692 Clinton Co. SIM V. SHIPMAN 717726-3707 Union Co. JOHN RL BURKHOLDER RD2 insurance coverage dividual health insurance coverage may find their policies cost more and cover less than group plans. Why? “It relates to structure, both in farming and in the insurance in ~i2Stry, ,> Dog licenses urged appropriate County Treasurer’s the hunting season begins,” he Office should be contacted as soon sa id. as possible. “Regular small game season begins November 3, with squirrel and grouse season beginning October 20. However, hunters, like other dog owners, are urged to register their dogs before January each year. Dog licenses go on sale December 1 every year. Many sportsmen mistakenly wait until ■ Machine Work ft, I J Farm Supplies ■ Hardware * p v ■ CUSTOM BUILT WOOD & , ! COAL STOVES B ■ • Welders & cutting torches _ I • Custom made farm gates, etc. " | • Custom built high pressure washers ■ ■ • Stainless steel, aluminum and spot I _ welding. • UPS Service | Z HIGH TENSILE WIRE FENCING | PLATE SHEARING AND PRESS BRAKE WORK D.S. MACHINE SHOP DAVID E. STOLTZFUS 3816 E. Newport Road B Gordonville, PA 17529 - 1 Mile East of Intercourse on Rt 772 " ANNUAL SAWDUST DAYS Today Sat., & Mon., October 6 & 8 LIMEVILLE SALES & SERVICE SPECIALS ON OILS, CHAIN FILES AND SAWS BAR OIL .... MIX Oil, 6 pk. FILES CHAINS BUY 1 GET 2nd AT ONLY 99 < Stock Up Now All SAWS WITH CHAIN BRAKE WHEN YOU BUY A TANAKA YOU DON'T GET 80% OF THE SAW YOU WANT - YOU GET IT ALL - AT NO EXTRA COST. Rt. 340 Whitehorse oj <*/ Gap Rt. 30 / “The average farm business is unincorporated with fewer than five employees and cannot qualify for group programs. Tax laws allow health insurance payments to be considered part of the cost of Officials are also stressing the importance of having dogs in noculated against rabies because of the rising number of cases reported in the wild animal population. License fees are $3 for spayed and neutered dogs and $5 for all Reg. 4.50 3.50 gal. Reg 4 75 3.25 6 P k Reg. 1 89 89* WE CAN FIT ALMOST ANY SAW, JUST BRING OLD CHAIN FOR PERFECT FIT NOT RESTONSIHE FOR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS HERE WE ARE Limeville Rd kr •w doing business only if the fan, firm is incorporated,” she says. Reduced access to group surance is the major difference u coverage for farm versus non farm individuals, according to Jensen. other dogs. Senior citizens 65 and older pay only $1.75 for non productive dogs and $2.75 for all other dogs, and must present proof of age when applying. may be purchased at the County Treasurer’s Office or through an* authorized agent. All dogs should] be innoculated against rabies by a' licensed veterinarian. j ~ ft-: mmiatmem yCMlS EAttM IXCAVATINONKDS GENERAL CONTRACTORS P.O. Box 212 Norristown, PA 215-275-0440 Sales Re Reynold Todd 215/948-9604 Earlßenshaw 717/786-8409 Clayton Renshaw 717/768-3400 Modal 350 14” Cut Reg $244 95 SAVE *55 NOW $ 189 95 Modal 506 20” Cut Reg *359 95 SAVE *6O NOW $299 95 DEMONSTRATIONS ALL DAY REGISTER FOR FREE DOOR PRIZES • 5 lb. Fire Extinguisher • 15 ft. log Chain • File Guide • 5 FREE Chain Sharpening! LIMEVILLE SALES & SERVICE LOCATED ON LIMEVILLE RD. r 3 Ml. E. OF GAP & 3 Ml. S. OF WHITEHORSE Fri. 7-7, Sat. 7-4; Mon 7-7 442-9304 SC &E K Home Phones FREE REFRESHMENTS
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