Livestock market and auction news Carlisle Livestock Auction Carlisle, Pa. Tuesday, September 25 Report supplied by auction CATTLE; Steers: Choice None Offered; Good 55.00-58.50 Holsteins; 51.00-55.75 Medium 44.50-54.50. Heifers: Good 55.10 56.00; Medium 47.75-51.00; Utility 39.00-41.50. Cows; 2.00 lower. High Yield 38.00-41.00; Average 35.00 38.00; Big Middle 32.0036.50; Fatty Herf 34.10-39.00; Shelly 35.00 down. Fat Bulls Medium-Good 37.50 46.50. FEEDER CATTLE: Large Run. Steers (300-550 lbs.) Choice 61.00 69.00; Good 54.00-60.00; Medium 47.0053.00; Culls 46.00 down. Steers (600-850 lbs.) Good 50.00 54.00; Medium 46.0049.00; Utility 38.5042.00. Heifers (all weights) Good to Choice 49.00-52.00; Medium 37.0046.00. Bulls (all weights): Choice 59.00-60.00; Good 50.0057.00; Medium 43.0049.00. VEAL CALVES: 3.00 higher. Choice 70.0079.00: Good 60.00 Green Dragon t Livestock Sales ft?i Location: Ephrata RD 4. 1 mile N. on North State St., Ephrata. COWS SALE EVERY FRIDAY Lots of good Northern Feeder & Stockers. Slaughter Cows - Bull Steer, Veal-lamb. 11:00 A.M.-Beef Sale 200-300 each week. 1:00 P.M.-Dairy Sale. 7:00 P.M.-Small Animal Sale. For Special Sales and Herd Dispersals on farm or at our barn or other market information call: Office 717-733-2444, Home 717-838-4318. WALTER H. RISSER, Proprietor All out of state and new buyers must have cash or certified check or current letter of credit from bank. MELHORN SALES, SERVICE, TRUCKING CO. The only full service company, in this area, to handle the total needs of the poultrymen. Which Includes: DeKalb chicks & started pullets sold by Clay Mumma and Nelson Groff Complete loading & unloading of pullets & spent hens. Place Your Confidence In A Full Service Company That infants To Be Worthy Of Your Business 69.00; Medium 47.00-59.00; Light/41.0046.00 weak 40.00 down. Farm Bulls 70.00-81.00. HOGS: Barrows & Gilts 2.00 lower. 210250 lbs. 46.1047.75; over 260 lbs. 46.6047.00; 2 & 3’s 41.75- 43.25. SOWS; 35.25-43.50. Boars 28.75- 34.00. FEEDER PIGS (by the hd) Large Run 3.00 lower; (2030 lbs. 16.0023.00) (3035 lbs. 22.0026.00) (4050 lbs.) 34.0038.50 Hd.) SHEEP: Lambs: Individual 95.00. Good 55.5057.50; Medium 49.00-54.50; Ewes: 16.0025.00 lb. Goats (Lg) 37.00-48.00; (hd) Sm/Med 12.0028.00. Eighty-Four Livestock Eighty-Four, Pa. Monday, September 24 Report supplied by PDA CATTLE 401: Compared with last Monday’s market slaughter cows uneven, spots .25-.50 higher. Few Good slaughter steers 55.50 60.00, few Standard 51.00-56.00, Utility 45.00-49.00. Few Standard 40 Donegal Springs Rd., Mount Joy, PA 17552 For More Information Phone: 717-653-1102 or 717-653-2787 Monday - Friday 8 A.M. - 4 P.M. ask for Lynn or Wendy KING’S AUCTION, KIRKWOOD Hay, Straw and Grain Auction EVERY TUESDAY 12:00 Located Rt. 472 5 miles south of Quarryville or 6 miles north of Oxford at Shaub’s Auction House. Lloyd H. Kreider, Auctioneer AU-000513L No out of state checks ALL TRUCKERS AND FARMERS WELCOME slaughter heifers 46.50-49.50, Utility 41.75-45.00. Breaking Utility and Commercial slaughter cows 38.00-42.00, several 42.25-44.75, Cutter & Boning Utility 35.5039.00, Canner & Low Cutter 29.00-36.00, Shells down to 18.00. Yield Grade #1 10002000 lbs. slaughter bulls 43.5050.00, §2 9001500 lbs. 39.00 44.00, FEEDER CATTLE: Medium Frame #1 350550 lbs. feeder stejrs 52.0060.00, #2 300600 lbs. 45.00 51.00; Medium Frame §1 325-660 lbs. heifers 41.00-48.00, §2 300500 lbs. 35.0042.00; Medium Frame #1 400-650 lbs. bulls 49.00-58.00, »2 400 800 lbs. 40.00-46.00. CALVES 356: Few Choice vealers 74.00-87.50; Good 60.00 76.00, Standard and Good 90120 lbs. 40.0048.00, 6085 lbs. 30.00 40.00, few Utility 5090 lbs. 20.00 34.00, FARM CALVES: Holstein Bulls 90120 lbs. 55.0090.00. HOGS 150: Barrows and gilts mostly steady, instances 50 cents higher. US No. 1-2 210-250 lbs. barrows and gilts 46.00-48.00, No. 1- • New modern dollie equipment to move your pullets fast and efficiently with minimum stress to the pullets Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 29,1984—A7 3 200260 lbs. 45.0046.20, few No. 2-3 285 lbs. at 40.50, No. 1-3 135-190 lbs. 42.5046.25. US No. 1-3 300-550 lbs. sows 40.0042.00, No. 2-3 350600 lbs. 38.0040.50. Boars 28.0031.50. FEEDER PIGS 13: Few US No. 1-3 30-43 lbs. feeder pigs 21.0023.00 per head. SHEEP 182: Spring slaughter lambs 3.00-4.00 lower. High Choice and Prime 80100 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 61.50-64.50, Choice 75-95 lbs. 60.00-62.00. Good 70100 lbs. 51.00-57.00. Slaughter sheep 15.0018.00. GOATS 16: 4.0025.00 per head. Morrison Cove Livestock Martlnsburg, Pa. Tuesday, September 25 Report supplied by Auction CATTLE 283: Compared with last Monday’s market, High Choice & Prime slaughter steers 64.00-65.50, Choice 61.25-63.50, Good 54.25- Standard 51.00-53.75, Utility 45.00-49.75. Choice slaughter heifers 59.50-63.00, Good 53.75-57.50, Standard 48.00-51.50, Utility 39.75-46.50. Breaking Utility & Commercial Slaughter Cows 44.25- Commercial 41.25- 43.00, Cutter & Boning Utility 37.00- 40.75, Canner & Low Cutter 31.00- 36.50, Shells down to 25.00. Choice slaughter bullocks 55.25-58.00, Good 52.25-54.00, Standard 47.50- 51.00, Utility 39.00-46.25. FEEDER CATTLE: Steers. Choice 300-600 lbs. 56.00-61.00, Good 300-600 lbs. 48.00-54.00, Medium 300-700 lbs. 44.00-47.00; Heifers Good 300-600 lbs. 48.00-56.00, Medium 300400 lbs. 41.0046.00; Bulls Good 300-600 lbs. 51.0556.00, Medium 300-600 lbs. 42.0049.00. CALVES 404: Prime Vealers 75.00- Choice 67.00-73.00, Good 59.00- Standard & Good 110- 130 lbs. 54.0058.00,90-110 lbs. 49.00- 52.50, 70-90 lbs. 44.0048.00, Utility 4050 lbs. 35.0043.00. FARM CALVES: Holstein bulls 90-120 lbs. 62.00-92.00, Holstein heifers 95-115 lbs. 55.0063.00. HOGS 164: US No. 1-2 210-220 lbs. barrows and gilts 48.5049.25, No. 1- 3 200-250 lbs. 47.0048.10, No. 2-3180- 330 lbs. 44.2546.50. US No. 1-3 350- 650 lbs. sows 45.7548.25, No. 2-3 350- 650 lbs. 40.5044.75. Boars 29.00- 31.50, Lightweights 32.50-36.00. FEEDER PIGS 18; US No. 1-3 20-25 lbs. feeder pigs 16.00-19.00 per head, No. 1-3 30-40 lbs. 21.00-25.00 per head. SHEEP 47; Choice 90-110 lbs. 58.00-62.00, Good 80-85 lbs. 48.00- 56.00, Utility 40-70 lbs. 42.00-53.00. Slaughter ewes 11.00-15.00. GOATS 14; 11.00-32.00 per head. Dewart Livestock Dewart, Pa. Monday, September 24 Report snppUed by PDA CATTLE 202: Compared with last Monday’s market slaughter cows mostly 1-2 lower. Few Choice 24 1000-1200 lbs. 59.00-62.00, Good 55.50-60.25, Few Good & Choice holsteins 54.75-56.25, Few Standard 48.75-53.00. Few Choice Slaughter heifers 55.00-57.25, Few Good 53.75- 54.25. Breaking Utility & Com mercial slaughter cows 38.0042.00, Couple to 44.50, Cutter & Boning Utility 34.50-38.75, Canner & Low Cutter 31.00-35.50, Shells down to 28.00. Couple Choice slaughter bullocks 54.00 & 57.75. Few Yield Grade No. 1 1260-2230 lbs. slaughter bulls, 45.7549.75, Few Yield Grade No. 850-1080 lbs. 39.5045.75. FEEDER CATTLE: Steers Few Medium Frame #1 300-600 lbs. Steers & Bulls 52.00-61.00. CALVES 220: Few Choice Vealers 70.00-79.00, Good 55.00- 69.80, 70-105 lbs. 42.0048.00, Utility 60-85 lbs. 35.0040.00. FARM CALVES: Holstein bulls 90-125 lbs. 50.00-81.00, mostly 60.00- 75.00. HOGS 126: Barrows & gilts 1.00- 1.50 lower. US No. 1-2 200-230 lbs. barrows & gilts 47.30-48.00, No. 1-3 230-260 lbs. 45.50-46.70. Sows: US No. 1-3 300-575 lbs. sows 39.50-47.75, Medium 200400 lbs. 32.00-38.00. Boars: 31.00-38.00. FEEDER PIGS 126: US Nod. 1-3 20-35 lbs. feeder pigs 21.00-31.00 per head. No. 1-3 3M5 lbs. 30.0043.00, No. Lot 1-3 80 lbs. 48.00 per head. SHEEP 30: Choice 60-110 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 55.00-62.00 couple to 68.00, Few Good 70-90 lbs. 48.00- Few Slaughter ewes 14.00- Red Wings CARROLL COUNTY Hay, Straw, Grain & Wood AUCTION To be held every Tuesday at 12.00 noon, starting on October 2, at the Westminster Livestock auction grounds, Westminster, Md along Rt. 31. Mgr NevinE Tasto 301-374-4067 Boots that Work! These boots were made for walkm And workm And comfort And lasting wear ■fr Vou'vr earned vour Winns' BOOKS SHOE SERVICE 107 E STATE ST QUARRYVtLLE PA 17566 717 CLOSED WEDNESDAYS
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