544—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Saptembar 29,1984 ■■soos M AND MID-ATLANTIC POLY STOR Distributor for quality poly stor products - Serving PA - MD - NJ and DE Forage Storage Systems For both forage & round bales Foragfe bags for 8’ & 9’ machines Bale Stor & Hay Tubes Hay bags for all size bales Custom Bagging Service (will travel) Mid-Atlantic Poly Stor R.D. #1 Box 88 Fawn Grove, PA 17321 717-382-4400 LONG’S CORRUGIASSBINS FOR HIGH MOISTURE GRAIN STORAGE bing mu it pc rates the strength of corrugated steel with the protcc ti\e mating of glass to produce the most affordable glass lined, o\\ gen limiting storage s\stem foi high moisture gram that you ran bu\ Phis feed system allows live stork growers to carry moie .mi mals on the same number of ac res OXYGEN LIMITING BREATHER SYSTEM PROTECTS FEED AND CONTROLS THE FERMENTATION PROCESS Breathei bags suspended in the jCJv tool of the bin provide an ”P jff oxygen limiting ■ Xs ummnment P\ lj 11ns oxygen » limiting feature X j lontiolsthe hJj] amount of ft imentation that takes plate within the bin Peed stars fit sh longei fetd losst s aie tut both quality and qu.intitv andtlu nudfoidiv mg equipment and hiatei hit I is t Intimated ! Now Available From: j I RYDER SUPPLY CO. I Chambersburg, Pa I 717/263 9111 JOHN HEFTY SYSTEMS Watsontown. Pa 717/538-2591 I DAVID MITCHELL, CONTRACTOR Mansfield, Pa 717/724-7822 LONG’S Sollenberger Silos SOLID 6" CONCRETE WALLS 151 Sollenberger Silos Corp. A Nilterhouse Company I Box N Chambaraburg, PA 17201 [717)284-9586 A Producer ol Quality Concrete Products Since 1923 HIGH MOISTURE GRAIN IS MORE DIGESTIBLE. MORE MLATABLE, ANDMORE NUTRITIOUS The umtrolled fermentation pm tess helps livestock to utilize more of the nutrients available in the feed Phe high moisture feed also tastes bettei and helps to obtain greater milk produt tu in and weight gain at a mote economical tost BOTTOM UNIOAMI SYSTEMS Bottom unloading fe.ituu proven depem and low maintenance \oui choice of tapeied duven sweep auger t( pi event budging dnd 01 st,md,iid 6 augei nnloddtr with cle.in out sweep arm vi hum in lian „ I GIASS-UNEDI OXYGEN LIMITING STORAGE * TOP UNLOADING SILOS * BOTTOM UNLOADING. OXYGEN-CONTROLLED SILOS FOR HAYLAGE * BOTTOM UNLOADING, OXYGEN-CONTROLLED SILOS FOR HIGH MOISTURE GRAIN • JAMESWAY • LAIDIG UNADILLA WOOD SILOS Sales & Service Leasing Available 10% Discount On New I Silo’s Thru October Silo Roofing Wooden Silo Liners Distributors and Pipes Wood Feed Carts Hay Racks Silo Homes Used Silos When Available DANIEL S. STOLTZFUS R.D. 2, Narvon, PA 17555 717-354-4374 Glass fused to steel wall and roof panels for maximum protection G irrigated glass fused to sU el wall sheets with extenor stiffeners piovrde extra strength Radius drtiwnmxif with ,)() 5 degree pitch offers extra stiength against snow build up OTHER FEATURES BUILDING AND SUPPLIES 21x50 Herd King HMC Unit Ladic unloader used 4 seasons, went to Ag Bag system, 703-434-4298. For Sale - Hemlock and Hard wood lumber, trailer load lots. We will deliver 717-494-0550. Special Asphalt and fiberglass shingles, $l2 per square All colors in stock Overstocked col ors, $lO per square Tar paper and felt oaper, $3 per roll. Specie, discounts on 50 square orders Cramers Farm, Newport. PA. 717-567-6782. Barn Beams and assorted used lumber, 4x4, BxB, 12x12, 10 to 20" long Starting price, $lO 717- 386-4899. For Sale - Classic shake plasticacrylic siding. $38.00 per square in cludes nails and strips. 3 xs’ sheet tile base 7/16" thick. 717-244-9409. Lumber from hay shed 24x48 ft.. 14 ft. to square. (Over hundred years old) Paul Brower, 4303 Angell Rd , Taney town, MD 21787 Phone 301-756- 6063 150' curb or wall forms. 717-397-1186 before 10 30 a m. or after 6 p.m THE DRY TOILET Self-Contained Composting Toilet Needs No Water Or Chemicals Replaces conventional septic systems with a self contained bioconversion appliance • Eliminates wastewater discharge • Constructed from rugged stainless steel and non porous plastic • Features » ■ positive venting for odor less operation • Easily maintained • The compact HUMUS 80 occupies only 25"x33” of floor space Pump Services, Inc. 157 Knoxlyn Rd., Gettysburg, PA 17325 (717)334-0224 or (800)242-3909 Curtis Marburaer Hand Cut Potter Count FLAGSTONE Wallstone, veneer, coping, treads, sills - tile, mantels, patio, irregular. Quality Stone. Dealers Inquire Elizabethtown, PA 717-367-3692 GRAIN EQUIPMENT RENT - grain dry mg/storage bins, 22,000 bushel Stormore EZ dry system. Located near Thomsontown, PA Call 717-354-7053 For Sale - Farm fresh 18-E frain dryer. Call evenings. 17-548-3504 6”xsl’ Allied PTO transport auger w/hopper, $750 After 6 PM 814-684-1389 Crain __ m Sorghums, Rice, Barley, Flax, Sunflower and M ■ ■ ■ OB Rape Seed, and many other crops. Ivl l#||||l Produces High Quality, Thoroughly Dried ■ Gram.'Klo Mixing of Wet and Dry Grain. EI WiMß■ If ■l■ V ■ ■ Processes High Moisture Grain Easily and Efficiently. _• _ " Portable, Not Just Movable. ffl II ffl If Dries at Half the Per Bushel Cost of U U li Mll Some Dryers . . Fuel savings designed Bffnrd Low Initial Investment Cost It's Self-Contained Reduces Labor Costs You continue harvesting while Mondge dries FOR SALE ■ Sears steel indestructo coal furnace, pipes included, good shape, crate and bricks. Asking $5O. 215-488- 1193. FOR SALE - 1 Behlen round corn crib. 1 Little Giant gravity wagon 215- 987 6826. FOR SALE. GRAIN DRYER American fully automatic 1400 bu/da capacity, *2900. (717) 589-3826 after 400 Ask for Rosemary. Grain Bin. 21' x 7' ring w/aeration fan, must be disassembled; Gas fired gram dryer, 250 bushel, combination flow, PTO driven This equipment must be sold, all reasonable offers will be considered. Call evenings 609-737-2180. Dries Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Milo and other m Dryer MC6OO continuous PTO drive, 600 bushel, $1750.00. 215-343-2444, 215-343-0156. For Sale - MC2SO con tinuous grain dryer. $1,000.00. Call 215-679 2748 after 9 p.m. For Sale - 25,000 bushel gram storage tarks on Cloverleaf Rd. off of Rt. 83 above York. Also trailer available for occupancy Call 301-346-7296. W Marshal White. For Sale - Gram Bins, 18 ft diameter bin, 12 1 /: ft high, 2500 bu. capacity 14 ft. diameter bin, 12 1 /? ft. high, 1500 bu. capacity Cropguard Dryer - 200 bu capacity, batch dryer, L P Gas fueled. PTO powered Reasonably priced. 717- 345-3786. Schuylkill Co. Mondge Batch Gram Drier, 250 bu. capacity, excellent condition, has been kept under root 606-324-3387 after 8 p.m. For Sale - model 570 GT grain dryer, good condi tion, $3,200. Near Morgantown. 215 286-9579 WANTED - New or Used auger starring system for 27' grain bin. 814-643- 5163 AC combine model M diesel. 15' gram head, new Hart-Carter floater head. Excellent condition, $11,900,609-859-2381 MC 350 fully automatic batch drying system com plete with weather proof control center, breaker panel, line starters, relays and cable 24 hour automatic drying from wet bin to storage bin. Used less than 6000 hrs. in storage Original owner deceased. $7,000.00. Call 201-735-4408 after 7 PM 21 ft. gram bin, 6 rings high, Shivers gram drying system, gram spreader Complete system. $5,500 Will not separate. 717- 739-4586 15,000 Bu. GSI Grain Bin, 4 years old w/2-3 stage electric heat dryers & 24" Vane Axle fans Floor w/stirway 2 system 6' unload. Best offer 717- 274-1483,8-5. into every unit Write —,, for literature M'Oflttj on our n 275 bu "S 400 bu. 712 bo. models. Fully Qualified for ASCS Loan
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