Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 29, 1984, Image 16
■erml mcasi Livestock market and auction news Weekly Summary Friday, September 28,1984 Report Supplied by USDA Markets: 14. CATTLE: 5149. Compared with last week’s market: Slaughter steers steady to 1.00, spots 1.50 lower; SI. heifers steady to 2.00 lower; SI. cows steady to 1.50 lower; SI. bullocks & bulls steady to 2.50 lower. SI. steers: High Choice & Prime No. 2-4, 65.00- 68.60; Choice NO. 2-4, 62.0045.00; Good 55.0040.00; Standard 45.00- 55.00. SI. heifers: Choice 56.00- 60.75; Good 51.0046.00; (few) Standard 43.5041.00. SI. cows: Utility & Commercial 38.00-42.00; Cutters 35.00-39.50; Canner & L. Cutter 30.00-35.50; Shells down to 18.00. SI. bullocks: (few) Choice 55.0049.50; Good 50.00-55.25; (few) Standard 45.0040.00. SI. bulls; Yield Grade No. 1, 1000-1850 lbs. 44.5040.00; Yield Grade No. 2, 900- 1450 lbs. 39.00-45.50. FEEDER CATTLE: Steers, Medium Frame No. 1, 300-600 lbs. 52.00-61.00. Heifers, Medium Frame No. 1, 300-700 lbs. 38.00 48.00. Bulls, Medium Frame No. 1, 300-650 lbs. 45.00-58.00; Medium Frame No. 2, 400-900 lbs. 40.00 46.00. CALVES: 3947. Compared with 5012 head last week and 4796 head a year ago. Vealers steady to 5.00 higher. Choice 74.00-86.00; Good 60.00- few Standard & Good 110-130 lbs. 52.0061.00; 90-110 lbs. 47.00- 65-90 lbs. 35.00-50.00. FARM CALVES: Hoi. Bulls 90 130 lbs. 48.00-92.00; Hoi. Heifers 85- 140 lbs. 50.0062.00. HOGS: 5945. Compared with 6964 head last week and 7981 head a year ago. Barrows and gilts mostly 1.00-2.00 lower. US No. 1-2 200-245 lbs. 46.50-48.10 No. 1-3 200-250 lbs. 45.0047.50; No. 2-3 200-285 lbs. 42.75-44.85; No. 1-3 140190 lbs. 39.5044.00; Sows steady to 3.00 lower US No. 1-3 300640 lbs. 38.00 43.50; No. 2-3 300685 lbs. 36.00 41.00. Boars 28.0033.00. FEEDER PIGS; 970. Compared with 1290 head last week and 1397 a year ago. Steady to 10.00 lower. US No. 1-3 20-35 lbs. 12.00-26.00 per head; No. 1-3 35-50 lbs. 20.50-35.00; No. 1-3 5080 lbs. 30.00-43.00. SHEEP: 1342. Compared with -1652 head last week and 1321 head a year ago. Spring si. lambs steady to 3.00 lower. High Choice & Prime 70-120 lbs. 58.00-70.00; Choice 60-115 lbs. 47.00-62.00; Good 50-100 lbs. 43.00- Utility 45-80 lbs. 25.00 40.00. SI. ewes; 12.00-26.00. 3 GRADED FEEDER PIG SALES; 2721. Compared with 2038 head last week, and 1945 head a year ago. All sales by CWT. Feeder Pigs mostly 6.00-18.00 lower. US No. 1-2 20-30 lbs. 72.00-93.00, 3040 lbs. 72.00-90.00, 40-50 lbs. 65.00 87.00, 5080 lbs. 60.00-79.00, 6085 lbs. 54.0087.00; US No. 2-3 35-50 lbs. 50.00- SHEEP: 1342. Compared with 1652 head last week and 1321 head a year ago. Spring si. lambs steady to 3.00 lower. High Choice & Prime 70120 lbs. 58.0070.00; Choice6olls lbs. 47.0062.00; Good 50100 lbs. 43.0054.00; Utility 45-80 25.0040.00. SI. ewes. 12.0026.00. Lebanon Valley Livestock Fredericksburg, Pa. Tuesday, September 25,1984 Report Supplied by PDA CATTLE 170. Compared with last Tuesday’s market, slaugther cows steady to $1 lower. Few Low Choice slaughter steers 61.85-62.25, few Good 53-61.85, few Good & Choice holstems 48-52.25, few Standard 45.00-52, few Utility & Low Standard 38.50-42.75. Few Good & Choice slaughter heifers 53.50-58.10, one Good at 52.50, few Standard 44 25-47, few Utility 34 25- 42.25. Few Breaking Utility & Commercial slaughter cows 40.10- 44.75, Cutter & Boning Utility 36- loy, September 29,1984 in*, 39.60, Canner & Low Cutter 33.10- 36.75, Shells down to 25.00. Few Good slaughter bullocks 46.50- 48.00, few Standard 45-46.50. Yield Grade No. 1 1395-1960 lbs. slaughter bulls 49.25-51.35. CALVES 208. Few Good and Choice vealers 67.00-77, Standard & Good 90-115 lbs. 51.0047, 65-90 lbs. 47.0040, few Utility 65-85 lbs. 27.00- 35.00. FARM CALVES: Holstein Bulls 90-120 lbs. 59.00-75, mostly 65.00-71; few Holstein Heifers 90-150 lbs. 55.00-73. Few Choice 250-290 lbs. slaughter calves 52.0043.00. HOGS 148. Barrows and gilts $2- $2.50 lower. US No. 1-2 225-250 lbs. barrows and gilts 46.50-47.50, lot at 47.85, No. 1-3 2-250 lbs. 44.85-46.35, lot No. 2-3 230 lbs. at 42.75, few 300- 445 lbs. 39 25-42.75. US No. 1-3 270- 435 lbs. sows 39.00-43.50, few No. 2-3 405415 lbs. 33.00-38.25. Few Boars 32.75-33.00. SHEEP 5. Few Choice 80-100 lbs, spring slaughter lambs 47.00-50.00. Peoria Cattle Thursday, September 27,1984 Report Supplied by USDA Slaughter steers and heifers declined to 1.00 to 3.00 this week, closing 2.00 to 3.00 lower than last week’s levels. Trading on steers and heifers slowed and demand was light corresponding to a rapidly declining dressed beef trade. Slaughter cows closed steady to mostly 1.00 lower and made up 10% of supply. Bulls generaly steady to weak in limited comparison. Receipts this week about 1500 as compared to 1475 a week ago and 1856 a year ago. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice 2-4 1050-1290 lbs. 62.50-63.50 Monday, few 62.00 on Wednesday; 2-3 900-1050 lbs. 59.0042.50. Mixed good and choice 2-3 900-1050 lbs. 58.0041.00 Monday, 56.00-59.00 Wednesday. Good 2-3 56.00-59.50. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 2-4 900-1050 lbs. 60.0042.00 Monday, 57.5049.50; few 1050-1150 lbs. 61.7542.25; 2-3 850-950 lbs. 54.0048.00. Mixed good and choice 2-3 800-950 lbs. 55.0040.00. Good 2-3 53.0047.00. COWS: Breaking utility and commercial 2-3 36.00-40.00. Cutter and boning utility 1-2 33.00-37.00. Canner and low cutter 28.00-35.00. BULLS: YG 1-2 1100-2155 lbs. 42.00-47.00. Joliet Weekly Thursday, September 27,1984 Report Supplied by USDA Friday through Wednesday’s salable receipts 1,000 ; 5 days last week 1,630; same period a year ago 2,185. Slaughter steers ended the week mostly 1-00 lower compared TDhey equipment n I company ’ |nc - De«jgwr« of Quality Syjtem* for Poultry, Snrino and Groin Handling QUAD-TIER Layer cage system din Dutchman. / FHUORITE with Wednesday of last week. Slaughter heifers ended the week mostly 2.00 lower. Cows ended the week steady to 1.00 lower. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice few prime 3-4 1225-1300# 63.0043.50 Monday; 63.25, load 64.00 Wed nesday. Choice 2-4 1050-1300# 61.00- 63.50. Mixed good and choice 2-3 1000-1200# 60.0041.50, package choice 2-3 1530# holsteins 54.00 Monday. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS; Choice 2-4 900-1100# 60.0042.00 Monday; 59.5040.50 Wednesday. Mixed good and choice 2-3 850-1000# 57.0040.50 Monday; 56.0049.50 Wednesday. COWS: Canner and cutter 34.00- 38.00, few 39.00 Monday. Omaha Cattle Thursday, September 27,1984 Report Supplied by USDA Slaughter steer and heifer prices glosed 2.00 lower, instances 2.50 lower than last week. A decline of as much as 4.00 registered in the wholesale beef prices was the primary factor for downturns at the live level. A reduced slaughter under federal inspection could not overcome downward pressure exerted by dressed beef prices. Slaughter cows and bulls steady. Estimated 5 day receipts 6,500: Authorized Distributor actual receipts last week 9,363: and lU, 112 last year. Steers comprised 44 pet. of the week’s receipts, heifers 32 pet., cows near 8 pet., feeder cattle 15 pet. SLAUGHTER STEERS; Closing sales of choice 2-4 1050-1250 lbs. 60.00- load and part load 61.50. Mixed good and choice 2-3 1050-1150 lbs. 58.50-60.00, few good 57.00- Few part loads mixed good and choice 2-3 1150-1350 lb. holsteins 52.50-53.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Scattered loads and part loads choice 2-4 950-1050 lbs. 58.00-59.00. Mixed good and choice 2-3 900-1000 lbs. 57.00-58.50. Good 54.00-57.00. Average of LS 214 detailed quotations this week on choice 900- 1100 lb. steers 60.30; 1100-1300 lbs. 61.58. Average price of slaughter steers this week of 60.70, average weight 1142 lbs. compared to 61.85 and 1134 lbs. last week. Average price of slaughter heifers this week 59.06, average weight 1008 lbs. compared to 60.81 and 1012 lbs. last week. SLAUGHTER COWS: Breaking utility and commercial 2-3 37.75- 40.00. Cutter and boning utility 1-2 34.00-37.75. Canner and low cutter ■jo nn.l4 sa SLAUGHTER BULLS: Few 1-2 1100-1850 lbs. 41.75-50.00. Sit\ Dutchman, SYCAMORE IND, PARK 255 PLANE TREE DRIVE LANCASTER, PA 17603 (717) 393-5807 ©fr Route 30 West at the Centerville Exit.