Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 29, 1984, Image 137
0 CHAIN EQUIPMENT for Sale - California pellet mill. Roughinger model, capacity 9 ton per hour, •ood condition, *l7-865-6611. for Sale - Sukup II stir #ays. four down augers, Mercury switches for 30' pin or 27' bin. like new, $2,000.717-667-3105. FOR SALE 1978FarmfanAB 12 Batch grain dryer w/bins and augers. 717-273-5231 717-273-6748 FEED & GRAIN FACILITY (6) 30 ton bins w/63' York bucket elevator, loading and unloading auger, 12 hole 8" distributor, 50 ton Winslow scale and car puller. Package Sale Only 412-397-5502 Livestock Producers, Feedlot Operators, Ranchers and Dairy Farmers — £ 3 saveOn¥wr Grainßill! O Buy when grain prices are lowest* ©Put in ample grain storage. $ Gram prices have consistently been lowest right after han/est when supplies are largest—as much as 50% lower than in the spring. So, put In gram storage bins and save on your gram bill by buying when prices are lower. For those producers who grow gram, onthe-farm storage en ables them to not only store gram for their own use, but to buy additionally needed grain, or to hold surplus gram until the market price increases Dry And Store Grain the Long Economical Way! Long’s line of grain bins and stor age tanks are available in a full range of sizes from 15’ to 90’ diameters, with capacities from 1,350 to 300,000 bushels. They’re easier to erect because the wall sheets are precision rolled and punched for a better fit. They’re faster because the wall sheets are 44 inches wide, requiring fewer sheets and bolts. And there’s no need for a Separate foundation ring because Marion Center, PA Prospect, PA Chambersburg, PA New Hope, PA DILTZ FARM SUPPLY FUNNER IMPLEMENT FORRESTER FARMS BETTS EQUIPMENT RO H 2 Rt. #1 1337 Lincoln Way East 215/598-7501 412/865-2600 412/286-9606 717/263-0705 Mansfield, PA DAVID MITCHELL, CONTRACTOR RDIfl-Box 300 717/724 7822 2 VAC A-WAY Seed cleaners, good condition, make offer C.H RineNmer, Berwick, Pa. 717-752-7131. 1 Moridge grain dryer with conveyor model 400, 400 bushel capacity. Natural gas or propane. Dried approx. 1600 bushel. Stored inside. *6.500 Ringgold Equipment Box 195 Ringgold, PA 15770 814-365-5012 Silverdale, PA LG. SALES Rt 113- PO Box 200 215/257-5135 ■ ■■■■■■■■ iCifp & Sqye* * * ■■■■■ ■! ■ POLY DOME CALF NURSERY * "The Igloo" V) •4 Q. U Call or Write Distributor I Earle M. Zimmerman | 1478 Colebrook Rd. ■ Lebanon, PA 17042 I 1 (717)272-3558 I ■ ■■■■■■■a aClip & Save i ■■■■■ the bottom ring is flanged to seal it to the concrete foundation. Long bins are made of very strong structural steel. The standard bins are warranted for the use of stirring devices and the heavy-duty bins do not require wall stiffeners when us ing recirculating devices. Long also offers a complete line of grain handling and drying equip ment—all outstanding equipment— and it’s all available from one source. Bedford, PA BENCE FARM EQUIPMENT The Poly Dome calf nursery is the answer to many of the problems associated with calf hutches. 1) They are light weight but need no staking down 2) They are durable with no up keep. 3) They have an adjustable vent 4) Feeding is simplified. Jf 0 5) they are economical. < l l Dealer inquiries'welcomed Z s from certain areas. ' ■ ■' Tim Zimmerman 717-532-4183 Ouarrvville John Edward Weaver 717-786-3992 RD #2 Rt 220 814/623-8601 Or Dealers msbun Columbus, NJ REED BROTHERS EQUIPMENT RR2 - Box 67 Petticoat Ridge'Rd 609/298-3441 Uncaiter Farming, Saturdiy, S*pttwbw 29,1984-C4S * ■I ■ DAIRY EQUIPMENT Save Money 48x72 rubber mat, $29.95, 301-885-5045. V* • • Bedding Choppers 1 Ulll* • Silage Carts V HHIIB 'ManureTanks fl#' • Liquid Manure Pumps L L'llri nils* electromix LTJ U LIT . Barn Cleaner Chains • Gutter Grates TOLL FREE- 800-222-2948 * Cow Mats ■i SMUGKER'S SALES & SERVICE. INC. RDK2. BOX 21 NEW HOLLAND. PA 17557 NOW AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR JSUNSETK inc. IP MODEL , Featuring Sunset s pre formed 1,..—.... heavy gauge stainless evaporator is the m the industry GOOD . MILK ■ ICBn "‘MaI COOLING USED > ' ' I SURFACE TANKS , '' L REFRIGERANT 1 PASSAGE AVAILABLE \ FOR PROMPT SERVICE CALL 717-354-4158 OR IF NO ANSWER CALL 717-354-4374 For Sale - OeLavai ration master feeders. 6 sta tions, ISO transponders. Supply auger, 12 ton feed tank. Used 15 months Reason for selling • Expan sion. 1 year NEW factory fuarantee. Phone 04-725-2465 or 725-5183. • Free Stalls • Self-Locking * Panels • Comfort Stalls ,