Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 15, 1984, Image 17
Westminster Livestock Auction Westminster, Md. Tuesday, Sept 11 Increases silage value reduces risk No silage additive works harder or more economi cally than Silage Pro to preserve your valuable silage. Why? Because Silage Pro contains enzyme catalysts that increase the speed and effectiveness of natural fermentation. Here’s how Silage Pro controls fermen tation to preserve your forage quality and quantity; P?P ! lia^y Uncontrolled silage fermentation Can result in excess dry matter loss; excess heat and nutrient loss as Lactic acid © is produced; and the possibility of secondary or destructive fermentation which produces smelly Butyric acid □ and rot. Silage Pro controls silage fermentation Protects your silage by • Lactic acid © lowers directing fermentation. pH quickly, stopping • Enzyme qroupsA pro- nutrient loss and inhibit mote rapid production of ing harmful spoilage lactic acid. bacteria. • Heat is controlled quickly, minimizing loss of available protein. DRY MATTER ENERGY W fo6| His] [sal fssl 100% 90% 85 80% 73 70% 71 60% Alfalfa Corn Corn Source American Farm Products tests Report lupplied by auction SLAUGHTER COWS: >l.OO lower. High Yield few to 32.75; Utility 39.00-42.00; Canners 36.00- 39.00; Shelly 36.00 down. “No surprises... from first silage in to last silage out PROTEIN 79 71 Alfalfa Working for people who work the land FARM * x ™ ENTERPRISE IAGWAYj SERVICE V S® BULLS: Good 48.00-53.00; Medium 46.00-48.00. FED STEERS: Steady prices. Choice 1200-1300 lb. 62.00-64.75; Good 1000-1240 lb. 55.00-59.75; 75 74 Alfalfa Corn • Controlled fermenta tion promotes production of abundant Propionic acid ® , which pre serves silage, and con tributes to greater energy, greater feed efficiency, better animal health, and more palatable silage. Silage value preserved: UNTREATED SILAGE PRO TREATED muster Farming, Saturday, Saptembar 15,1984-AI7 Standard 48.00-52.00. FED HEIFERS: One Choice 1615 lb. at 62.00. VEAL CALVES: Good & Low Choice few 55.00-65.00; Standard 45.00-54.00; Stocky/Thin 25.0 d 40.00; Killers Bdloo lb. 38.0047.00; Weak/Rough 25.00 down. FARM CALVES: Holstein Bulls $lO.OO lower. 95-120 lb. 55.0d72.50; Beef Type Bdllo lb. 50.0d64.00. BUTCHER HOGS: 1.00 lower. US 1&2 215-275 lb. 49.50-50.00; US 1&3 22d260 lb. 48.0049.00. Sows- Few offered. 30d600 lb. 42.0045.75. Boars-40d600 lb. 34.25. Weekly Summary Friday, September 14,1984 Report Supplied by PDA Markets: 16. CATTLE: 7386. Compared with 4473 head last week, and 7836 head a year ago. Compared with last week’s market; Slaughter steers weak to mostly 1.50 lower; SI. heifers & bulls steady to 2.00 lower; SI. cows & bullocks steady to 1.00 lower. SI. steers; High Choice & Prime No. 3-4, 66.85- 69.75; Choice NO. 24, 62.00-67.25; Good 55.5d03.00; Standard 47.00- 55.50. SI. heifers; Choice 57.00- 67.75; Good 52.00-58.00; Standard 45.0d52.00. SI. cows; Utility & Commercial 38.0043.50; Cutters 35.0040.50; Conner & L. Cutter 32.00- Shells down to 18.00. SI. bullocks: Choice 58.75-61.00; Good 51.00- (few) Standard 45.25- 50.75. SI. bulls; Yield Grade No. 1, 100d2100 lbs. 45.0d52.00; Yield Grade No. 2, 90d1450 lbs. 40.0 d 47.00. FEEDER CATTLE: Steers Medium Frame No. 1, 300-750 lbs. 50.00- Medium Frame No. 2, 300-000 lbs. 35.00-49.00. Heifers, Medium Frame No. 1, 400-700 lbs. 44.00- Medium Frame No. 2 500-700 lbs. 35.00-41.50. Bulls, Medium Frame No. 1 400-825 lbs. 50.00- Medium 2 300650 lbs. 40.00- CALVES: 4861. Compared with 3721 head last week and 5169 head a year ago. Vealers Good & Choice Grades steady to 5.00 lower, Standard & good grades steady to 5.00 higher, (few) Prime 100.00- 112.00; Choice 70.00-82.00; Good 60.00-72.00, 110-130 lbs. 50.00-60.00; 90-110 lbs. 44.00-50.00 ; 65-90 lbs. 34.0045.00; Utility 50-110 lbs. 22.00- 40.00. FARM CALVES: Hoi. Bulls 90- 130 lbs. 46.00-84.00; Hoi. Heifers 85- 140 lbs. 42.00-59.00. Beef Cross Bulls & Heifers 60-100 lbs. 40.00- 68.00. HOGS; 7181. Compared with 3748 head last week and 7517 head a year ago. Barrows and gilts steady to 1.00, spots 2.00 lower. US No. 1-2 200-245 lbs. 49.00-52.00, No. 1-3 200- 250 lbs. 47.75-51.00; No. 2-3 230-285 lbs. 46.00-50.00; Sows uneven. US No. 1-3 300-635 lbs. 41.00-48.00; No. 2-3 300-675 lbs. 36.0042.00. Boars 30.00-37.50. FISHER'S PAINTING ■ ALL TYPES OF INTERIOR & EXTERIOR PAINTING ■ SANDBLASTING ■ ROOF COATING ■ RESTORATION & WATER PROOFING ON STONE & BRICK BUILDINGS We Specialize In Farm Buildings, Feed Mills, Wafer tanks, Etc, With Aerial Equipment If yon need good paint, roof coatings, or paint accessories at reasonable prices, stop at our new outlet store. We buy in lerge quantities STORE, SHOP AND OFFICE LOCATED IN OLD STONE BARN AT; 4056 A Newport Road Kinzers, PA 17535 (Across From Pequea Valley School)