Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 22, 1984, Image 141

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    Farm toy show to be held Oct. 13
McCormick-Deering 10/20 from the 1930's is
iron and is a popular subject for reproductions.
Oliver 77 from the early-1950’s is equipped
corn picker.
LANCASTER - Tfie largest
farm toy show and auction ever
staged in the East will be held in
Lancaster County on Saturday,
Oct. 13.
Participation involves display
ing collections in competition for
the trophies awarded, setting up
tables full of older toys to sell,
selling repair parts, decals, or
collector books, or just coming to
look, buy, sell or trade farm
related toys.
Collectors from Florida to New
Hampshire and from as far west as
lowa are coming to display their
collections and wares on over 50
tables. Last years winners were
from Maryland and Pennsylvania.
They will face even greater
competition this year.
Also Ray Cnlley and Charles
Burkholder, authors of the book
“Collecting Model Farm Toys of
the World” will be there.
made of cast
This year's show will be held in
the large gym at the Lancaster
Mennonite High School along
Route 30, just east of Lancaster, it
will again be sponsored by Dave
Nolt, who is one of the original
collectors in the East and has
written several books on farm toy
collecting. Also, he is a regular
contributor of articles on farm toy
collecting to the monthly farm-toy
collecting magazines and other
farm related publications.
The show opens to the public at 9
a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 13 and will
remain open til 10 p.m. Around
2:30, a children’s pedal tractor pull
will be held (weather permitting).
Boys & girls from 4 to 9 years old
can compete and will be awarded
with mounted
Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, September 22.1984—D1S
Model 8N Ford tractor dates from the 1950's
prizes. Special pedal tractors will
be furnished and will pull a sled
with a moving weight box just like
the big ones. Children wanting to
pull should be there by 2 p.m. so
they can sign up. Permission of a
parent is needed.
At 5 p.m. an auction will be held
Atlantic releases sire directory
LANCASTER - Atlantic
Breeders Cooperative has released
its Fall 1984 Holstein Sire Direc
tory. It includes not only PD in
formation on Atlantic’s highest
dollar value line-up ever, but
linear profiles, pedigree in
formation, aAa codes and calving
ease information. The directory
begins with the very popular
15H341 Stewart and goes on to
include the other 30 active bulls
that oomhine a variety of type and
of older farm toys including pedal
tractors and will continue until 10
Admission will be charged ex
cept for the pedal tractor pulling
event. For more information,
write; 84 Show, 57 Harnstown Rd.,
Paradise, PA. 17562.
production genetics.
Also included in the directory is
an explanation of ABC’s Linear-
Mate program which offers
dairymen the opportunity for
optimum herd improvement
through selected matings by
Atlantic specialists.
Contact Atlantic today at 1575
Apollo Drive, Lancaster, 17601 or
your local ABC Representative for
your copy of the Fall Directory.