D6—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 22,1984 fri BUSINESS NE Select Sires adds bulls 1 LAIN UIV, OHIO Selet I Sires hah acquired two outstanding >oung bulls troin lennsjlvama Based on then superior pedigrees, t enn-Kngland Murdock-ET and Browncrott .1 S Challenger have been chosen as two ot 130 Holstein bulls trom throughout the United Slates to entei Select Sues 1 rogram lot Genetic Ad vancement (UGAi sire sampling s>stem in 1984 t enn-England Muidock-M c ume.s from breeder Ki ed England of Williamsburg. The dam of this bull calf is Clover-Will Starlite Maige J 26, a Vei> (loot) ' > Hojbiook Slailile daughtei wilh high test. Her first record at 1-10 is 18.670 M 845 F 4.5% in 454 days. Fhiee consecutive lactations ha\c pi educed over 22.500 M and 1,0001 Hesston offers new loaders HESSTON, Kan. - Hesston Corporation now offers four heavy duty front-end loader models specifically designed for the company’s new 66 and 90 Series two- and four-wheel drive tractors. These Models L 330, L 350, L3SOH and L 370 feature low-profile design and fast, easy hookup. All have rugged industrial strength frames with durable seamless-steel hydraulic lines located inside the frames for ex cellent protection. The loader frames are designed to distribute loads and stress evenly over the tractor’s monoblock mainframe. And the new low-profile con figuration affords maximum visibility from the operator platform or cab. Each comes with a standard parking stand and employs a quick-attach design to permit drive-m/drive-out mounting or unmounting in just minutes. The new loaders also perform with faster cycle times to increase productivity. The Model L 330 has been designed to fit Hesston tractor Models 55-66, 6066, 70-66, 8066 (45 to 70 hp) and 60-90 (62 hp). The L 350 is built for the 70-90 (62 hp) and 80-90 ( 71 hp) tractor models while both the L 350 or L3SOH loaders will fit 90-90 (81 hp) and BARABOO, Wise. Humane Equipment Co. has announced the addition of a lightweight, economical calf hutch to its barn equipment line. Constructed with an easily assembled galvanized steel tube frame, the hutch features an industrial type np proof, polyethenlene fabric cover that is moisture-proof, rot-proof, resists UV light breakdown, and will stand up to all types of weather including high winds. The hutch is equipped with a translucent cover that is warmer in the winter and is available with an optional reflective slip cover for summer use The non-porous, non toxic covers are sanitary because they won’t absorb germs or manure acids and are easy to clean The hutch measures 45" wide x VO" long and 48" high It is secured in place by four U" anchoi stakes It can be quickly and easily set up in minutes, easily moved, or stalked for storage when not in use Since the unit only weighs 44 Met best ice old is 1 mat -4 in 3()j davs, with a litctinic lest average ot 4 1 he giandam is ( lover-Will Standout Maige IVG-881 with iciords to 19.820 M, all being 40% ot highei Ihesn e ot this IGA tall is Hilliana Valedictoi lan. a li i| le plus Ai Inula i hiet son Ihe second voting 1 ennsvlvania bull call is Biowiuiott .1 S challengei hied In William 1 Blown ot Burnt His dam is Biownciott King Jet Hop-1 win - VG-87 i An Ai Inula .let Stieam daughter, she made ovei 3!,o00M as a two-.veat-old Being twu e ovt i I.tiOOK hei best letoid is ,i!,4UHM 1,13(11” ,1 o''n in 3a(> da>s Ihi giandam is Biowiuiott ooiiv Kingpin iV(i-Bji also twin ovei 1,0(101” She has a best mold ot AKIM 4 '.'(Ill m.ttudai- Heavy-duty front-end loaders are now offered by Hesston Corporation for its 66 and 90 Series tractors. 100-90 (91 npj uacinis. me model L 370 has been designed for over -100 hp tractors the Models 130- 90,140-90,160-90 and 180-90 (107-162 hp). The new front-end loaders also fit all of the old tractor models. A wide selection of attachments Humaae cites calf hutch lbs., it can be shipped by UPS. Complete details are available Calf hutch from Humane Equipment features fabric cover • •• Hershey hosts Red Power Days HERSHEY - With clear, autumnal skies and a refreshing breeze, the Central Pennsylvama International Harvester Red Power Progress Days got un derway mid-morning on Sept. 13 at the Hershey Stadium. Twenty-five pieces of the well known red equipment, including 15 different tractor models, and the new Super 70 series were displayed and demonstrated at the annual event, sponsored by the following dealers: C and W eauinment, Carlisle; R.S. Bollinger and Son, Mountville; Messick Farm Equipment, Elizabethtown; C.B. Hoover and Son, Intercourse; Erb and Henry Inc., New Berlinville; Mifflinburg Farm Supply, Mif flinburg; Inch Equipment, McAllister; Eckroth Bros., New Ringgold; and Swope and Bashore Inc., Frystown. An estimated 700 people at tended, with lunch served at noontime. An entertaining and informative skit was performed immediately after the meal by Service Manager Ed Skeele. After the product presentations, farmers were encouraged to test drive the machines in a designated area near the stadium. are avaiiauie tui use with Hesston loaders, including material buckets, tine kits, forklift at tachments, spill guards, a snow bucket and hay grapple fork, manure fork, bucket level in dicators, dirt or dozer blades and PSA brackets for quick hookup of attachments from Humane Equipment Co., 1 O. Box 24, Baraboo, Wi 53913 Looking down from their seats in Hershey Stadium, Central Pa. farmers view IH Model 1490 a pivotal 12-foot mower- One of the stars of Red Power Progress Days at Hershey Stadium was the 1H Super 70 Series tractors, which are scheduled to be on dealer lots later this fall. Gyanamid appoints Walton WAYNE, N.J. - David S. Walton has been appointed marketing manager m the Animal Nutrition and Health Department at the Agricultural Division of American Cyanamid Company. In his new position, Walton will be responsible for antibiotics, feed nutrients and new product segments of the business. Walton joined Cyanamid in 1979 as marketing assistant in the Patz reports silo ring drive FOUND, Wise. - A new ring drive allows one motor to power the Patz RD-820 Silo Unloader. In addition to lowering the price, the Patz roller-chain ring drive provides increased efficiency, faster installation, high reliability and long life. The Patz drive ring can be turned over, if necessary, tor doubled ring life. The 9-toot diameter, 7 3/8-mch-high ring is made from 3/16-inch steel with a wide flange to the inside on the top Patz silo unloader now features a new ring drive, Pesticides Department, served as product manager and most recently was manufacturing manager for all Animal Nutrition and Health products. A native of London Grove, Pa., Walton- holds a B.S. in chemical engineering from Penn State. He received an M.B.A. in marketing/finance from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. and outturn ul llie ring tor extra strength and rigidity The Patz RD-820 Silo Unloader also offers these features aggressive Patz cutter-and-claw gathering chain, Patz power cutter that keeps silo walls clean, Automatic lowering after each complete revolution (optional) and Simple 3-point suspension and 9- tout ring balance without lerweights. For more information, contact Patz dealer or Patz Company, 1 ound, Wisconsin 54161
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