Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 15, 1984, Image 54

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    Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 15,1984
'tJa/im I!
Societies I
Lancaster Society 19
raster Society 19 met for program. Lara Bair received a $5O
and a short business meeting savings bond for cooking and
; Willow Street Diner on Stephanie Schaich was given a $5O
lay, Sept. 8. bond for fashion design.
ana Musser reported that the After the business meeting the
ty presented two awards at group toured the Mueller twin’s
4-H Achievement Day flower gardens in Willow Street.
Here It Is! 4 New Generation:
The Smallest Water-Cooled, Two-Or Three-
Cylinder Compact Diesel Engine Lawn and
Garden Tractors with The RC44-G
Mid-Mount Mower.
• G 3200 • G 4200 • G4200H • G5200H
10 HP Gear 12 HP Gear 12 HP Hydro- 14 HP Hydro
static static
NEW 3750 & 4150 HYDRAULIC
rmn tyre'll? inTDAT* QfiO|U|
luJp INIS* ȴ JERWwv
flit imXKr Jml * Jw <fls Jt Jw«/ JLWHwI V JKI
730 South Broad St.
Lititz, Pa. 17543
on Route 501
6 miles North
of Lancaster
Lancaster County
Models Available
i aVthP^h 6 « iet ° nSept ' M,nam Heisey as secretary and
1 at the home of Betty Hixon. Anna Geyer as treasurer.
The group selected officers for Members provided en
the next two years. Mary Lee tertamment for the meeting by
Spangler is the new president and tem ng of events that happened
Muriel Saylor is vice president, during their school days,
rvmtininna for one more vear are w
Lancaster Society 25 met at 6:30 mas in October at the Farm and
p.m.on Sept. Bat the Meadow Hills Home Center on Oct 11 and 12.
Dimng House for their annual They will be taking crafts and
banquet. Twenty-three members miscellaneous articles for sale.
and 16 guests attended. The next meeting will be on Oct.
Samuel Goss, Conestoga 13 at Mr. and Mrs. Chester
Township police chief, spoke on Eshelman’s cabin at Shade
safety rules. Mountain in Juniata County.
Tbp will Phnst-
Lancaster Society 26 toured
Krown Kitchens on Thursday, Aug.
23. They enjoyed microwave and
food processor demonstrations
which included sampling some of
the goodies.
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Lancaster Society 6
Lancaster Society 25
Lancaster Society 26
Now there’s a tractor that works as long as you do. All day without stopping,
The Kubota M 6950 has a 26.4 gallon fuel tank and improved fuel efficiency.
So it can go a full working day without stopping at the fuel pump.
And equipped with 4-wheel drive, this 66 PTO hp model gives you up to
35% more pulling power than a
comparable 2-wheel drive.
The M 6950 is a nonstop hard
Several workshops are planned
to make items for the group’s
Christmas in October table.
The next meeting will be held at
the home of Lucille Buckwalter on
Sept. 27.
As Jones points out, interstellar
migration would be a process of
diffusion, the spread of a growing
population that would touch vir
tually every speck of useful
territory before it was over.
Ben Finney, a University of
Hawaii anthropologist, is con
vinced that “once people have
settled other places in the solar
system and beyond, humanity will
never be the same again. It will
change utterly and unalterably.”
Finney foresees different
cultures, governments, and
economic systems once the set
tlement of the galaxy begins.
Different species will evolve, he
says. “There will not be one
humanity in space, but many
different intelligent life forms
descended from homo sapiens,” he
And what will become of earth?
Biochemist and author Isaac
Asimov offers a possibility:
“Properly handled, the earth may
become a rather parklike world, a
rather low-density world, with
most of humanity living in space
Nothing like it on earth?
R. 7 Lebanon,
Pa. 17042
Rt. 4191 mile West
of Schaefferstown,
Buffalo Springs
Lebanon County
Space explorers
(Continued from Page BIO)