BlS—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 29,1984 Ida's Notebook Ida Risser Colors are quite vibrant in the fall and I’m not even thinking of the autumn leaves. Although, I’ve noticed that the poison ivy and some maple trees are already showing red and orange foliage. My back porch has Christmas colors. Every few days I pick a basket of green beans and one of red tomatoes. I have sold some of the five bushel and given some way. This happened after I had already frozen 70 quarts of beans and canned 70 quarts of tomatoes and juice. It was then that I decided something else had to be done with them. We are trying to start a Bible Study group in my area and when I look the long, straight very green Kentucky Wonder beans along to a meeting, they were quickly grabbed up by the ladies. We had a poor attendance at our first meetmg. It seems that many of the ladies have jobs and are not free to come. Others have previous committments and feel that they are more important. The sharing and fellowship in such a group can be almost as important as the study itself. Talking about colors, I’ve just picked a lot of brightly colored flowers and put them in a mixture of commeal, borax and uniodized salt to dry. When my work of canning peaches, plums and pears finally slows down, then I get anxious to arrange the dried flowers in miniature vases. I’ve also hung different grasses and my perennial baby’s breath upside down to dry. This year I didn’t have much honesty to hang up and dry but that was fine as I have a lot from previous years. My salvia or scarlet sage and marigolds add their fiery red and deep orange and golden yellow to the autumn colors that we enjoy so much. Lehigh Co. 4-H'ers win notional awards ALLENTOWN - Two Lehigh County 4-H’ers have received national recognition for their outstanding work during the 1984 4- H National Awards Program. lienee Koenig, of Slatington, was named state Dog Care and Training Award Winner and Ruth Grim, of Breinigsville, was named state Sheep Award winner. Both girls are eligible to attend National 4-H Congress in Chicago, Nov. 25- 29. Carrol L. Howes, associate 4-H youth program director at Penn State University, who announced the award selection, said the girls were judged on the basis of project work, leadership ability and participation in county and state activities. The outstanding 4-H’ers were selected from among the more than 145,000 youth who annually participate in the extension service educational 4-H program. The daughter or Richard and Doris Koenig, Renee is a junior at Northern Lehigh High School and has been a 4-H member for ten years. As a member of the Ger mansville Happy Homemakers 4-H Club, Renee has served as president and treasurer. She also assisted with club activities and events as a teen leader. Renee has completed projects in Some Talk About Shooting The "WELL, WE CAN TALK ABOUT Vw SHOOTIN Let Our People Come Talk With You About This Is THE ANSWER TO LOW COST SILAGE STORAGE • Less Spoilage Than Earth Bunkers • Fast & Economical Installation • Low Maintenance N \ i* /!// WITH OR WITHOUT CANVAS COVER So Please Give Us A ' Job • Installation & Maintenance of Concrete Bunker Silos • Stone Wall Repairs • PreCast Gunite Lined Water or Manure Storage Tanks We're The “Concrete Specialists” MARALLEN CONCRETE PRODUCTS, INC. Gunite Construction • Precast Concrete Products Bridge Repair • Tank Repair • Holding Tanks • Installation • Pre-Quahfied by Penn Dot clothing and dog care, and par ticipated in the fashion revue and round-up. Renee also participated in State Days and the Middlesex Fair. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Grim, Ruth is a sophomore at Parkland Senior High School. She has been a 4-H member for eight years. A member of the Lehigh County 4-H Club, Ruth has served as nrpodpnt and vice president. She SHOTCRETE BUNKER SILOS -i. R.D. 2, Ephrata, PA 17522 (717) 859-3354 Subsidiary of Seal-Crete Corp. Renee Koenig • Dam, Reservoir & Spillway Repair • Slatted Floor Systems • Silo Repairs Ruth Grim also assisted with club activities and events as a teen leader. Ruth has completed projects in quilting and sheep breeding, took part in the achievement program and fashion revue, and par ticipated in State Days and Leadership Congress. Renee and Ruth are two of the 45 Commonwealth 4-H members selected as state contest winners in the various project categories. CRETE" 10
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