I & \N»- re O" v^ ce v \n v ' 4 Months Waiver On All Farmstead Equipment HUM BROWN RD 1 Box 9 Forksville, PA 18616 PH (717)924-3492 FANCY FURROW FARMS AC EQUIP., INC. RD 1, Uhler Rd Easton, PA 18042 PH (215)252-8828 C. PAUL FORD (SON RTI Everett, PA 15537 PH (814)652-2051 HUGH’S REP** CENTER Deep Run Box 981 Rt: 1 P 0 Box 16-E Market St Perkas.e PA 18944 Berrysburg, PA 17005 PH (215) 766-8531 PH (717)362-8252 HONESDALE SPREADING SERVICE HR. 505 Clift St Honesdale, PA 18431 PH. (717) 253-2410 c c» s ‘ HOOVER EBWPMEMT R 4 Box 371 H Tyrone, PA 16686 PH (814)684-1777 HUTTON EMM EQUIPMENT c/o Joe Hutton Mahaffey, PA 15757 PH (814)277 5504 RALPH KETTEKR McMHIEN BROS. Clair McMtllen RD 1 Loysville, PA 17047 PH (717)789-3961 With the purchase of a NEW BADGER O UNLOADER during -.t and September 'B4, at your participating Badger dealership, i SHo Unloader Waiver im in effect until 1985! Badger’s “Beat The Clock” Mower/Conditioner Rebate Program Buy A Badger Mower/ Conditioner In August And You’ll Receive $lOO.OO Check With Your Badger Northland Dealer About His TRUCKLOAD BARN CLEANER CHAIN SALE SEE YOUR PARTICIPATING BADGER _ DEALER FOR DETAILS DULLER EQIHPMEIU INC. RD #7 Box 256 A Greensburg, PA 15601 PH (412)539-8966 MELVIN 6. MILLER RT 2 Spring Mills, PA 16875 PH (814)422-8279 MONTROSE lIACTOR SALES CO. P 0 Box 99, 74 Grow Ave Montrose, PA 18801 PH (717)278-3845 PMEVILLE EQUIPMENT INC. RT 2 Oley, PA 19547 PH (215)987-6277 POWER PRO EQUIP. CO. Rt 322 Milroy, PA 17063 PH (717)667-6504 WAIVER OF FINANCE ON ALL FORAGE EQUIPMENT UNTIL APRIL 1,1985 Includes: Boxes, Running Gears, Blowers and Mower/Conditioners Better, because they're built by Badger Badger’s Forage Box and Running Gear are the right combination for your farm. The legendary Badger Box. It doesn't take long to see how much better it is than others. Just check the list of features: • Tough steel frame • Lifetime guaranteed plywood • Bolted rear spindles—replace able without a torch • "Quick Hitch"—standard! • Long adjustable hitch standard! • High strength alloy steel— standard! • 8.5 - 10.5 ton single axle - or - big, tough 12.5 ton with uni que "walking tandems" Buy a Badger Box and Gear now, and you won’t have to worry about buying another one for a long, long time! sides and floor • Heavy-duty pintle chain apron and cross-conveyor • Simple chain drive • Options designed with you in mind I Built to last and lastl >5 PRINGLE FEED STORE 29 Franklin St Greenville, PA 16125 PH (414) 588-7950 SHOW EASE-STALL CO. 573 Willow Rd Lancaster, PA 17601 PH (717)299-2536 F.ERREST SNOOK RD 3, Box 84 Mifflmburg, PA 17844 PH (717)966-2736 SWOPE tBASHOHE, INC. RD 1, Box 173 Myerstown, PA 17067 PH (717)933-4138 3 Gears to keep your box roll ing . . . and rolling . . . and rolling. The perfect match for any box with: WE OFFER A FULL LINE OF EQUIPMENT WITH FINANCING nor motors co. Troy, PA 16947 PH (717)297-3674 UmONTOWN FANM EQUIPMENT CO. PO Box 1030 Rt 119 Umontown, PA 15401 PH (412)437 9851 WOLFE'S BADGER SALES RDI Box 420 Milton, PA 17847 PH (717)524 0931 LEONARD WORK RD #3 Brookville, PA 15825 PH (814)849 3361 VAN AKEN DAIRY SUPPLIES RD2 Columbus, NJ 08022 PH (609)298-3344 22,1984-D7 OR LEASING CECIL DAIRY SERVICE RD 1 Rt 274 Mi South Rising Sun MD 21911 PH (301)658-6923 DOOLEY CHARGE (SON RT 1 Galena, MD 21635 PH (301)928 3834 HEFLIN SALES t SERVICE 12312 Oak Hill Rd Woodsboro, MD 21798 PH (301)898 3233 CICFARMERS SUPPLY RDB Box 23A Harrisonburg, VA 22801 PH (703)433-8582
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