FAKSIFFANY, N.J. - A new sy stern that bands liquid fertilizer beneath the soil surface without using knives or tillage tools has been developed by Arcadian Corporation (formerly the agricultural products group of Allied Chemical). Known as Nutn-Blast 2000, the unique system uses 2,000 pounds of pressure to “blast” liquid fertilizer through crop stubble and into soil. “With Nutn-Blast 2000, farmers can take advantage of subsurface banding a proven method of increasing fertilizer efficiency without compromising on the principles of no-till farming,” says John Clapp, manager of product development of Arcadian. Nutn-Blast 2000 enhances fer tilizer efficiency by minimizing fertilizer contact with crop residues and large volumes of soil, explains Clapp And because fertilizer is placed beneath the soil surface, no urea is lost to ammonia volatilization, a common problem 2 Pa. bulls to ABS DE FOREST, Wise - Two Pennsylvania bred Holstein bulls have been selected by American Breeders Service to enter their Progeny Testing Program They are Rowe-Spnng Penny Ford Paul-ET, bred by Stanley J. Helman, Chambersburg; and Pen- Col Beau-ET, bred by Pel-Col Farm, Millville Rowe-Spnng Penny Ford Paul- ET is the result of a mating bet ween the highly regarded I-O-State Chief Ford. +sl37, + 1.340 M and +3OBF ana Rowe-Spring Ivanhoe Penny His dam has production FILLIPPO, INC. DISABLED & CRIPPLED COWS, BULLS & STEERS Competitive Prices Slaughtered under government inspection Call: Frank Fillippo - Residence - 215-666-0725 Elam Ginder - 717-367-3824 C.L. King - 717-786-7229 New system '’blasts’ fertilizer when urea-containing fertilizers are left on the soil surface or topdressed on small grains or grasses At the same time, Nutri-Blast 2000 eliminates the need for tillage during fertilizer application, continues Clapp This makes the Nutn-Blast system more energy efficient than systems emnloymg undercutter blades, knives, disk openers and similar equipment What’s more, with Nutn-Blast 2000 there is little or no risk of damaging the crop’s root system, a common occurence when fertilizer is knifed between rows Already no-till test plots com paring Nutn-Blast 2000 with conventional surface-band ap plications have shown that Nutn- Blast produced nearly 20 bushels more corn per acre 17 percent increase Currently, a half dozen land-grant colleges throughout the country are using Nutn-Blast 2000 infield Inals Having applied lor a paten* on records to 27,810 lbs of milk. She is classified VG-88 and is sired by Penstate Ivanhoe Star Pen-Col Beau-ET is the result of a mating between the highly regarded Donacres Dynamo-Twin, + $73, +547M, and +22BF and Pen-Col Milestone Best. His dam has production records to 27,998 lbs of milk She is classified VG-86 and is sired by Poverty-Hollow Milestone ABS is the nation’s largest A.l organization and supplies semen to each of the 50 states and to over 65 foreign countries FRANK A. WANTED Paid the application < oncept and design ol Nutn-Blast 2000, Arcadian has recently reached an agreement with John Blue Company to produce ami market the new svstem. John Blue will make Nutn-Blast 2000 available in three models. One ian be directly attached to a tractoi using a three-point hitch, while a second has been designed tor use with no-till planters and grain drills The third model is a caddy unit capable ot pulling implements The three models will be equipped with a variable displacement pump and a rotary valve that injects liquid fertilizer into the soil for more efficient use ot plant food. John Blue has ap plied for patents on the pump and valve, and expects to have the entire Nutn-Blast system com mercially available by February 1985 In addition to injecting liquid fertilizer, the Nutn-Blasl system also can be used for application of insecticides and fungicides, either separately or in combination with fertilizer Because the Nutri-Blast system requires very small orifices to create enough pressure to blast fertilizer through stubble and beneath the soil surface, it is NEW HOLLAND FARMERS FAIR OCTOBER 3,4, 5,6 Send this coupon for entry number to ENTRY CLERK 361 Valley View Drive New Holland, Pa. 17557 Entry numbers can be picked up on Oct. 2 from 2 P.M. to 8 P.M. at A.B.C. Groff's in lieu of sending for one. Farmer Fair premium books may be picked up at New Holland Stores. 1 I Name I I Address I I To Enter All Exhibits Must I I Be Listed in the Fair Book. I L J The Sensation Continues Suzuki 'B5 9 Models To Choose From ’ Quadrunner 185 Shown with optional front rack into soil recommended that only high- containing impurities can plug or quality, clear-liquid fertilizers, erode orifices, for example Uran nitrogen The Nutn-Blast 2000 concept was solution, Suran nitrogen-sulfur originally designed with con solution and Poly-N ammoniated servation-tillage farming in mind, polyphosphate solution, be used, however, experience indicates that Low-quality fertilizer solutions, the system will have broad ap suspensions and other fertilizers plication in all agricultural areas Two thousand pounds of pressure send a jet of liquid fertilizer through a Ntri-Blast shoe (raised here for photo). BUY DIRECT FROM THE MFC. AND SAVE sss GENERATORS 1 to 1,400 KW MARTIN MACHINERY P.O. Box 35 - Martindale, PA 17549 215-445-4585 Telex 522372 IP-A-HOWD If you are looking for excitement, adventure or perhaps, a tough working partner, let us introduce you to the family of Suzuki Quadrunners and their fun seeking, three-wheeled cousins. We’ve got them, they're ready to roll. Come see what the "Sensation” is all about. The Sensation of Suzuki. M&S ARCTIC CAT & SUZUKI Pa. 17557 fst of Blue Ball , New Holland, ) Rt. 322, l'/ 2 Mile * <&p i fiMtorcychs § >mt OfyimpK G*mn ] u
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