QUESTION: Why Slant Bars? ANSWER: (1) SLANT BARS SET at approx. 45° force animals to turn their heads when leaving the feeder, thus dropping the feed inside the feeder, not on the ground. (2) SLANT BARS DO NOT rub hair and hide from the top of livestocks’ neck like cables do. (3) SLANT BARS PREVENT the boss cow from disturbing all the animals feeding on one side of the feeder. (4) SLANT BARS DON’T loosen like cables do thus eliminating cattle getting hung in feeder. QUESTION: Why Round Structural Tube and Pipe Construction? ANSWER; (1) ROUND GIVES MORE all directional strength than square tubing or angular steel when equal amounts of steel are used per foot. (2) ROUND OFFERS less chance of livestock bruising. (3) ROUND CAUSES FEWER cuts or ear tearing than angle iron, square tubing, or cable construction. QUESTION; Why 360° Welds Along the Ends of Tubing and Pipe, Even Where You Don’t See It? ANSWER; (1) GREATER STRENGTH than skip welds. (2) PREVENTS MOISTURE from collecting inside hollow components thus reducing inner rust (no inside cancer like your car). QUESTION; Why Use 55,000# High Tensile Strength Tubing with Walls as Heavy as 1/8”? ANSWER; (1) TO loader. (2) TO WITHSTAND the abuse that can be offered by a herd of cattle. (3) TO BE STRONG enough to be loaded with 10 tons of feed and pulled through rough fields. QUESTION: Why an All Formed Bottom with a Continuous End Weld? ANSWER; (1) NO CRACKS OR CREVICES to trap feed, which will cause rust. (2) LOAD STRENGTH—NO WELDS to crack under 10 ton plus loads. (3) NO 90° CORNERS at the side of feeder floor where cattle can’t reach feed (thus leaving it to rot and cause rust in competitive models). WEIGH THE ANSWERS AND THE PRODUCT BUNK FEEDER If ' How To Feed Cattl IT AND the impact of large round bales dropped in by a farm Ti is THE ANSWER Gives You More Answers, More Steel, More Strength, More Value! iized Bunks .0-15-20 Foot Lengths al for Calves or Sheep) 1 0-15-20 Foot Lengths Patented Slant Bar Feeder Wa QUESTION: Why a 7’ Wide Feeder? ANSWER; (1) HANDLES LARGE ROUND BA] 5 1 /2-6 1 / 2 ’ feeder.) (2) CAPACITY TO HOLD the large Schoessow wagon will handle. QUESTION; Why a 14” Deep Manger ANSWER: (1) SAVES FEED THE DEEP dollars saved to you. QUESTION; Why 4’ High Side Panels Removable? ANSWER: (1) IN PLACE AND PROPERLY Al down the loss of fine feed when ch milk test). (2) VERSATILITY REMOVE TH large round bales. (3) VERSATILITY ADJUST THE to the manger to prevent feed hanj QUESTION; Why Wood Side Panels, ANSWER: (1) FEWER HEATING PROBLEMS a sunny summer day. (2) LESS FEED FREEZING PROBIi tions qualities of wood. QUESTION: Why Dip Painted Wafei ANSWER; (1) DEVELOPED in the northwest f( has tremendous ability to endure tions. (2) WON’T PEEL into layers like plyw (3) DIP PAINTING has been proven! the material it will last for years ASK YOUR DEALER ABOUT REBATES Distributed By CUMMINGS AND BRICKER, INC. 100 Stover Drive Carlisle, PA 17013 (717) 249-6720 PENNSYLVj MILLER* Belle!! BROOKS C H RINEHU Cirljj PETERMAN h Chai CHAMBERSB EQU
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers