Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 15, 1984, Image 155
The program Siliman and Ohnick refer to is that sponsored by the newly-formed Rickover Science Institute, an ambitious educational endeavor by the Ad miral Hyman G. Rickover Foundation in McLean, Virginia. The Richover Science Institute program seeks to “foster development of the intellectual and practical skills of gifted and talented youth in math and science,” according to Rickover Foundation officials. “It is the only program in the country to combine theoretical study with hands-on research projects for each student,” said public affairs news releases heralding the institute’s inaugural program. Siliman and Ohnick were two of 54 outstanding American high school students chosen in nationwide competition to attend Wayne Extension banquet set BETHANY The annual dinner results of a nutrition computer meeting of the Wayne County program known as EATS, and the Cooperative Extension Association proposed Extension state-wide will be held Thursday at 7:45 p.m. computer network, in the Bethany Methodist Church Election of seven members to Hall, Bethany. the Extension Executive Com- A highlight of the event will be mittee will also be held and printed recognition of William Foster, annual Extension reports will be State Representative, for the distributed, support he has provided to the Tickets for the annual dinner Extension Service and Penn State, meeting can be secured from the In addition, reports will be given local Extension Office in the on several projects with which Courthouse or from any member of Extension has been associated this the Extension Executive Com- COLLEGE PARK, Md. - Two outstanding American high school students, chosen in a nationwide competition, just got their first taste of what research at an academic institution is all about at The University of Maryland. “My only regret is the program was too short,” said 17-year-old Amy Lynn Sillman, of Piqua, Ohio, who will graduate from high school next year. "The point of the progranl was more to learn how research is actually done,” said 17-year-old Eh Victor Olmick. “Until I came here, I thought all scientists ran around in white lab coats. “But I can tell you, I’ve been out collecting plant samples, wearing boots and tramping through the mud,” added the native of Mid dleburv, Vermont. past year: the 4-H Exchange trip to lowa, Agricultural Security Areas. More farmers each month prefer to buy their • EAR CORN • HAY • STRAW • PEANUT HULLS from us for better value and all around satisfaction. At farm or delivered, any quantity as your requirements may be. Area Code 717-687-7631 ESBENSHADE TURKEY FARM “America's Oldest” PARADISE, PA @ LOMBARDINI Die,el for Da,ry - S! ond E< ’ uipmen, v. W mw V Jr Model / \ , * L4O For years Lombardini has been Europe’s largest supplier of small, air-cooled diesel engines. Now, after several years in this country Lombardini is the fastest growing line of air-cooled diesels in North America. Lombardini specializes in small air-cooled diesels. DIESELS OUR SPECIALITY CALL FOR USED DIESELS Distributor: HOOVER DIESEL SERVICE NEW PH. NO'S PH: 717-656-3322 717-295-1729 2998 West Newport Rd., Ronks, Pa. 17572,2Vz mile East of Leola Along 772 Authorized Dealers Hoover Diesel Tim's Diesel Seller Engine Sensenig Diesel Service Service Service Service 717-786-2173 Star Rt. Box 2 IBox 245 D Pennsy Rd RD3 RD 3, Box 91A Rebersburg, Pa. 16872 New Providence, Pa Selmsgrove, Pa 17870 Quarryville, Pa. 17566 17560 UIRIES INVITED Gifted students get taste of ag research mittee We have the right size, weight, shape, price and engine available. LOMBARDINI DIESEL USES >/ 2 OR LESS FUEL THAN GAS ENGINES LESS DOWNTIME THAN GAS ENGINES TAKE ADVANTAGE OF: 1 12 month warranty or 4 Price per horsepower 2,000 hours 5 Easy starting 2 Low fuel consumption 6 100% back-up with 3. Low maintenance. parts and service DEALERS IN< SANDBLASTING AND SPRAY PAINTING Ladder ' Equipment * Farm Buildings \ Feed Mills , \ Commercial- . CtiT SrnmamiS Interior/Exterior HENRY K. FISHER INC. 667 Hartman Station Rd. Lancaster, PA 393-6530 4 to 68 H.P, the institute. Six additional students were selected from the People’s Republic of China and Israel. Both Sillman and Ohnick were assigned to researchers for The University of Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station (UMAES) for three weeks this summer to learn firsthand how research is conducted. Sillman, for example, worked directly with Dr. Theophanes Solomos, professor of horticulture of UMAES. “My work dealt with deter mining the calcium content of apples to help us predict physiological disorders of fruits after harvest,” said Sillman. Ohnick worked with Dr. Charles Mulchi, associate professor of agronomy at UMAES. “We worked on exposing soybeans to ozone to determine the damaging effects of pollution on agricultural crops,” said Ohnick. Both students will return after the program this summer to their respective hometowns to fimsh senior years in high school. After that? Both have general ideas about their future. Sillman is interested in biochemistry, Olinick in a math-related field, such as engineering. Meeting privately with the two, UM President John Toll told them “We are indeed honored and fortunate to have two gifted students working side-by-side with our researchers.” Let Us Know Your Service Problems 24 Hour Service - Check Our Prices Eli Victor Olinick, 17, of Middlebury, Vt. and Amy Lynn Sillman, 17, of Piqua, Ohio (front, left and right), were two of 54 American high school students selected by the Rickover Science Institute to work with scientists in the Washington, D.C. area for three weeks this summer. The two high school seniors were selected in a nationwide competition by the Rickover Science Institute, part of the Hyman G. Rickover Foundation in McLean, Va. Olinick worked with Dr. Charles Mulch! (rear, left) on the effects of ozone pollution on agricultural crops. Sillman worked with Dr. Theophanes Solomos (rear, right), on how calcium content affects fruits after harvest. With the group is Dr. John Toll (rear, center), president of The University of Maryland. I CALL US FOR FREE ESTIMATES X on TOP QUALITY BARN SPRAY & BRUSH PAINTING I Try Our New Concept In Penetration And Adhesion. f In 1984 f To earn a dollar give a dollars worth of service and work Pay only $750 for the |r best kind of barn painting on an average barn if you pay more you paid too y much On barn siding painting temperature and timing are factors as well as penetrating kind of quality for adhesion are helpful guides for long lasting under average conditions of siding type and age “ I will share helpful guidelines on roof maintenance of steel roofs by brushing on * at primetime ' The farmers in Lancaster Co. are lucky because of the amount of * competition in barn painting. 8 Check with us for the best deal! JPHARES S. HURST ■ Years of experience plus self RD 1, Box 503, Narvon, PA 17555 employment gives you quality 215-445-6186 work for less expense. M'.. . > - ” . ■ ■>' - \ BRUNING .'J mdL