Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 15, 1984, Image 38

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    A3B—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 15,1984
(Continued from Page Al)
Originating from a single flock in
the Richfield area of Juniata
County, the four flocks were
discovered to contain avian in
fluenza antibodies during routine
egg sampling conducted as a part
of the ongoing surveillance
program within the quarantine
zone. Depopulation began on
August 31, with one of the two
flocks located in Willow Street, and
a flock located in Paradise was
destroyed on September 5. The
final depopulations concluded this
past week with a Shippensburg
State Agriculture
Secretary Penrose
Hallowell, noting that
plans for the 21st All-
American Dairy Show
are being finalized,
announced that during
early registration 1050
participants have
signed up to compete.
One of the top three
national dairy circuit
events, the All-
American is slated Sept.
24-28 at the Farm Show
Complex in Harrisburg.
More than 2,300 par
ticipants are expected
to compete for $78,000 in
Highlights of the 1984
Show include three
national sales. The
Holstein All-American
has 45 entries; the
Brown Swiss In
vitational, 24 entries;
and the Ayrshire In
vitational, 20 entries.
Hallowell reports that
this is the first Ayrshire
sale since 1975.
This year the All-
American is hostiong
three national shows
the Eastern National
Brown Swiss Show, the
National Guernsey
Show and the Eastern
National Holstein Show
in addition to the
Pennsylvania All-Ame
rican Ayrshire, Jersey
and Milking Shorthorn
The All-American is
more than sales and
breed shows 45 teams
from across the nation
participate in Monday’s
opening Invitational
Youth Judging Contest,
750 animals enter
Monday’s Pennsylvania
Junior Dairy Show and
400 Pennsylvania 4-H
and FFA youth join
Tuesday’s Penn
sylvania Judging
Other highlights are
the judging recognition
banquet Monday, Sept.
24, at 7:00 p.m. at the
Penn Harris Motor Inn
and the 28th Penn
sylvania Dairy Princess
Coronation set for
Tuesday, Sept. 2S, at the
Marriott Inn at 6:30
Thereis no admission
charge for Dairy Show
visitors, and the Farm
Show Complex is open to
the public from 8 a.m.
until 8 p.m. during the
flock on Monday and a second
Willow Street flock on Wednesday.
Though the presence of an
tibodies means only that the birds
had contracted the vims sometime
in the past, USDA maintains that
eradication of sero-positive birds is
necessary insurance against
further outbreaks.
“We feel very strongly that birds
with antibodies represent a
potential reservoir of reinfection,”
said Adams, adding that USDA’s
policy is “based on the best
scientific opinions we could
The policy has resulted in the
depopulation of two million birds in
about 50 Pennsylvania flocks.
Entries reported for All-American.
week of the Dairy Show. Pennsylvania Dairy and Pennsylvania Depart- mission. contact the Penn- Cameron Street,
The Pennsylvania All- Allied Industries ment of Agriculture and For additional in- sylvania All-American Harrisburg, PA 17110-
American Dairy Show is Association in the Pennsylvania Farm formation or for tickets Dairy Show, Farm Show 9408; phone (717) 787-
sponsored by the cooperation with the Products Show Com- to either banquet, Complex, 2301 North 2905.
Saturday, October 6th, 1984 PUBLIC SALE
Starting 9 30 A.M
Real Estate 12 00 Noon
, The MILL has been thoroughly inspected and found to be in excellent condition It includes many of the tools used in the mill The property dates back to 1781
One of the oldest homes in Berks County, continuously occupied, is attached to Quldln Mill, located in Maidencreek Township.
The "Mention” once was covered with Oley Valley yellow-orange hand-made roof tiles In the rear is a stone "summer house" and-a shed that leads
to an outdoor bake oven, now a rarity The oven still is covered with the hand-made tiles The home is presently used as a two family dwelling.
Guldln Mill could be placed into operation All Machinery is installed there The dam bed is firm It could be filled with water if the race from the creek
would be repaired The run from the dam to the mill and under it, to where the wheel stands, all are intact
1953 Cad , 1938 Stude , 1951 Stude , 1953 Nash , 1971 Chev pickup, Caisson, Antique gas pump, Ford 8N Tractor, Torch, Air Compressor, Two
Kerosene Space Heaters, Car Jack, Oil Pump, Power Mower, Propane Tank, Grinder, Wheel Horse Tractor, Truck Camper, Pony Sulky, Saddle,
Military Saddle. Miscellaneous Tack, Tilt Utility Trailer, Three Hundred Gallon Fuel Tank w/Pump, Hay Rake, Lime Spreader & Iron Fence, Lawn
Sweeper, Jackson Garden Tractor Trailer, Wheel Barrow, Step Ladder, Sideboard, Captain's Chair, Refrigerator, Electric Range, Oak Roll Top Desk.
Oak Swivel Desk Chair, Automatic Washer & Dryer, Counter Top Scale, Sofa & Chair, Server, Tank Sweeper, Doll Bed, Portable Sewing Machine,
Army Helmets, Approximately One Hundred Piano Rolls, Lot Rag Carpets, Small Mill Desk, Wheat Thrasher, Peel
Tract No 1-16 17 Acres -
Slone Mill w/attached living
quarters, stone barn and
Tract No 2 - 2.08 Acres -
2Vs story stone home and
stove dwelling, frame shed
Tract No 3 - 7 05 Acres •
Woodland with spring
Tract No 4 - 9.64 Acres -
Cultivated fields w/stream
Tract No 5 - 52.53 Acres -
Cultivated field & woodland
Tract No 6-14,29 Acres -
Cultivated fields
Tract No. 7 - 18 46 Acres -
Real Estate shown by appointment
Phone (215) 944-0087
(215) 929-9697
Tracts Nos 1-3-4-5-6-7 to be offered
separately and in combination
Tract No 2 to be offered separately
All Real Estate to be auctioned
12 00 Noon at Tract No 1
According to Pa. Poultry
Federation spokesman, Tim
Allwein, the owners of all four of
the recently depopulated flocks
will receive federal indemnity,
although the Pa. Department of
Agriculture has not yet ap
propriated the additional funding
needed for cleaning and disin
fecting the four premises.
“They’ve assured us that money
will be available,’’Allwein said,
“although the rate may be slightly
lower than the C&D rate for high
path flocks.”
The recent discovery of the four
sero-positive flocks has raised
questions within the poultry in
dustry concerning the wisdom of
bringing outside birds into the zone
Albert G. Laurer Estate
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Refreshments on Premises
without prior testing. studies at the University of Penn
“We feel that any birds coming sylvania, we feel that as the
in should at least be inspected for sero-positive birds have been
clinical signs of the disease,” said killed, the farm doesn’t pose a
Allwein, adding that it may be in threat to the rest of the industry,
the best interests of the industry to “There is every reason to believe
test all birds before moving them that there will be no more high
into the quarantine area. w path avian influenza vims found in
The Poultry Federation this area,” Allwein concluded,
spokesman is more emphatic when The Federation is palling for an
he states that the quarantine itself end to the quarantine by Sep
has outgrown its useful life. tember 30, pointing out that its
“In light of the lowa tests continuation is costing Penn
(where, in recent studies at sylvania poultrymen thousands of
USDA’s veterinary laboratory in dollars each day.
Ames, sero-positive birds failed to
shed the active flu vims when
stressed), and ongoing tissue
the Former
10% Deposit Day of Sale
Balance - 120 Days
Sale of Property Subject to
Owners Confirmation. Owner has
the right to reject any or all bids.
All Sales Sugject to Final Sub-
Division Approval.
Cash Day of Sale or Personal
Check with approval prior to Sale
Harry W Speidel, Esquire
520 Walnut Street
Reading, Pennsylvania
Phone (215) 376-1515
Green Hills Auction
Reading, PA
Samuel M Ferraro
No active avian flu virus has
been discovered in Pa. since
March 30.
Located on Route 73 in the
Village of Blandon. Midway
between Reading and Kutztown
Take 222 North from Reading to
73 East Continue 3 miles to