CASE MODEL 4490 4WD 213 HP Like New w/Exclusive Solid Frame Crab Steering, Cab, Air Heater, Power Shift 20 8x34 Radial Tires Elect 3 Pt Hitch w/Draft Control PTOIOOORPM 4 Sets of Remote Controls $37,800 CASE 2290 DIESEL 140 H P , 1978 Model, 4 Post ROPS, Under 1100 Hrs , 20 Bx3B, New Brakes, Power Shift $15,900 CASE 1490 MFD 1980 Model 354 Hrs 12 Sp Syncro, Excellent Tractor $14,800 IH 1466 4WD 1973 Model, Water Filter Kit 540/1000 Dual Remotes, Nice, Clean Tractor 20 Bx3B - 25% 13 9x24-10% $15,800 CALL FOR STRAIGHT SALE DISC CASE MODEL 970 DIESEL TRACTOR Like New Cab Air Heater Power Shift 18 4x3BTires 50% Late Model, Approx 1700 Hrs $13,950 CASE 2290 DIESEL 140 H P , Pwr Shift, 4 Posts POPS 20 Bx3B - 50% Dual Remotes 825 Hrs , 1981 Model 10 Weights *16,900 A.C. 220 135 H P , Approx 3000 Hrs , Motor Rebuilt, Good, Sound Tractor, Dual Remotes $9,800 NEW & USED MACHINERY - CHECK FOR NEW ADDITIONS casS&ctry 9 TON TRAILER 3 Axle, Beaver Tail, No Ramps, Brakes on 3 Axles, New Deck $1,850 GEHL FORAGE BLOWER 3 Units, 1-1000 PTO, 2- 540 PTO, All Good Condition $1,575-$ 1,750 J.D. DISK Model 210,12’ Cut, Double Offset, 22" Blades w/Buster Bar $2,990 DODGE PICKUP Adventurer SE 150 318 V-8 Engine, Auto Trans , 53,650 Miles, Heavy Duty Rear Hitch, Interior Like New, Radial Tires 50% $4,195 N.H. GRINDER Model 358, Hammers Not Turned, 2 Screens, No Scale, Exc Condition $5,400 MF CULTIVATOR 6 Row, Double Leaf Teeth, Paint Good, Depth Wheels On Gangs $950 FORD CL 40 SKID STEER Ford Gas Powered Local Machine 1730 Hrs 60" Bucket $6,650 Cash Half The Price Of A New One CASE 1830 GAS UNILOADER Excellent Tires, Aux Hydraulics Good Looking Machine 1978 Model, 66" Bucket $6,500 NEW CASE 1494 A* ▼ Cab, Air Conditioning, Heater, Power Shift 75 HP TURBO CHARGED DIESEL 18.4x34 Rear Tires Manual Adjustable, Twin Hyd. Remote Outlets, One w/Float Detent, w/Weight Frame But No Weights, Reversible 540-10001%0 Serial #11192364 $«% ay aaa With 2.5% 5 Year Lease Is A Deal You ■4 / / TWUShouldn’t Miss! NOW IS YOUR TIME! AC MODEL 160 DIESEL, 40 HP Motor Just Reconditioned, Loader Has Independent Front Mount Hydra Pump To Power Loader Operation, Good Tires, Like New On Rear 7’ Side Mount Sickle Mower $6,650 CASE 2290 1980 Model, 8 Speed Trans 442 Hrs 18 4x38-95%, Excellent T ractor $ 19,850 CASE 1390 MFD 1981 Model Under 50 Hrs , 12 Sp Syncro, Like New $13,800 CASE 730 DIESEL 1965 Model, Tricycle Front, Power Steering. 540 PTO, 15 5x38- Smooth Double Remotes, Comfort King $4,850 AC 7020 DIESEL TRACTOR Approx 1981 Model Equipped w/ 18 4x38 Radial Tires Approx 90% 6450 Hrs , Motor In Excellent Cond 123 HP $12,600 CASE 885 DIESEL 43 HP, 3990 Hrs 12 Speed, New Clutch 'B3, Single Remote, Paint Good, 13 6x28 -15% 1975 Model $4,750 IH 1066 MFD 125 HP, Dual Remotes, 1972 Model, Hydrostatic Drive, Rear Wts $13,500 GEHL HARVESTER Model 1250, Good Used Machine, Tandem Wheels, 1000 PTO, 2 Row 30-38 Head, 7' Hay Pickup $13,800 RHINO DISK Model 83,14' Cut 18"-20" Blades, Dual Wheels, $1,585 J.D. DISK Model 1630 14' Cut, Adjust - 4 Angles of Cut, Plowing Disk, 11” Spacing, Cone Type Blades, Tandem Wheels, 2 Lift ' Cylinders $2,750 IH 700 Semi Mt Spring Automatic Reset Plow, 5 Bottom 16" w/Hyd Cylinder, Fair Condition $1,650 NEW IDEA MODEL 504 Front End Loader w/Mt Brackets For AC 180 Tractor $1,470 WHITE CORN PLANTER Model 5100, No-Til Coulters, Insecticide Boxes, 6 Row - 30" Spacing, Planted 600 Acres, Exc Condition, No Fertilizer $5,950 USED CASE 18168 UNILOADER 46” Bucket New Motor Good Little Machine $3,750 CASE 1835 DIESEL UNILOADER 1980 Model, 10 00x16 5 Tires, 90% Tread Excellent Machine $9,980 SPECIAL OFFER CASE 1370 DIESEL, 1976 Model 18 4x38-65%, 685 Hrs 1000 PTO 2 Remotes, New Paint 3 Pt Complete, Nice Tractor $12,500 CASE 2090 Power Shift, Approx 1000 Hrs , 1979 Model, 20 Bx3B, 540/1000 $17,650 CASE 2470 Approx 3100 Hrs , Cab, Air, Heater, Power Shift, 23 Ix3o-15% $16,900 2290 CASE 140 H P , 20 Bx3B - 30%, Double Remotes, 1380 Hrs , NoWts $21,300 CASE 1410 DIESEL Power Shift, 1977 Model, 80 H P , Double Remotes, 1515 Hrs , 18 4x34, Clutch, not the best $9,780 CASE 885 DIESEL 43 H P , Approx 800 Hrs , 13 6x28 540/1000 PTO, Single Remote, Exc Condition J.D. 4020 DIESEL 1967 Model, Dual Hyd Remotes, 15 5x38, Rebuilt Starter $7,850 HAYBUSTER DRILL Model 1206, No Til, 12’ Width, 6" Spacing, Extra ’ Wt Boxes, Good Condition $6,870 GLENCO CHISEL 5 Tooth Soil Saver, Used Less Than 600 Ac , Like New $2,850 A.C. DISK 19’ Cut, Blades 20"-21" Manual Wings $2,695 Used LITTLE GIANT Gravity On Running, Approx 160 Bu CRUSTBUSTER CHISEL 25' Width, Low Clearance, Hyd Wings Lift, Good Condition $1,580 CENTERVILLE TRLR. 9 Ton Capacity, 1974 Model, Good Deck, Could Use Paint, Beaver Tail, Rear Ramps $2,360 CASE 1845 DIESEL UNILOADER Good Truck Type Tires Good Engine 72” Bucket 1977 Model $8,900 ONE OF A KIND $6,850 $725 Why Not Pay Less For More! Many Many Other Farmers Have And Get The Top Of Lines Show Of Power! That Gives You More Serviceability & Quality From A Company That Specializes In Better Tractor Design. AC MODEL 7580 This 4WD Has Less Than 500 Hrs w/A 20 Speed Trans Approx 186 HP 3Pt w/ Quick Coupler Hitch PTO 4 Remotes Approx 4Yrs Old 18 4 x3B Dual Wheels CASE 430 DIESEL 43 H P , Power Steering, Engine Overhaul In Our Shop $4,950 FORD 8600 DIESEL Cab. Air Heater, Dual Power, 18 4x38,10 Front Wts $ll,BOO MF 2675 1979 Model, 785 Hrs , 20 Bx3B Dual Remotes, 8 Speed $15,800 2290 CASE Power Shift, 20 Bx3B 75%, Front Wts , Approx 300 Hrs , Exc Condition, Cab, Air, Heater, 140 HP $21,900 USED 300 HP CASE MODEL 4890 4 WHEEL DRIVE Approx 600 Hrs w/Dual Wheels, 3 Pt Hitch 4 Remotes PTO, Ready To Work $46,500 1490 CASE DIESEL 70 H P , 1981 Model, 310 Hrs , 16 4x34 - 99% Dual Remotes, Power Shift $14,200 IH FORAGE BLOWER Model 56. 540 PTO, Paint Good, Small Hole In Band $1,350 SOIL MASTER 7 Tooth Demonstrator, 4" Shovels, Less Than 150 Acres, 20" Sheer Blades $4,690 A.C. DISK 15’ Cut Blades 17"-18" Tandem Wheels 9” & 9" Spacing Manual Wings $1,550 MOHAWK CHISEL 12 Tooth, 32” Hi-Clearance, Twisted Shovels, 3 Pt Lift, With Gauge Wheels $1,580 McCURDY WAGONS Approx 300 Bu Bins w/8 Ton Gears, Flotation Tires, Extendable Tongues, Slightly Weathered $1,350 NOBLE FIELD CULT. 15’ Width, 3 Pt Mounted, Hyd Wing Fold, Danish Tines, Good Condition $B5O CASE 1830 GAS UNILOADER Newly Overhauled Motor 1979 Model Local Machine $7,900 CASE MODEL 2390 16 HP TRACTOR w/Cab Air Heater Power Shift 20 Bx3B Rear Tires w/Duals Less Than 1300 Hrs $25,500 CASE 1070 DIESEL Approx 1560 Hrs 110 HP, 20 Bx3B 45% Nice Shape $13,950 JOHN DEERE 3010 DIESEL. Wide Front, Good Rubber $5,860 or Best Offer IH 1066 Cab, Heat, Fan, Sound, Local Tractor, 540/1000 20 Bx3B 75%, Dual Remotes, Approx 4000 Hrs $13,600 CASE 2290 140 H P , Power Shift, Cab, Air, Heater, 14 Front Wts ,/ 20 Bx3B - 75% Under 300 Hrs $21,900 SAME PANTHER 95 S/N PA TV 7144,12 Speed Trans ,4 Frt Wt 4Wh Dr 3 Pt 18 4x34 Radials 80%, 16 9x24 Radials 80%, 5 Cyl Diesel, 540 1000 PTO, 2 to 2 5 Gal Fuel Per Hr Under Load *15,900 CASE DC GAS Wide Front, 12 4x38 10%, 2 Rear Wts $695 CASE CHISEL New ■l5 Tooth 18' Complete w/Hydraulics, Made by Landoll $9,500 N.H. GRINDER MIXER Model 352, 2 Screens, Auger Extension, Weathered $2,750 N.H. FORAGE BLOWER Model 26 540 PTO $3OO KNIGHT SPREADER Model 500 New, 15 Ton Capacity. 3 Beater, Super Heavy Construction $12,500 FORD F-500 1969 Model 17,000 GVW Engine, 330 V-8,4 Speed Trans , Motor Overhauled, Tires - 7 50x20 Mud & Snow on Rear, All Tires 50%, B'xl3’ Steel Bed w/Tool Box & Stake Pocket $2,195 CASE 1830 GAS UNILOADER, New Battery 442 Hrs 66" Bucket 10 00x16 5 Tires 80% Good Paint $6,950 CASE MODEL 2294 TRACTOR w/FRONT WHEEL DRIVE 130 HP Class With Pulling Power That Is Hard To Believe TRADE UP NOW
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