Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 29, 1984, Image 55

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    Denise Waltz (center), Westport, with her 213-pound grand
champion 4-H hog at the Livestock Auction. The animal was
purchased by Dotterer Equipment Inc., Mill Hall for $4.40 per
Representing Dotterer Equipment are from left; Carl
Walizer, salesman; Paul Dotterer, owner; and Ralph Stringer,
steer at the 4-H Livestock Auction. The grand champion steer
was purchased by the Big Wrangler Steak House, Hogan
Boulevard, Lock Haven for $2.25 per pound. From left are,
Ellis Warner, grandson, Brian Miller and Mrs. Warner. In the
back row are Nedra Cox, 4-H leader, and Ron Gilligan Auc
The Model 892 is the basest capacity pull type forage
harvester offered by Sperry New Holland Built for big
tractor horsepower the 892 can be used with trac
tors up to 1/5 horsepower
The optional METALERT'” electronic metal dectector a
Sperry New Holland exclusive reduces harvester dam
age and can cut down on hardware disease The '892 is
available with 12 knife or 8 knife cutterhead Exclusive un
deibeveled knives never need rebeveling and make knife
sharpening fast and easy Flip up feedroll makes shearbar
adjustment easy
There s a big choice of crop heads including the ex
elusive interchangeable 3 row crop head/wmdrow
pickup 2 row low profile crop head conventional
windrow pickup sickle bar and ear corn snapping
heads Under knife baffles increase capacity
Like all Sperry New Holland machines the 892 is
backed by a service and parts system that s second to
MILL HALL Jhe annual 4-H
Livestock Sale, held recently at the
Clinton County Fair and 4-H
Roundup, saw 52 buyers spend
over $25,000 for 78 animals.
The steers, hogs and lambs were
all raised by 4-H members from
throughout Clinton County.
Auctioneers for the sale were
Bill Tressler, R 3 Mill Hall; Ron
Gilligan, Centre Hall; and Harry
Schenck, R 1 Mill Hall.
The grand champion steer,
owned by Michelle Vonda, weighed
1,153 pounds and was purchased by
the Big Wrangler Steak House,
Hogan Boulevard, for $2.25 per
The reserve grand champion
steer was a 1,005 pound animal
owned by Robin Rupert and was
purchased by Glenn Bechdel,
Woodmen of the World, Howard
and Dr. Louis Winner, Lock
Haven, for $1.25 per pound.
The first place middleweight
steer, ownded by Scott Plotts,
weighed 1,076 pounds and sold for
$1 per pound to Happy Acres. The
first place heavyweight, owned by
Wade Vonda and weighing 1,388
pounds, was purchased by Webb’s
Super Gro for 80 cents per pound.
Grand champion hog, owned by
Denise Waltz, weighed 213 pounds
and was purchased by Dotterer
Equipment, Mill Hall, for $4.40 per
pound. The reserve champion,
owned by Christm Waltz, was sold
to Hatfield Packing Company for
$2.65 per pound.
The champion heavyweight,
owned by Carmen Waltz, weighed
229 pounds and sold for $1 per
pound to Dennis and Rosalie
Hoffman. Lewis Snook, Jr. sold his
champion lightweight, weighing
Give Us A Call Or
Stop Around For
Forage Equipment
This Year
SAVE sss
Buyers spend
*25,000 at 4-H livestock Sale
185 pounds, to Dunkle and Gneb
for $1.05 per pound.
Sunset Ice Cream, Williamsport,
purchased the grand champion
lamb from Ann Cox for $4 45 per
pound and Dotterer Equipment
was the successful bidder on the
reserve champion lamb owned by
have changed. The carvers and
Hart agree that the biggest
problem is that architects no
longer value stone ornamentation
as they once did.
“We were always turning away
people at the Cathedral who
wanted to leam to carve,” says
Hart. “But there are no architects
creating a need for them.”
Whatever the cause, few boys
start out learning the craft as
Mongi and Palumbo did at the age
of rune or ten in Italy, working in
shops with ten or twelve other
apprentices. They are no longer
ordered to “watch my fingers, not
me” by haughty masters of the
trade, nor do they see carvers
receiving the respect Morigi’s
father would get when he came
home periodically from America,
where he worked on the Library of
Congress and other major
Morigi, too, worked on some of
the nation’s most important
buildings after arriving here in
1926; the U.S. Capitol, the Supreme
Court, the National Archives. But
like Palumbo, he has no sons
following him into the trade as both
followed their fathers
The Sperry New Holland Model 28 Whirl-A
Feed® forage blower is designed for greater
overall reliability and easier maintenance
It features heavier relubncatable bearings on
the hopper drive, easy-access lube fittings,
bolted on fan arms and transition clean out
door for easy fan blade adjustment and easy
cleanout in case of plugging
And like all Sperry New Holland machines,
the "28" is backed by a parts and service
system second to none
Gayle Kuntz.
Amy Cox sold her first place
middleweight lamb to June Houser
for $l.lO per pound. The lamb
weighted 105 pounds. The first
place lightweight, owned by Tim
Moore and weighing 83 pounds,
sold for $2 to Rehninger Lumber
Stone earners
(Continued from Page BIO)
Sense of Importance
For this reason, perhaps, they
are anxious that others understand
why what they do is important.
“Our handiwork is going to stay
there forever,” one carver says in
the film, which may be seen on
public television.
“In our craft, you have
tremendous inner satisfaction,”
says Mongi. “You go home at
night and you go right to sleep
because you know you did your
best. Nobody can buy that. To me,
to come to work in the morning
was like coming to a second
“To me,” says Palumbo, “it
doesn’t matter if I carve a statue
or a gargoyle, or how difficult it is.
I give it the same attention. It is
another piece of work, and I do the
best I can.”
This dedication explains why,
when Palumbo’s family gathers,
the talk is of stone. His brother is a
stone cutter; so are his brother-in
law, his father, and other family
members. “Sometimes we start to
talk about something else, but
always we get back to talking
about stone.
“It’s in my blood.”
R. 7 Lebanon,
Pa. 17042
Rt. 4191 mile West
of Schaefferstown,
Buffalo Springs
Lebanon County