Dl4—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 29,1984 Youthful Charolais breeder (Continued from Page Dl2) never ceases,” Kirk adds about his 4-H projects and their chores at home to maintain their stock. And, their stock is not limited to beef animals. Although the boys had to give up their horses because of lack of room and an ever in creasing Charolais herd, they have goats and pigs as additional projects.. Kirk is in his fourth year with swine and dairy goats. He at tributes the fact of their obtaining goats to the current Berks County Dairy Princess, Debbie Price, who coaxed him to enter an essay contest to win a goat. Well, he won the goat and now the herd numbers over five animals. The boys admit that “mom” does the milking and they feed any excess milk to their pigs. Kent also mentions that he looks forward to training his large doe to pull a cart. The boys state that the pigs are the easiest, but add that they do not appreciate getting “messed up” by the exuberance of their animals DON’T BUY Before you see us or you will be paying too much 4 MODELS LEFT MUST BE SOLD ACT NOW! LIMITED OFFER! 42'x60', 50'x 100' 30' x 40', 55'x 120' NO REASONABLE OFFER WILL BE REFUSED! No beams, no posts - 100% useable space, no birds Easy erection - No high labor cost 100% maintenance free - No paint ing or leaks Straighter sides for large equipment tk k v ATLANTIC. , v CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-942-1234 1-800-431-1338 in Pennsylvania & Ohio and other States when they are feeding the goats milk. “The stock out there is their’s,” their mother says with a smile. She adds that she enjoys helping them with their projects and remains very proud of their achievements and hard work that they put into it. “We were both 4-H members,” she explains about her husband and herself. “He (their father) found that it was helpful to him. That’s why he wanted the boys to get interested in it.” “There is a lot of good stuff in 4- H,” Kirk concludes. He has par ticipated in County Council, State 4-H Achievement Days, leadership congress, and capital days at Harrisburg. “It’s a nice mixture of kids from all different clubs,” he says and then adds that he has made more friends in 4-H then in all his time in school. When asked what he counts as most valuable for his future goals of college and a career in ag business, Kirk finds it hard to point to any one thing. “My experience in 4-H,” he concludes. BUILDING SYSTEMS in New York State LEWISBERRY - The 50,000 th adoption under the U.S. Depart ment of the Interior’s Adopt-a- Horse or Burro Program will take place during Wild Horse and Burro Days, at the Northeast Adopation Center in Lewisberry today and tomorrow. “We’re certainly honored to have the 50,000 th adoption occur here in the Northeast,” said Frank Goodlander, who operates the center on behalf of the Interior Department’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM). “We’ll have new shipments of horses and burros from the West to select from during Wild Horse and Burro Days, so we expect many adop tions during the activity-packed weekend.” EAR CORN Paying Top Prices For Good Quality Ear Corn • Wet or Dry • No Quantity too large or too small • Fast Unloading - Dump on Pile & Go • Easy access - 2.2 miles off 283 bypass- Manheim, Mt. Joy exit • Daily Receiving 7:30 A.M. to 5 P.M. - Un loading evenings & Saturdays by appt. • Trucks available for pick up at your farm. Call Anytime For Price 717-665-4785 JAMES E. NOLL GRAIN INSULATION R. MAX URETHANE (4xB or to your spec) FIBERGLASS ROLLS BLOWN IN ★ ★ & WHEELING CHANELDRAIN I ROOFING & SIDING a* - SALES RD2, Box 267, East Earl, PA 17519 Call us for low prices - (717) 354-7561 Wild Horse event opens According to Goodlander, the second annual Wild Horse and Burro Days, in a county fair set ting, will focus on the teaming and care of adopted horses and burros. People from four states will return to the center with their "adopted animals to give the demon strations. During the weekend there will also be tours of the facilities, country music, and crafts. “Over 5,000 people enjoyed last year’s free events, and we expect more this year,” Goodlander said. “The 50,000 th adoption is a major milestone for this Distributor For • White • Gold • Brown • Tan • Silo Blue • Red • Avocado Green • Plain Galvanized • Light Green All-Plant LIQUID PLANT FOOD 9-18-9 PLUS OTHERS' • Contains 100% white ortho phosphoric acid. Made in USA. • Non-corrosive. Won’t settle • Top quality. Excellent service. • Newest equipment. • Financially sound... and growing l Big Demand Requires More Distributors! □ I sell to farmers. How do I become your distributor 7 □ I'm a farmer. What's the price 7 Where do I get it 7 CALL or SEND FOR FACTS: Phone: 419-962-4707 ALL PLANT LIQUID PLANT FOOD, INC. 821 State Rd. 511 N„ RED 3, Ashland, Ohio 44805 Colors In Stock Distributor For ALUMAX ALUMINUM ROOFING & SIDING COMPLETE POLE & OTHER BUILDINGS TROSSES program,” said G. Curtis Jones, Jr., BLM Eastern States Director. “People interested in the program, or m possibly adopting an animal, will have a chance to leam more about it during Wild Horse and Burro Days.” The Northeast Adoption Center is located about halfway between York and Harrisburg, Penn sylvania. The Goodlanders say they welcome people to attend and camp on the grounds. For more information about Wild Horse and Burro Days or adopting a wild horse or burro, contact the Goodlanders at (717) 938-2560.
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