Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 15, 1984, Image 152
D24—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 15,1984 Chester holds manure management tour WEST CHESTER - Forty dairymen, equipment dealers and agency personnel attended a recent manure management tour hosted by Chester County Ex tension and Soil Conservation District. The tour included visits to four farms, equipment demon strations and comments by Dan Meyer, waste management and facilities specialist from Penn State. The tour began by visiting a gravity in, gravity out manure facility at Mason Brothers farm south of Nottingham. Bob Mason, one of the owners, said he liked the system because very little equipment is needed for loading or unloading the system. Manure is pushed into a collection pit at the dariy bam and travels through a 12-inch pipe to the bottom of the pit. Mason commented that the system works well, but frozen manure cannot be pushed into the collection pit since it won’t flow through the pipe. Dan Meyer stated that the pipe from the bam to the storage structure should be on a 10% slope for a gravity system to work smoothly. Pumping and agitation equipment provided bj Butler and US AgriSystems demonstrated the break-up of the crust and agitation of the manure in the facility. The second stop on the tour was a picket-dam structure on the farm of Glenn Freese. Here, the par ticipants on the tour saw the operation of a picket-dam storage and a ram pump, which moves the stable manure to the bottom of the storage. Freese explained special precautions necessary for cold weather when using a picket-dam storage. Meyers pointed out that the run-off from a picket-dam system usually contains less than 10% of the nutrients in the manure. Marshall Haws, of the Chester County Soil Conservation District, mentioned that run-off from a storage such as Freeses’ should be utilized by crops in a diversion terrace. Indeed, Freese has his run-off directed to a large corn field. Freese also mentioned that when installing a pipe from a ram pump to a storage area, turns should be avoided or made at angles of 45 degrees or less. Also, Curves should be reinforced by concrete to prevent the joints of the pipe to be pushed apart by the tremendous pressure in the pipe. A slurrystore system at Paul King’s farm near Cochranville was the tour’s third stop. King told the group that he chose the slurrystore because it was easier to maintain, no weeds to mow, or banks to maintain. The slurrystore occupies less area than an in-ground storage, an advantage according to Kmg. He admitted however, that his system was the most cost of the facilities visited the day. Harry Troop’s covered above ground manure storage structure was the last stop of the tour. Troop commented that he built this above ground structure because of the high water table in his area. The manure is pumped underground from the barn to the bottom of the storage structure. Dan Meyer stated that this is the preferable way to transfer manure from bam to storage, commenting that to push the manure into the structure MID-SOUTH TRACTOR PARTS, INC. Rt 2 Box 316 Sikeslon MO 63801 Mid-Wsst's Largest and Most Complete Inventory CALL TOLL FREE Out ot Stats 1-800-325-7070 Missouri Rss 1-800-392-0929 We Ship Anywhere from the top would break the crust every day leading to greater nitrogen losses and an increased fly problem. The group also saw a conventional spreader and a tanker with injection chisels on display at Troop’s. Prior to the tour, Dave Swartz and Keith Zanzmger, Chester County Extension Agents, sampled manure, from each of the facilities visited on the tour, to be tested for Dan Meyer, Penn State ag engineering specialist, discusses manure management tour with Jenny Russel, Chester County Soil Conservation District director. nutrient content. Dan Meyer stated that temperature and wind are the greatest factors in determining how fast the nitrogen will volatolize from surface spread manure. Meyer said, “High temperature and high wind will work together to drive off nitrogen quickly. Manure should be in corporated within 24 hours to retain most of the nitrogen. After 4 days, most of the nitrogen is lost. ” Contractor Loader-Dozer * TUBELESS ★ 16 9x24 8 ply 16 9x24 10 ply 17 5Lx24 6 ply 17 5x24 8 ply 15 5x25 12 ply 17 5x25 12 ply ★ TUBE TYPE ★ 14 9x246 p1y- $200.00 14 9x24 8 ply $220.00 16 9x24 6 ply- $220.00 16 9x24 8 ply $235.00 16 9x24 10 ply- $280.00 17 51x24 8 ply $240.00 16 9x28 8 ply - $260.00 18 4x28 10 ply - $340.00 20 5x25 12 ply- Call For 23 5x25 16 ply - Quote 1300x24 10 ply- $225.00 1300x24 12 ply $245.00 1400x24 10 ply - $255.00 1400x24 12 ply- $280.00 8 3x24 9 5x24 fk **; ;«V ** ,» v. *•** CHECK THESE 1984 FALL FARMERS' 11L xl5 8 ply $BO 00 111x16 8 ply $92 00 11 Lx 16 10 ply $9B 00 750 800x16 10 ply 111x16 12 ply $l3O 00 145 75 16 1 10 ply $225 00 $265.00 $330.00 $240.00 $270.00 $320.00 $445.00 $95 00 112.00 195 00 210 00 14 9x24 6 ply 16 9x24 6 ply 18 4x16 1 6 ply 18 4x26 6 ply 11 2x28 4 ply 13 6x28 6 ply 245 00 340 00 152 00 225 00 Used Grass Tires In Our Stock _ :y c iry agt >pi js outl location for liquid from picket dam on Glenn Freese farm. Paul King, on ladder, discusses his slurrystore operation with dairy farmers. 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